Sure, but alot of cars dont have the safey technology built in, such as air bags, abs, unless you are buying the more expensive models. Infact cars these days are designed to crumple more than older cars, as the crumple zone help increase the deceleration time, reducing the force applied to the occupants. Older cars dont crumple as much, and so can exert higher decelleration forces on the occupants. which is bad. But the crumple zones are designed for a head on collision. an offset head on collision apples more force to a crumple zone, compressing it more. And the cruple zones are designed for up to a maximum impact speed. I'd rather be in a car with air bags for sure, but in speeds above 60Km/h id rather be in a car that didnt crush up around me trapping me in the car, and severing my legs. I was next to a smart car in traffic a couple of days ago. Its was a for 2. A truck pulled up behind it, and I though to myself, those people would be dead in any kind of accident over 60K's. Cars may be safer in some regard, but the weak link it the driver, and they just seem to be getting dumb and dumber.