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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. I'd been looking around for a second car, as the skyline still isn't back yet and wanted a car that i could park at work all day, and leave the skyline at home for the other half to use. (her car got written off by a P plater while her mum was driving it), also would be a bonus if it had a tow bar. So there was this 240K that had been advertised for the last 6 months or more in the local classifieds newspaper. Was originally $1600, but more recently it had dropped to $800, but the rego was due. When I started looking for a car it had been re-registered for another 6 months, and the asking price had dropped to $750. Makes sense to get a L6 series datsun, as I have a few L6 engines lying around at home. So I went and took a look at it. Didnt run too well, and hadnt been driven for months. Some rust in the doors. Belonged to the womans mum, and it had a tow bar. Anyway I bought it for $650 and drove it home. This is what it looked like:
  2. Like Pro240c said. why doesnt this stuff come up for sale in WA? I'd call dibs on the shell, its certainly repairable, but not worth the $1000 it would cost to transport it to WA. Alfa. If it were me, i'd keep ALL the spare parts off it. just in case.
  3. All the aussie supercars have low profile tyres, and they are big heavy family sedan cars with V8 engines. ..but Meh.
  4. What extra lever?? looks normal to me. each carbie has its own choke. you should have 2 choke cables comming from the choke lever.
  5. A work colleague has the Bush quotes calendar. Todays was something like " They have misunderestimated me ". - George W also "Inlighten me" Bill R. Did they go to the same school?
  6. I'll take a close look at mine on the weekend. Its a 77. You might have to get some later model indicators.
  7. here http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=1
  8. Yeah your right. I saw them a couple of weeks ago, and thought i found the other car. so i did a quick search and posted the 280C. Either it sold, or i was mistaken a coupel of weeks ago.
  9. Didnt have the sound on, but the image that is dubbed on the the last part of the vid aint a coyote thats for sure. Just some image thats been edited on to make you jump.
  10. Yeah I saw that before. Bit expensive I think. Mine cost $650.00 Better values is the 3 240K sedans for, what is it at now $2500? that the guy is selling, on of them is set up as a charity bash/rally type car. P.S. the other car is a 280C for $3500 http://carpoint.ninemsn.com.au/DesktopDefault.aspx?UsedCarID=921309&TabID=3328&Alias=carpointau
  11. Forgot to mention that head units (that what they call them these days) are starting to support iPods. Alpine and (Pioneer or Kenwood, cant remember which, prpbably both real soon) have adaptors, so you plug in the ipod and use the head unit controlls to access the playlists and play the music, and they display the track info in the head units display.
  12. Well, I have a regular Ipod (G3 15 gig), so i can only comment on that, but most should apply to the mini. PLAYLISTS (up to 20 tracks, minimum, EACH) Yes 1 Gb memory (keeps price relatively low) yes (maybe buy a second hand older one and get more gigs for your buck) replaceable and/or rechargeable battery (Alkaline, MiMH, or NiCd ) Yes, if you send it back to apple. The batteries have a long live anyway. "big", easy to read display (while bouncing around in a car) You shouldn't be reading the display while driving. Is as dangerous as trying to send and SMS while driving. easy-to-use controls(for menu navigation) yes 1/8 inch mini-jack for connection to radio (or portable amp/speakers) Yes. if you get the belkin car charger, it has a dock connector that has a headphone jack that you can plug into a line in. or you can hack the belkin and use the dock connector and make a custom line in straigh into an amp, bypassing the pre amp in the charger. FM tuner (option- nice for portability) Nope. microphone and voice recording Yes, If you buy an additional piece of hardware. Adjustable output volume Yes Equilizer settings (ex., Rock, classical, Jazz, Flat) Yes USB connector (obviously) Yes, and firewire, with the right dock connector cable.
  13. Watchin it on TV now. Its a red S30 of some sort. Its in the street. when Marty skates like you said, and you see it again later, when he's talking to his girlfriend, but they sit on a bench and block it out, then the woman comes up to them for a donation to the save the clock thing.
  14. SU's require a constant airflow to work the best. With a pair its more even air flow than 3.
  15. Unless you live in Australia, Bill. They are more common than Zeds down here. I used to have the RA28 celica, and my brother just sold an RA28. My other brother used to have a TA22 back in the day.
  16. I had the 808 (like the rx3 but with a 1600 4 cylinder piston engine) cost me $15. Abandoned vechile, bought it from the local council at an auction. Almost got it for $5, but someone bit against me. I put new rings and bearings in the engine, got a unlicenced sedan for the front end panels, painted it, registered it, and drove it around for a few years. http://photobucket.com/albums/a64/mr_camouflage/Mazda%20808%20coupe/
  17. Happy because he's gonna sell it for 9K? Pity it didn't get bought originally by someone that actually wanted a Z, not by someone looking to make a quick buck out of a z enthusiast.
  18. The internals of the subi diff can be made to fit the R180 casing, I believe.
  19. go z racer, go http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/member.php?u=1703
  20. An nice C10 to make up for the abomination above. C210 Sedan
  21. I expect its the turn signal switch, but check the turn signal fuses first if there is one. Unplug the turn signal switch, and check it with a multi meter. or if you dont have one a test lamp, and battery. Oh, and you might want to add what area/country you live in, if you have something to sell.
  22. Was it blue? I have a Street Machine with a blue 240z with a VL turbo motor in it. Also have a one with a Red 240z with a Chev V8 in it, Sound famillar George
  23. Hi George. Roll call time for aussie zed owners, eh. Just moved house, not got broadband at the moment. So i'll be spending more time out in the double garage sized shed, once I get it cleared out and some zed parts moved in.
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