In Japan you'd pay $30,000 or more for a good one. I'm not sure why the difference in value in Australia. Probably its just that no one knows what they are. Maybe the price is based on the (Red?) Book value, which really doenst take into account rarity or collectability. The just see it as a 40 year old Datsun. I think the going rate in Aus is about the same as a Roadster. Parts aren't that hard to find, apart from interior and fittings (indicators, badges). Mechanically the are the same as roadsters. The Roadster later inherited all the improvements which appeared first on the Silvia (1600 engine etc). If James bond had driven a Silvia instead of a 2000GT, I expect you would be paying hundreds of thousands for them. I found the car on the Shannons site. Goertz's input to the design of the Silvia is less then he made it out to be, as with his input into the design of the 240z. Some things that arent right with this car: The car has a roadster steering wheel and the gear lever boot is not original. The carbies are not the original silvia ones. The air box has been hacked open. It has 240K front indicators. It has Bluebird TRX mags. There was one on ebay a while ago, the bidding got to $12,000 I recall, but the reserve wasn't met. It was in worse condition that this car. (hadnt been driven in years, needed a restoration, but had some spare parts).