82 280ZX alternator probs???
It very well could be the alternator. when the alterntor went out of my roomies 79ZX, it made all the warning lights come on as well.
O2 sensor and fuel pump connection?
when i first got my 78, i had to fix a few wiring problems, but the fuel pump still wouldnt run until i unplugged the oil pressure sending unit. try unplugging that and see if you get the fuel pump to run. it has something to do with a safty feature so that if your oil pressure goes below a certain point, it will shut off the fuel pump saving the enging from any damage, but have had nothing but problems with mine. .
77 280
Could be a number of different things..Not sure if they used a catalytic converter in 77, but it could be plugged. To check, start the car when it’s dark outside, and let the car run for a few minutes, and if it’s plugged the converter will be extremely hotter then the rest of the exhaust to the point where it could be glowing. If that checks good, or it just doesn’t have one.., I would be checking the timing to make sure it’s within specs.
HELP!!! Car Revs out of control!!!
well, i would start with the simple things first. first i would make sure that the butterfly (throttle plate) isnt stuck open. you should be able to pull the air flow meter and peek inside the throttle body. if it is open i would look at the lingake to make sure it isnt binding. if its closed like it should be, i hate to say it, but i would be at a loss.
please help on 1986 nz 300 with brake problem!
hmmm...since you've replaced both front calipers and hoses, i would be left to think that maybe the master cylinder is not releasing completely, leaving the front brakes to drag...
my Z car
- my Z car
warning module
thanx Chris. I beleive the car it came out of was an 80ZX, but I'm not real certain. either way, i know it wasnt a turbo car, so its probally just the standard thing then. thanks again
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
so frank, is there any way that your ignition problem can be fixed, or is it something thats going to plague your car..(or is that you?) for some time ~gigglez~. I definately understand about the shy thing. I tend to be that way as well. I would love to see a pic of you. you can private message it to me if youd like. well, i dont know about the vast amount of brain power, but i do know that you have to have fun in life.
warning module
I was told that there was a talking warning module that was available for the 280Z..or was that ZX, anyway, i was wondering if there was a way to tell them apart by looking at them or comparing part numbers? any help would be ghreatly appreciated.
- just me
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
hmmm...frank13, are you sure its an ignition switch problem...sounds more like a stick shift problem to me.... well, I'm not going to be the one actually doing the body work. I can do some light patching and stuff like that, but was never any good with a wielder, so I will be taking it to a shop to get all that done. awwww..you mean they didnt let you keep the pic of you in that pretty orange jump suit . and well...i..uhhh...i'm flattered that you think I'm cute ~blushes softly~. and as far as the wedding ring goes...drumroll please......no, there is no ring on my finger, and to be honest, i'm not planning on one being there for a while yet so. The reason I havent asked for a pic frank is because i figured if you wanted to show me you would ~S~ I'll post my pic to the mugshot board right after i post this. I still havent taken one of the car yet, but will try to do that tomorrow if time permits. Alfadog, I'm sure there has got to be at least one cute girl in Australla (hope i spelled that right) that loves her Z car.
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
ill have to take some pics of the cars better side.....im in the process of buying a 1975Z for parts, as i need the passenger fender, door, and a chunk of the rear quarter due to rust...but its not in the usual places....the top of the fender has rust on mine, as does the door where the mirror would mount, although it doesnt look like its ever had one, and there is rust holes under the quarter glass, but surprisingly the pans in the thing are very solid....oh...wait..i just got off track again..dont mind me...happens all the time... as soon as the rain quits here, ill see what i can do about getting some pics of it
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
well...not a pit bull..but i do have a great dane...~gigglez~
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
yes i have to agree, we have come along way from the ignition switch... Bambikiller240, i loved your comment about the puppies. made me laugh so hard my sides hurtROFL frank13..its a 5.2 horse compressor. so you wanna see a pic of me..or would you rather see one of the compressor? hmmm..i dont know...~evil lil smile~ maybe i'll just torment you guys a bit longer....but seeing how you guys asked nicely...i'll see if i can get one attached to this post...