Everything posted by westpak
Florida Z Fest AutoX is rescheduled for 6/11!!
Good news! The Z Fest AutoX will be held at Ocala Gran Prix on 6/11. All the info you need is located at http://zfest.net/autox.htm You can signup online!! You can pay via Paypal! Please signup today and show your support!!!
Z Car Photoshoot - Jesen Beach, FL - April 2nd
Reminder, weather should hold put if anything we might run a little late.
Z Car Photoshoot - Jesen Beach, FL - April 2nd
Photoshoot for a Z calendar, possibility of making it on the Calendar. Go here for details http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1041
Zfest Award Winners
You too Sean, you have an awesome 240Z, heard a lot of comments even from our own 240Z winner Tommy. Hopefully we wont have to worry about the rain next year, and who knows maybe you can bring a Z next year. Just messing with Chris, great meeting you and all of the others, you know a lot of the guys with the older Z's I am sure, can you help me with the owners of the throphy winners and which ones they are? So far I have: Tommy Welsh Jerry Majewski Ron Stevens Sean Dass Kirk Vansickle as they are members of our club and also have: Bill Coffey Frank Rygiel
Zfest Award Winners
Sorry, I forgot the pics so you could pic them out, here are some links, the link in the post above has the list of award winners: http://www.gregsherry.com/auto.html http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=949 http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=957
South Florida Z Car Club Meet-Broward March 4
Meet at Good Roads @ 1101 W Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Location: Click Here for Map Time: 7 pm--followed by a drive to get a bite to eat.
Zfest Award Winners
Here is a list of the award winners, if anyone knows them specifically and pic out their cars send me an email with the picture and the name of the person along with club affiliation if any and I will try to put a nice collage on the site of all of the cars and winners. gusm@sfzcc.com I would prefer a picture from Zfest so people can recognize it easier.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
For other caravan info go here http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=44 Here is the SFZCC caravan info for all of us going up to Z Fest in Orlando this Friday. Early registration for this years Z Fest is over, however, you can still register at Z Fest itself on Saturday morning, or Friday night at the Hooters Z Meet after the caravan arrives in Orlando. This year looks to be the biggest Z Fest to date!!! Z you there!!! Friday (2/25) Z Fest Caravan Timeline: Dade Co. Z's: Meet location: Tropical Park. Meet Time: 12:30 pm Departure Time: 1:00 pm Broward Co. Z's: Meet Location: Pompano Turnpike Plaza just North of Commercial Blvd. Meet Time: 1:45 pm Departure Time: 2:15 pm Palm Beach Co. Z's: Meet Location: WPB Turnpike Plaza just North of the Lake Work Exit. Meet Time: 2:30 pm Departure Time: 3:00 pm Martin/St. Lucie Co. Z's: Meet Location: I-95 St. Lucie West Exit (BP Gas Station-next to Wendy's) Meet Time: 3:45 pm Departure Time: 4:30 pm FYI: * The St. Lucie West Exit will be our final gas and rest stop before departing straight thru to Orlando. * Our route will be I-95 North, then 528 (Beeline) West into Orlando (be prepared to pay $1.25 in tolls). * Estimated time of arrival in Orlando (Hooters Z Meet) will be 6:30 pm. * Your hotel check-in can be done before/during or after the Hooters Z Meet. The hotel is a 1/2 mile South from Hooters. Helpful Z Caravan Phone Numbers: Galo Menendez (Dade Contact)- (305) 510-4164 Gus Martinez (Palm Beach Contact) - (561) 523-0802 Ryan Pauley (Martin/St. Lucie Contact) - (772) 341-3247 * Gus and I will be available to be contacted throughout Z Fest at these numbers if needing assistance. For Z's leaving for Z Fest on Saturday (2/26) please keep in mind that the Z Fest starts parking at 9:30 am, and the Show N' Shine will begin at 10:00 am. So please plan your trip up accordingly. It has been and still is recommended to join the main caravan up on Friday, or travel up later that Friday night to get an early jump on activities at Z Fest Saturday morning (registration, clean Z, etc.)
