Hello, I am new to this board and have a few questions. First off I would like to say I have read all of the many posts on blinker problems and tried many of the suggestions with no success. the car: 1972 240 z The problem: Right rear turn signal doesnt work. I can get a test light to light occasionally at the taillight harness, but it is much dimmer than at the left. I have tried cleaning both the turn signal switch and the hazard switch. I have also replaced both of their flashers (relays). I have current at the hazard swith and the blinker switch. What are the 2 plugs that go through the floor at the rear of the car near the taillight panel? one has 1 wire , and the other has 2 wires. I ask this because when I put my test light into the plug with 2 wires it rapidly flashes, at a rate different than the hazards or blinker. I t does this flashing even when both hazard and blinker switches are off. I belive this is a ground problem, a but I am unsure where the ground to the rear blinkers is located. Thanks, any and all advice is appreciated. Cory Thompson