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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. Yep Famous Insurance are the only ones that will insure me, I too have a shady record (only 1 offence though, 9 month suspension). I have 2 cars on my policy. As for regular companies (RAC GIO etc) if you modify a car and dont tell them, they wont pay you if you were in an accident. If its a legal modification (you get it engineered with police approval) and tell them, they will tell you they cant insure you anymore.
  2. wow, lucky. I've heard of batteries exploding. Sounds like the batteries toast. Is it the type of battery that you can check water levels in? have you ever checked the levels in the battery? Maybe it froze and damaged the cells causing an internal short. Take it to a battery place and get it tested.
  3. I wouldnt call that a low reserve price!
  4. Gotta stop you right there bambi. Cant assume that everyone is as smart as you or me. Some people have none of it. Some peole fill there radiator full of oil and their engine full of coolant. Some people fill the engine full of oil untill the rocker cover is full of it. Some people never check the oil and water and wonder why they engine dies. I hear sawdust quiets down noisy gearboxes too.
  5. Hey Anybody know anything more about these cigarette tray die casts? There was a 240z on abay Australia, (that ebay link may have been it, but its no longer valid). I've also seen a Datsun 1200 (sunny) sedan, and a nissan 300ZX, and a toyota corona. All gold plated ones. Any more info appreciated.
  6. Yeah Gav, but your car isnt modified. Regular Insurance companies stay clear of modified cars.
  7. I was going to tell you to read the haynes manual, but after flipping through it, it doesnt actually tell you how to change the gearbox fluid. Doesn't even have a picture of a the drain and fill plugs. Does tell you how much oil and what type, just not how to get it in. FYI, the Drain plug is on the bottom of the gearbox, BUT BEFORE YOU DRAIN THE OIL, make sure you can undo the fill plug, which is half way up the side of the 'box. Otherwise you end up with an empty gearbox and no easy way to get the oil back in. The oil level should be filled up to the level of the fill plug, as far as i know.
  8. Wonder what the reserve was. How about listing it with no resereve and letting the market determine its worth. Think theres a front indicator lense on ebay for a K too.
  9. 1 turbo per cylinder i'm guessing. Cant see the engine under all the turbos.
  10. So are saying that people should tell him it aint worth anything and pick it up for a couple of hundred bucks? Hell, I'm doing you a favour taking it off you hands, nobody would want that. Sounds like used car salesmen talk to me. I thought the people here were more honest that that. The guy came here for help, not to be swindled. I was just trying to help the guy make an informed decision. I don't see you offering any information that might be helpful to the guy. As for the prices I quoted, no I'm not kidding, check them out on ebay if you dont believe me.
  11. Yep Joel said it. Its for heating the intake manifold, not cooling it (though I guess it may have a cooling effect). Its another thing that can corrode and leak, which is probably why the PO blocked it off.
  12. Too good to be true? he hasnt even said how much he wants for it. Early cars in original condition, not too badly rusted, can fetch stupid money. If you look on ebay, the 240z currently listed range from asking prices of $2000 to $19,000. completed listings (cars that actually got sold) range from $460 to $5600 Ofcourse that all depends on the condition of the car. maybe you should have a look at ebay and get a feel for prices and conditions, and post a few pictures here too.
  13. There's only one type of aussie air cleaner, me old cobber.
  14. That cedrics gotta be worth the $500 its for sale for. Who wants to start a datsun museum in their own backyard? Would look good painted black with the chrome work all shined up, and a Nissan V8 thumping under the bonnet. old-school-gansta! Ahh, back to reality.
  15. See in the Middle picture the mounting bracket bends upwards, thats because yours is a 73 240Z, which had some changes that the 260Z has (may as well call them series 3 240z, as there is informally already a series 1 and 2, other notable difference is the "pointy lip think ontop of the radiator support panel that follows the contour of the bonet" that earlier 240z dont have, but 260z do. Anyone notice any other differences?). Why I said i thought it wouldn't fit is because in the series 1 and 2 (1969 to 1972) the mounting bracket bends downward towards the ground.(see photo) But it looks like it doenst mount up to the lower bracket in either case, and you have to drill a hole to mount it. So who want to send the purchaser a mesage about how much they cost new :stupid: Wait till the seller gets his money and ships it though.
  16. I almost bought one for $50, but considering i had just spent the time and effort dissasembling, stripping, sanding, painting and reassembling the stock grill, I didn't buy it. I'm still undecided if i like the look of the fairlady grill. The big frame is a bit, umm ugly. 240z grill. the chassis mounts point towards the ground. 260Z grill the mount point towards the sky, leaving about a 1 to 2 inch gap between where the grill should bolt to, and where the chassis mount is on a 240z. or so i believe.
  17. Thats not a 240z grill its for a 260z/280z. If you buy it and expect it to fit on your 240, it wont unless you modify the stock 240z mounting brackets.
  18. Yeah it is. Only you poor Americans got 4 speeds. The rest of the world got 5 speeds right from the get go. So what original now? Depends on the market the car was sold in.
  19. I picked up a rare hatch emblem on ebay. The one where all the 240Z are solid flat chrome, as opposed to the later 240Z where the Z is recessed and painted white.
  20. Dunno enternal pessamist I guess, well when i'm cranky. What energy? couple of finger movemnets and a mouse click or two. Went to a swap meet and found a 260Z toy car with racing bodykit for $2 today, so i'm not so cranky today:) Now back to your chalk marks discussion.... My 2 cents, I bought some nissan replacement badges, and the 240Z and Datsun badges for the rear hatch are different to the original ones. The original have sharp edges, and the new ones have rounded edges. the script is identical, just the surrounding black parts that are different. So since they are the Nissan replacement parts with the same part number, but they are different to the original badge, what does that make them?
  21. Yeah I've been wanting a mig welder for ages. Havent got one yet. Its really holding me up on my restoration. That, and the fact I work, have a girlfriend, like to sleep, like to spend some time relaxing on the weekend. I only get to work on the car a couple of hours a week, on average. But I digress. Any recomendations on Mig welders that are available in Austrailia. I've seen CIG mig welders at bunnings around the $700 mark I think. I've been considering taking a take course in welding. Have welded since high school. But I'll probably just get a welder and jump right in and learn by myself, like i do with everything else.
  22. Yeah. Typically called laying up the engine (or car). I havent done it either. But as far as the engine goes, theres not much to do. A book I have recommends replacing the oil with fresh oil, removing the spark plugs and pouring half a cup of upper cylinder lubericant in each bore and truning the engine over by hand to spread it over the bores. (then refit the plugs). and Drain the cooling system.
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