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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Bodykits: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/CTGY/7AP For help with the Z31 http://www.z31performance.com/forum/
  2. Yeah, I wouldn't get them unless you use the car for track work.
  3. Time for another 240K convertable then eh? What are your plans for it Art? Just keeping it for spares?
  4. Thanks. I'll try emailing them to see if they can find me a pair, since:
  5. Thanks, but I already have a set, though if you find some ZG headlight cover let me know
  6. I believe the guy that runs that company is a member on Hybrid Z. If I recall correctly his father started the company, and now he runs it. Might be worth contacting him to see if he would be interested in producing JDM style headlight covers.
  7. Better wear clean shoes all the time now I guess. I wonder if theres a bright LED light that can be used instead of the globe for the dome light. I recall posts about replacing the gauge globes with bright LEDs.
  8. They were originally going to use the 280zx for the original KITT, but then the trans am came out.... no doubt there was some sort of deal done to get them to use that instead of the ZX.
  9. you cant remember all this things people are posting when you're old enough too
  10. We get posts like this very so often. People wanting to buy C110's from the middle east, but when you actually find a car for them to buy you never hear from them again.
  11. First opinion: It's your car, do what you like with it. Second opinion: If you think it's really worth something as an original condition, collectible car, then wack it on ebay with a collector price tag (and reserve) and see if anybody bites. You might get lucky and get enough to pay for another Z and the V8 swap, or you might not, but you will be under no obligation to sell if it doesn't meet the reserve. Then you can do waht you like to it.
  12. Butch wax, eh. Guess thats the same sort of stuff as brill cream? Actually small cokes do come in glass bottles again. Well at least here in Aus you can get them again, but its better value to get the small coke in a plastic bottle.
  13. The buyer also bought the AE 300ZX the seller had for sale.
  14. I know of a RHD for sale.
  15. Sounds like you need to find the 'how to adjust your door locks' article and spend an afternoon with the door cards off adjusting the locking mechanism.
  16. A better question would be: "I have X amount of dollars, what should I spend it on to get the maximum bang for buck?" What is your definition of low budget? $500, $2000, $3000? You will get a lot more appropriate replies if you specify a ball park figure of how much you have to spend.
  17. 2+2 bodies aren't wider. the track is the same at the front (and at the rear too I believe). The 2+2 doesn't taper as much in the rear to accommodate the rear seat, so the rear tail light panel is wider than the 2 seater, but overall they are the same width.
  18. No not all hls30's are the same. Its different.
  19. It was just cost cutting. Some S30z's had mirrors on both sides (JDM fender mirrors for example), just not in the US. No untill the later style mirrors that were on the 280Z.
  20. They look to have been painted with vinyl spray or similar (can of spray paint perhaps?). Thats why the chrome strip is black too. It's actually blue underneath the chrome foil. p.s. dont get me started on all the problems with ebay. Although, i've had mostly positive experiences.
  21. Yeah I thinks that's the problem right there:
  22. As Lennon would say, I saw the news today, oh boy! Out of control fires in the west, floods in the east Cyclones in the north. Sadly, 3 truck drivers lost their lives when a fire storm engulfed the major highway to Kalgoorlie, trapping the 3 trucks in a blaze.
  23. What floods? There are floods? Nobody tells me anything anymore. Don't forget the drop bears. I heard it was all some Mexican guys fault, Al Nino or something or those butterflies flapping their wings in Africa.
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