Everything posted by GregP
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-Datsun parts and Accessories?
Thanks Steve!
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-Datsun parts and Accessories?
I think he said he's in FL but he asked me where I was first. here is one of his posts Sanchez Juan David Admin Group expert in Car Parts · +6 Sanchez Juan David Admin Group expert in Car Parts +1 · · 1971-1978 240z dashboard available for sale Asking $550 shipped
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-Datsun parts and Accessories?
I had the same thoughts. When I inquired about something he was really pushy trying to get me to send in the money. I asked some questions and got vague generic answers.
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-Datsun parts and Accessories?
Here is the link, https://www.facebook.com/groups/656746673230066/about
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-Datsun parts and Accessories?
Has anyone here done business with Sanchez Juan David of Facebook group-"Datsun parts and Accessories"? I was going to buy something but wanted to verify first. Went through the site (he is an administrator) and lots of stuff for sale but no verification of any sales or feedback.
Map Light Questions
Thanks Steve! That was a big help. Got everything working and just have to tackle reconnecting the heater control cables. Such a simple job but need two hands and hardly any room to maneuver.
Map Light Questions
When you refer to fuse for dome light is that in the fuse box or a separate inline fuse? Dome light also stopped working. I don't have the red/blue wire but as you can see there have been a few splices into the line. I'm wondering if I can just tap into the continuous power line from the hazard or something else. Also is this the right map light bezel for a 73?
Map Light Questions
I'm working on the map light in my 73 240z. The one in there was working but not now. It may be a replacement housing as the 2 wires (red & black) are spliced in. I am going to replace the bulb but the more I look at it the more questions I have. Does the map light have continuous power going to it through the red wire? Does it have its own line fuse? Mine does not have any power in the line even if I have the key on or lights on. Is the housing supposed to be black? Mine is white. Thanks!
Turn Signal Rebuilding service
FOLLOW UP ON SERVICE: Here is a follow up on using Jay Zinc to rebuild my 2 turn signal switches and the hazard switch for my 73 240z. I am thrilled with not only his service, but also the response, keeping me consistently updated and his price. I send him two turn signal switches. One was in ok shape but wasn't working and the other looked like a disaster with broken handle, cut & missing wires, missing connectors etc. His prices vary depending on the work he is doing, and repairs/parts needed. On the terrible TS I opted for a full show restoration ($380) and for the one that just wasn't working, a general rehab and refurbishment ($150). I had him do the same on the hazard switch ($150). They look like brand new. He sent photos as his work progressed and highlighted defects before and after. Took him roughly a week to do all three items. he even sent me a choice of carriers and prices for shipping them back. Highly recommend him (thanks Jim Arnett for recommending him). I asked Jay for a list of services and here is his response. Contact him on Facebook under his name: Jay Zinc I'm limited to the 1970-78 Datsun Z/Nissan Fairlady Z for all dash switches. I can also restore/service center console switches (rear defrost, parking lamp, choke, etc) really any switches. As for pricing, it varies slightly depending on year/condition of the switch. I typically say "contact me for a quote".
Can anyone identify this?
Thanks for the replays! I guess I will keep it unattached!
- Can anyone identify this?
Can anyone identify this?
Can anyone identify what this is and the purpose? 1973 240z-See photos. It's attached to the console under the dash near gas pedal. It has three prongs out the back. There is a three prong plug that may go to it, as it's just sitting there unattached for at least ten yrs. Wires are 2 black and one green. There was a dealer installed Ac that was removed and an aftermarket radio that PO had installed and butchered the wires. I have been slowly fixing them.
RetroSound RetroRadio M2B -Anyone using one?
Thanks, Thats helpful. I'm going to do the same thing.
RetroSound RetroRadio M2B -Anyone using one?
