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Mr Camouflage

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Everything posted by Mr Camouflage

  1. I always kinda liked "look at you game, girl" as recorded by guns and roses.
  2. Also visit this site for a quick checkup of your browser too see what parasites are installed on your system. Theres no need to download anything. http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite/
  3. While i'm here, if you are using windows, get avast antivirus, its free for personal use, and use zone alarm it also free, its a firewall that will keep other types of virus (worms) and hackers out of your computer. Search fro them on google.
  4. Yes, get spybot search and destroy. Depending on your opretating system (ie windows XP) you can upgrade internet explorer, they have finally built in new security measures, including a pop up blocker. or you can switch to a different browser like firefox, as most of this ad stuff it targeted at IE.
  5. I know how synchros and gear and all that work, but the gearbox is one of the things i leave to the experts. Theres alot of specialist tools required isnt there?
  6. Looks like there website is from the early 90's too.
  7. Yep thats the full Califonia Z kit.(top) again.
  8. must have been a glitch in the matrix. or maybe a type-o. So reading the other thread the 280ZR in not an official nissan model designation, like that 200ZR, just a 280Z that was used as a race car. Case closed.
  9. Thats funny. I searched for 280zr before posting, and got 0 results.
  10. Never heard of a 280ZR before. Saw this magazine for sale on ebay with an article comparing the 280ZR to other cars.http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2241&item=6942979639&rd=1 Searched google and found a 280ZR model. I guess its a racing version of the 280Z.
  11. Yes, they are the afore mentioned California Z front spoiler, and the BRE racing style spoiler respectively. There's a South african guy up in Queensland that has made different types of spoilers, he was on here for a while. Hang on a tick, doing a search for the posts about the ones he makes..... . . ...Alrighty. BBALLS is the member name. He has/makes these spoilers: He makes a copy of the California Z front spoiler, as show above. And an modified version of the Cal Z spoiler, this one, like the one Simon Degroot has: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12077&page=2&pp=15 Also makes a more subtle front spoiler: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8042 $200 aussie dollars. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13621 He makes all kind of other FG bits too. This guy should give me a commission Anyway, check out his gallery for more pics http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?ppuser=3482
  12. How about a 240Z with a ford V8 and Supra 5 speed for $8500? http://www.wazregister.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=62 Search the Quokka online: http://www.quokka-online.com
  13. Here's one. Here's one on a car I bought this one, but it doesnt fit properly. It's about the only front spoiler you can find in australia.
  14. My R31 GTS-X cost less than $8000. and had less than 60,000K's on the clock. Like Alfa says the Silvia turbo/180sx has a lot of bang for buck. Aussie R31 skylines (made up to 89) are really cheap, and powered by the RB30E. Commodores are dirt cheap too. Depends what he's after. If its just to get from a to b, any car will do.
  15. That would be zr240. He's in Victoria somewhere. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/member.php?userid=1353
  16. How'd you be if you walked ouside to find this has happened to your 240K?
  17. Yeah on the one I have. 2 pipes for the gas in, gas out through holes in the firewall. There is a drain for condensation also, which in the 2+2 i got it from just drained down the inside of the firewall onto the carpet, which might explain why the floor was so rusty. Then there's the electics, which i havent worked out yet. No where near that stage of the restoration yet.
  18. Tom, I turned up to the meeting point to check out the cars that were there, but i couldnt make it on the cruise, i have a z in the garage coming up to 2 years since i started pulling it apart, and weekends are valuable z restoring time. I had a look at the map they handed out at the cruise. I didnt have a navigator, and it looked like you could get lost pretty easily. The details were posted on Oz dat, thats where i saw them. Some of the cars were pretty nice, 2 1600's in particular, but they left early and didn't cruise either. Most of the other cars didnt look all that good. And they were contemplating putting cars in Motorvation, after seeing their cars, I know why so many people said they were deluded. Hi Doug, By station wagon, you mean 2+2? Sjcurtis collected alot of information, I made a web based database system so that people could put in their details, and everyone could see the results. I'm gonna convert his data and put it in the sysem when he sends it to me
  19. Hey Tom. You'd be welcome to come to the next wazcars meeting. We dont mind the occasional other datsun turning up. Rosie O'grady's South Perth, Sunday January 30th from 3pm. We don't do much except talk about datsuns, and have a beer. Though we should be planning/finalising this years calendar of events. The ozdat boys are having a bitching session on the ozdat at the moment. kinda goes...wah, wah, spent all this time planning a cruise... wah, wah, wah, ...only 5 cars turned up...wah, wah, cry, dummy spit.
  20. Take $800 bucks in cash, go to the guys house and wave it in his face. See if that changes his mind about selling his crap rusted out fat zx. Bye the way, not many parts on the zx will be any use for the 260z.
  21. I have the air cond out of a 260Z, that will be going in my 240z, hopefully. It just sits next the the blower motor, and feeds cold air into stock 240Z blower, when it is switched to internal. Might have to upgrade the compressor, as it was probably for the CFC bad gas, and i think the new stuff needs something done to the compressor to make it as cold as the old stuff.
  22. Was having a look at car magazines in a newsagent. Spotted a mag called Retro cars, that I had never seen before. English Mag. Modified classics, was the by-line. I picked it up and flipped through it, hoping to find some Z's. The first one I found was on page 14. An action shot of a rally 240Z flying through the air. The back wheels about a foot off the ground. Had ZG flares too. Nice I thought, but not worth buying the Mag for. The next one I found was the center poster. Somebodys Rally 240Z. Nice. Possibly worth buying the Mag for. The near the end of the Mag on page 88, 7 pages about the 240Z. "Datsun 240Z. It's the sports car the British motor industry should have build but couldn't". I'm buying this magazine now, I thought Started reading and as usual Goerts is mentioned straight away, But the writer Simon Charlesworth has been doing some homework. The article states correctly that Goertz and Nissan parted company after 1964, and that a Design team headed by Yoshihiko Matsuo were responsible for developing the 240Z. They then talk so some guy at The Z Farm in Yorkeshire about z's. It a how to modify story, so there are tips on making things better. The Blue 240Z they take photos of, for some reason has a 260Z interior, Dashboard included. I haven't finished reading it yet, but if you want to find a copy lookout for Retro Classics. It has a black anglia and a red vauxhall astra (looks like a gemini crossed with a commodore and an astra for Aussie readers). and says Building Datsun 240Z on the cover. Its November 2004 issue.
  23. Maybe he's gonna put it back in an aeroplane where it belongs.
  24. No. Build by Nissan in the South African Factory and sold through Datsun Nissan Dealers in South Africa. Not an after market company. They still make the Dasun 1200 ute in South Africa, It's updated a bit, and has a bigger engine (http://www.nissan.co.za/vehicles_bakkie_exterior.asp?n=1) but its still the same chassis.
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