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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Was watching "Without a trace". was the one where the FBI guys brother goes missing after a deal to buy a panel beaters shop goes pear shaped. In one of the flashbacks at the panel shop, some guys are pushing an orange car out of the shop, you only see the top half of the car, but i'm pretty sure its a S30 Z 2 seater.
  2. shipping to perth would be way expensive wouldnt it Alfa. Try putting them on ozdat for a fixed price, like $250 and see if anyone buys them, you can always cancel ebay listings. Its permitted by the ebay rules. Why couldnt you return them to the place you bought them from?
  3. Your speedo is in miles per hour is it Hayden. I wonder if you could have gotten off by claiming a conversion error in the maths when mentally converting mph to kph. I used to do 130kmh on the freeway to work every morining, traffic permitting. Cameras arent effective across 3 lanes of fairly heavy traffic.
  4. We all know when someone says headlight bucket, sugar scoop, etc that they are talking about the headlight case, not the headlight assembly that the headlight is in. As stated above, the early ones were moulded plastic, as nissan had trouble forming the correct shapes out of metal. But they figured it out and started making metal ones. I dont know if there is a plastic/frp reproduction.
  5. Chris its Polly pipe. not because it leaks, but because its named after Graeme Farmer, whos nick name is Polly. History lesson over. Hi Hayden, Never got a ticket in the mail then? They like to put the multi nova camera on the side of the entrance to the Poly pipe. on the south bound lane, where the grassy section is.
  6. Yeah Godzilla I think was an Australian term used to describe the R32 GT-R's dominance of the Australian touring car championship the first year it competed against the Ford and Holden V8 touring cars.
  7. Strange. I've only heard them being called Ken and Mary Skylines by Americans, and the car was never sold in America.
  8. Why do you call them Ken & Mary, ken merri etc etc? Please explain.
  9. P.S. Tom, How much were the Z extractors and where did you get them?
  10. Yeah, Jim has posted that before. Don't think you'll have a problem selling the Z extractors.
  11. The holes were probably just bogged (bondo) over, so you should be able to see it poking out on the other side of the panel. Try removing the interior trim from the hatch and having a look.
  12. Might help if you put your location in your profile
  13. How about Z08S (if you look at that through a mirror it looks like 280Z, sort of - the Z is backwards).
  14. $10 for mirrors $50 for lost wallet $30 petrol +Plus the time it took to drive there and back twice, and then the drive to get the wallet. Cost you $20 more than the guy that would come out and do it.... ...learning one of lifes valuable lessons, Priceless .
  15. Theres a mark 1 cortina 2 door rusting away to oblivion around the corner from me. Wouldnt be a lotus engined one, but it would look identical with some tlc. I'll take a piccy of it if anyone wants to see it.
  16. Block Casting number is on the carbie side of the engine block. Somewhere down the bottom, I think between the engine mount and back of the engine. If you told your dad where to look, he was telling you the head type. There was a N42 head and N42 block. It your engine is from a later 280zx then its probably a N42 head and an F54 block. I have the same combo on the garage floor out of a 1984 280C. I think the P79 heads were on the earlier 280zx 's
  17. Just above the line where the head meets the block, spark plug side, between plug 1 and 2. from memory.
  18. Was talking to a fellow WA Z Cars member at the Z meeting on the weekend. He said that he sometimes does some work out at Sims metals. Sims Metals for those that dont know, are a scrap metal mob, that offer cash for old cars. They usually collect them with a truck that has a crane for picking them up, then they crush the crane down onto the roof to hold the car in place, and pick up a few other cars and stack them ontop of the other cars and drive them back to the yard where they are unloaded, and wait to be crushed into scrap metal cubes and, I think, sent overseas. Anyway he was saying that he was there one day, and spotted a 240K coupe, it was a 5 speed manual, didnt appear to be anything wrong with it, apart from the fact it had been stacked ontop of a 240K sedan, and had another car stacked ontop of it, which had crushed in the roof. If only the person that had called up sims metals to come and collect the car, had advertised it for sale in the paper instead. I wonder how many other cars get crushed because the people that own them dont think anybody would want them.
  19. Well, replaced the French spark plugs with the correct Japanese NGK spark plugs and took the K for a drive this afternoon. It a 100% improvement. Doesnt feel like its missing on a cylinder now. Plug 5 was a bit oily, so i'll have to see how it goes after a couple of weeks of driving it. Anyone know how to adjust the idle, its a little low. I cant see an adjustment on the carbie. I think the engine might be from a 280C.
  20. If it was in WA I would have bought it. But Transporting a car to WA would have cost too much, and i wouldnt have been able to get the parts sent over with the car, so that would have cost alot too. I gotta agree with alot of what Lurch is saying. When you go and look at a car for a friend, you exptations and his expectations might be completely different. Mobsta was obviously after a car he could buy, drive from day one, and didnt realise the amount of work involved in getting a 30 year old car up to scratch. Lurch would have been aware of the amount of work that may be required, as he also owns a 260Z, but maybe Mobsta just didnt understand the amount of work involved. I think its unreasonable to expect Lurch to fix the car for Mobsta, just because he took it for a drive and said it was ok. Some people may have bit the bullet and decided to take the time and effort to work on the car and learn a bit of mechanics, but it seems that Mobsta isnt one of those people. Maybe he's too busy with other things. I get to work on my car once a month if i'm lucky. Either way, he'll probably be happy with his modern car, and the buyer of the K will be happy to take the time to restore it I hope.(he better, or there will be people after him). So quit bashing Lurch, its not his fault.
  21. So are the lights the same diameter? the inners looked a little smaller in the photo.
  22. Hey Alfa, The Tail lights you have on ebay, you say : "These bolt straight into any 240K (sedan or hardtop)" Not so sure that this is true for the Sedan. They might bolt in, but wouldnt look right unless you changed the rear panel, as the sedan had the same diameter lights, and the coupe has smaller diameter inner lights, and a different panel to match. Also the coupe rear panel wont fit on a sedan.
  23. Hi Cuong Yeah thats the one. Has some honda Z's and a Austin healy 3000 in pieces. He also has another 240z chassis number HS30 00240 !!! The other Z wasnt at welshpool so I didnt get to see it.
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