I don't think he's trying to pass it off as one either (a BRE race car). I think people are just inferring that because of the association with BRE. To sum it up, I think this is a promotional car. An advertising tool, painted to look like a BRE, with special gear knob, badges, and other bits of trim. A demo car of what this "Trans Am" package would look like, that BRE and this Marketing company the seller worked for were trying to sell. Some of his wording is a bit strange but I don't get what all the fuss is about? I think he meant "take his stock 510" to BRE and have them give it a mild upgrade and a make-over? Surely racing teams had marketing strategies to generate extra cash? He should have posted the questions he's been receiving on the auction. It's easy to get emotional when people start saying "that aint no BRE car" (as it sounds like people have been doing), when you worked with BRE to develop the car. I think he's in the best position to know what the car is. - if you take what he's saying as genuine, and I don't see any reason to doubt him. You either take him at his word or call him liar and a con man. Either way I agree with Marty. Nice condition 510, but not worth more than any other 510 in the same condition. The fact that it was a failed marketing concept car wouldn't make me want to pay any more for it. ....now back to my real life