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
I think it is going to be a great event, I got a message form someone that is coming from North Carolina for it!
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
Less than 2 weeks left and last day for early registration.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
Almost time. New site for Zfest http://www.zfest.net/
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
OK, the AutoX event has been finalized, originally it was going to be joining a current event in Deland but that was going not to be as much fun having to worry about non Z cars around so we have rented the Ocala Gran Prix track, go here for more info http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=872 Due to this change the cost has gone up to 35.00 instead of 25.00, if you are still interested but already sent in your form we can collect the difference at the event.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
That is great. They are trying to have an idea of the interest in the AutoX so please go here and vote or post, you don't have to register on the forum. It is going to be on Sunday in Deland about a 30-40 minute drive NE of Orlando. http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=821
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
I revised the form to allow ordering of extra shirts, some pleople asked if they could get shirts for companions. One shirt is included in the price of the registration.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27 Registration Forms
I know there is already another thread on Zfest but it has gottena couple of pages long and I didn't want this info to get burried. The web page is up and registration forms as well so lets start getting them in. Zfest 05 Web Page Zfest 05 Registration Forms Forum Section
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
OK, the web page is up and registration forms so let start getting them in. http://sfzcc.com/zfest05/ http://www.sfzcc.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=43
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
I made up a website but I am waiting on OK to release it, but also started a section on our forum that will serve as the official forum for listing info as we get it so I don't have to go to all forums and update just do it on one. http://sfzcc.com/forum/index.php?c=8
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
We have some big plans this time, including supporting the Special Olympics of Florida, email me and I will get you in touch with the local guys getting things set up. gusm@sfzcc.com We will have a host hotel and I am sure a booth will not be a problem, we had some last time.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
I believe there was no limit last year just a slightly higher fee to enter if you waited until a week before the event. Last event we had the following classes for Stock Cars and Modified Cars: 240Z-260Z 70-73 280Z 74-78 280ZX 79-83 300ZX Z31 84-89 300ZX Z32 90-96 350Z Nissan Modified Any year/model Ultra Modified Any year/model Daily Driver Any year/model You guys are killing me with questions, we are 3 months away so still a lot to work out but first we wanted to let everyone know so you can make plans to attend, as more info becomes available I will post and eventually start a Zfest webpage.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
Weather during that time of the year is perfect usually in the mid to high 70's during the day and the lows around mid to high 50's and only about 2 inches of rain all month!!
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
OK, to answer some of the questions: It is still in the planning stages but some of the things we would like to do are: Friday Friday night gathering at event site Saturday Dyno Car Show Swap Meet Tech Sessions Organized Z Cruise Awards and Trophies Sunday Autocross Last year we had about 100 registered Z's and a few others, we are shooting for 150 and are trying to show Florida can set such an event up so maybe we can get the 07 or 08 National Convention so we need everyone's support come on out.
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
Here are some pictures from the 2003 and 2004 Zfest events: Click Here for 2003 Zfest Pictures Click Here for 2004 Zfest Pictures
Florida Zfest Orlando Feb 25-27
The third annual Florida Zfest is almost here, this time it will be in February to take advantage of cooler Florida weather This post is just preliminary to advice of dates (Feb 25-27), more info to come later with agenda and car show info as well as hotels, so set those dates aside to attend.
South Florida Z Car Club Meet-Broward June 18
Well Clearwater is in Central Florida on the west coast but you might want to try to contat the club there and see if they have info on it http://www.suncoastzcarclub.homestead.com/zhomepage.html Contact Jim Peters kpeters5@tampabay.rr.com
South Florida Z Car Club Meet-Broward June 18
Monthly meet at Goodrads on June 18th. Meet at Good Roads @ 1101 W Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Location: Click Here for Map Time: 6:30 pm--followed by a drive to get a bite to eat. Contact person: Scott Kietzman Scottk@sfzcc.com