Concord NH
Forgot the Time: noon till about 3-4pm
Concord NH
Tomorrow....Sat. Aug. 19th in Concord, NH. NEZC is hosting a meet and all Z's are welcome....If you are near by and want to stop by...please do! It will mostly be 300zx but we're all family Location: Merchant's Nisssan in Concord New Hampshire
Connecticut Z sighting
This 280Z didn't have stripes. Anywho, I love it when I spot Zs here in CT, especially S30s. There aren't many....at least to my knowledge.
Connecticut Z sighting
Today I saw a silver 280z pulling out of Ocean State Job Lot in my town, Southington. I was in my 300zx and followed him a bit on the highway (I-84 East) and honked at him with thumbs up. I don't really think he knew I was also driving a Z nor that I liked his car, I think he thought I wanted to race oh well. I was just seeing if he was on here. I don't see any s30's around my area ever so I got excited. I wish I was driving my 280z along side him...would have been fun.
What is this and what does it do?
If the instructions from the FSM aren't too long for the adjustment of the BCDD, could you post them? I am still in the process of finding a '78 FSM at a reasonable price and only have the chilton manual. Thanks again, Mike
What is this and what does it do?
Never heard of that before. I did a search for it and it seems like it could be part of my rpm problem. However, I haven't found anything on adusting it... sblake01-Do you have any further knowledge of adjusting the BCDD?? Thanks in advance, Mike
What is this and what does it do?
As a matter of fact my car did come from California! That's amazing! You must really know your stuff. Can you tell me where is this altitude corrector located and how to properly adjust it?? It is quite annoying when I want to shift or just roll to an idle... So basically I can just remove that piece that I posted a picture of? It won't affect anything important (ie: Emissions, MPG, Air/Fuel mixture)? Thanks again, Mike
What is this and what does it do?
It can't be on manual cars only because mine was an automatic from the factory. When I put my finger ofer the top and move the throttle linkage, it creats a suction. That is why I figure it has/had a vacuum connection. The reason I'm asking all this is because when I push in the clutch to shift while driving, the car revs up about 500rpm...
What is this and what does it do?
I just did a auto to manual conversion, header, and exhaust. It seems that when my Z was an automatic, the idle was smoother. I blocked off my egr so I know it isn't that. I'm guessing it is a vacuum leak and it might be this... Any ideas what it is and its function? It seems to be missing a vacuum hose to somwhere... Thanks in advance, Mike
Now We have another issue
I don't have an old one to go by seeing I was auto. However, I checked the rebuilt slave at the parts store and they were identical. As far as the master rod, I'll have to either order a new one and compare them or figure something else out.
Just bought my first Z!
Hey there Alissa, I too am in CT. Southington to be exact. Once the sand/salt starts to dissapear off the roads a bit, I'll come stop by the shop and take a look around. I'm pretty sure I'll be needing some service sometime in the near future. Mike
Now We have another issue
78 280zcar - I was thinking of that. I went to the auto store with the ZX slave and compared it to the 78 slave and they looked identical. They are both 3/4 dia. I just figure that they are the same. From what I know is that 1975 and later used the self adjusting slave and that they are the same. I'm going to look into finding a linger rod for the slave or a longer master cylinder. I'll be working on the car tomorrow around 4:00pm. Maybe I missed something when hanging the pedals...Do you think that I could have mixed up the brake and clutch pedal??
Now We have another issue
I took off the spacer. I'm really stumped on this. The clutch pedal is very close to the floor. The master cylinder is adjusted all the way out. It basically seems that the rod from the slave needs to be longer...
Now We have another issue
We went from an Auto to 5spd. It basically seems that the slave isn't pushing the arm/lever far enough to disengauge the clutch fully. It does disenguage the clutch part way because I can start the car with the clutch pedal pushed in and the brake on, and when I let my foor off the brake, the car will roll, so therefore, the clutch is slipping and not fully disenguaging. Could it be a bad master cylinder? It is a brand new one and so is the slave.
Now We have another issue
We just got everything into my 78 and when we started it in the air the tires were spinning. But when we put in on the ground we cannot get into any gear while running the engine. The problem is that the clutch isnt disengaging all the way. But our problem is that we dont know what it is. Its brand new clutch line, slave, and master cylinder but the tranny is from an 82 and the car is a 78. Also the slave is from an 82 but the master is off of a 78. could that be the isssue any help would be great need it asap