Thinking of getting the RetroSound RetroRadio M2B. Is anyone using one now and what is the opinion on it? I believe the last posts about this were 2010 & 2017 with faceplate issues. Looks like they make a universal one now. Link here- https://www.retromanufacturing.com/collections/vehicle-search/1973+datsun+240z+radios
- Turn Signal Rebuilding service
- Turn Signal Rebuilding service
- Turn Signal Rebuilding service
Looking fro help with fuel issue
It's Running! After reading the last posts I disconnected the line to the fuel filter and blew some compressed air in to it going back to the gas tank. Heard the bubbling in the gas tank. Next I filled both float chambers (I had to order a squeeze bottle that holds fuel and the tube went over the nipple perfectly. The bottle is used for filling RC cars). While I was at it, I filled the fuel filter since I had the line disconnected, figured it wouldn't hurt to help with the priming. I used my wd-40 plastic tube and pushed the floats. They bobbed up and down with no problems. Reconnected the fuel lines hoses and the car started up perfect and runs perfect!!! So I don't know if the floats were stuck and were freed up when adding the gas thru the nipple or if there was just an air pocket in the lines. Thanks everyone for the help and Cliff, great photo and descriptions. You made it real simple for me to follow.
Looking fro help with fuel issue
I will try blowing air towards the gas tank and see what I hear. The engine compartment is like new, everything replaced or rebuild 2 yrs ago. Has about 300 miles on is since. I haven't done anything hose/fuel related from the engine compartment back to tank. "I've read on here where cars that sat needed fuel poured into the overflow bungs to get the floats moving up and down maybe unsticking the fuel valves? If you get the float chambers full of fuel at least it would run for a little longer than ether. " Where are the overflow bungs /float chambers? .
Looking fro help with fuel issue
So I have checked the manual fuel pump and it works great. I have checked everything from the fuel filter forward and everything is good. Nothing blocked and everything seems in good working order. Just seems like no gas getting to the fuel filter. The car has sat for 6 mths and prior to that ran and started perfect, even when sitting for awhile. Where do I go from here? Is there a filter at the tank or in the tank? Do I need to drop it for the next step? Thanks.
Looking fro help with fuel issue
I took the pump out to manually test it. I needed some fuel line so I stopped in at O'Reillys and while I was there I borrowed a test gauge. I just got back and while looking the pump over I tried moving the pump handle a few times. Should it sound like a wounded Seal? It has been sitting about 6 mths.
Looking fro help with fuel issue
My 73 Z won't start. Turns over and starts with a few squirts of starter fluid then dies unless I keep squirting it in. Assumption is that it's not getting gas. I changed out the fuel filter and no difference. Plenty of gas in the tank. The engine was rebuilt a few years ago and the carbs all redone by Z therapy. Ran beautiful for the last few years (only about 500 miles put on it.) It would start right up. Since the rest is all original components I assume I have just the mechanical fuel pump in the front passenger side of the engine which I believe a new one was put on after the engine rebuild. How can I test it to see if that's the problem? If I take the line off that comes from the filter should I feel suction when cranking the motor? What else could stop the fuel if the filter and fuel pump are ok? Is there a pick up tube in the tank that might be clogged? Is there a step by step procedure to test and eliminate things? Thanks, Greg
Dash cracks
Sorry to hijack the thread here, but could you guys elaborate on the Just Dash's quality? I was about to go that route because the 2 previous dash's that I had done for my GTO's were terrific. One was done 10 yrs ago and the other 2 yrs ago. Both still outstanding. Have they changed how they do the work or is it the shape of the Z dash that gives them trouble? Anyone else have a Z dash done there?
240Z Audio System Install
Nice job! How much of difference did the sound deadening make? I have been thinking of doing it but I want more than just a slight improvement. Greg
Factory orange 918 or camaro 69 hugger orange
I have a 240z with the 918 code paint and 1969 GTO Judge with Carousel Red paint, which is the same as the Chevrolet Hugger Orange. There is not that much of a difference and I get asked at shows why I painted them the same color. I see no reason to change from the original 918 unless you wanted something completely different.