Typically ricey is all show no go.
Speaking of ricey. I was reading the entry for ricer on wikipedia, and they had listed "Hoon" as the Australianism of "ricer", which it isn't. Hoon is probably the opposite of ricer. A hoon is usually someone with a car thats either had performace work (or has a powerfull engine as stock), or no work at all (eg an old car to thrash). They arent concerend too much with the cars looks at all. Being a hoon is more about doing of illegal stuff like burouts in carparks etc, and has nothing to do with the cars looks.
Also have the rest of you aussies noticed the ford and holden utes getting around that are all countryfied with rm williams stickers, truck style bull bars, at least 3 CB aerials, (usally 4, one at each corner) etc...... I have a word for them..........."Wheat"