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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. linkage... http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?cat=500&page=2&perpage=12&ppuser=4620&what=allfields&=&action=
  2. Pulled mine apart, removed the motor, connected it to a battery to check it worked. oiled all the pivots with sewing machine oil, put it back together. It now works.
  3. Looks like they bought it off someone else for $5000. They even use their photo of it in the ebay advert. http://www.practicalclassics.co.uk/auctionlot/by-id/1651746024/ The second Z made for the movie didn't sell. (maybe that was the one they crashed?) http://www.practicalclassics.co.uk/auctionlot/by-id/2068187349/
  4. Forget the 2+2 check out the black 2 seater in the lot infront of it.
  5. Triumph? You've obviously got an eyesight problem.
  6. There's already a database for Aussie and NZ cars at www.wazcars.com. http://www.wazcars.com/index.php?action=anziregister If any Australian or NZ people would like to enter their date, please go ahead. I could make a separate register for the USA and Canada if you like. P.S. if anyone in australia has car GRS30-011546 I know somone with your original Warranty and Service Booklet.(Included is a Credit Card type ID Card, with the cars details on it) for sale. He'd love to reunite it with the car. And mine is 1972 240Z HS30-10527
  7. Sure, but alot of cars dont have the safey technology built in, such as air bags, abs, unless you are buying the more expensive models. Infact cars these days are designed to crumple more than older cars, as the crumple zone help increase the deceleration time, reducing the force applied to the occupants. Older cars dont crumple as much, and so can exert higher decelleration forces on the occupants. which is bad. But the crumple zones are designed for a head on collision. an offset head on collision apples more force to a crumple zone, compressing it more. And the cruple zones are designed for up to a maximum impact speed. I'd rather be in a car with air bags for sure, but in speeds above 60Km/h id rather be in a car that didnt crush up around me trapping me in the car, and severing my legs. I was next to a smart car in traffic a couple of days ago. Its was a for 2. A truck pulled up behind it, and I though to myself, those people would be dead in any kind of accident over 60K's. Cars may be safer in some regard, but the weak link it the driver, and they just seem to be getting dumb and dumber.
  8. To be fair the forces involved in this accident wouldnt really have equalled a 200kmh crash into a concrete block. In order for that to happen both cars would have to hit each other anc come to a complete stop. Looks like they hit each other partially off center and spun off out of controll in the direction they were originally travelling. "Of course the 240Z is less safe than modern cars, to think otherwise would be ignorant" -- Alfadog Hey alfa you have been king of the ambigous statements. So is 240z is less safe than a hyundai excel? or am i just ignorant Some modern cars have safety equipment, like air bags, lots dont. It was a 2+2, couldnt have been too special. When your numbers up theres nothing you can do about it, enjoy yourself while your here - Drive a Z.
  9. Calling a 240z unsafe it unfair. No car is designed to withstand a 200kmh head on collision (100 kmh, + 100kmh head on = 200kmh into a concrete wall ). If the car hadn't have caught fire they may have survived, who can say. The z didnt look too badly damaged, compared to other accident cars i've seen. If you look at the picture the passenger compartment is still inact and relatively un deformed, at least on the passenger side. The roof looks to have been cut off by by the fire department. Another reason to keep a fire extinguisher in you car, if not for your own sake, but to help out someone else.
  10. PS. another nz site states the english tourist was actually Welsh.
  11. Condolences to the families and friends of the victims. As Alan pointed out, the nationality of the driver of the car that hit the zed was not stated in the article, and was not the english person driving the camper that was mentioed later in the article. Why doesnt it always seem to be the people that cause the accident survive and the innocents they hit suffer the consequences?
  12. Did some googleing http://members.dodo.net.au/~corvette/ also found this somewhere else: "This is a Perentti coupe, Corvette Stingray C3 look-a-like only cheaper. Fibreglass Australian built tilt front body. Built on tough as nails Holden 1 tonner chassis. Engine is 350 Chev V8 with Turbo 350 auto trans. Engine has 4 barrel Holley and alloy manifold. All parts used in car come from locally delivered vehicles (eg Gemini, Kingswood etc) so spares are easilly available." So I guess, no its was never a Z. It used to be a holden.
  13. Woah, Mad Maxine! Not true. True that none were sold by Nissan, but some came over to Australia in the mid 80's as second hand imports and sold through second hand car dealers (much the same way as R33's and Z32's are today). We got heaps of 2+2's, rx7's cordias, and the odd R30 Skyline coupe, over here in WA. My mum almost bought a R30 Skyline coupe, but got a corona coupe instread because it was an auto, and the R30 was a manual. :stupid: So they are available. I know someone that has one. And there was one in the Pizza movie. Very rare though.
  14. We've been through this before and aparently its ok to post images of anything you like, even boxy boring modern volvo sedan race cars.
  15. Really? you used to be able to. Thats pretty lame, not being able to delete your own photos. :stupid:
  16. That thing is awesome. An idea you might want to put forward to Dave is to make a Flight Sim version. I think the flight sim guys would go nuts over it. Imagine dogfighting in a F/A-18 in that. Probably just need to replace the wheel with a joystick (0f course the current system doesnt have the range of movment to simulate a roll, but would be more realistic than flying your computer desk). But sounds like he has enough on his plate at the moment. I found the link to the video on another site when I searched google for driving sim cockpits. I'm Planning to build something like www.racebasecockpit.com or http://www.playseats.com I won lotto, but last division only, which is about $26
  17. Put your location in the profile, so people know what state or country you are in. If no one knows where you are located then they cant help you with thoses sort of requests. For example if you were in or near Arizona, I could tell you about the guy in Arizona that has a shell that he is giving away for free.....
  18. I wanna see a whole car done like that!!
  19. you can delete the photos yourself from the gallery page. ther should be a delete photo checkbox
  20. Cool, thanks for the link. Now when i win lotto....
  21. JUN 350Z crashes at 250Km/H in the Nevada open road challenge Its all in japanese, but fascinating to watch. http://www.alldumb.com/media/content/2005/06/12273.wmv
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