Everything posted by GregP
Improved jack tool Bag
Just found this thread. Did you end up with a definite number of people willing to buy?
Seat belt upgrade
The Wesco belts have been very good. They do ride up a bit on the neck area. i picked up an adjuster from Auto Zone. It works perfect, just clips on the belt an stays there. i can slide it a few inches either way for comfort.
Automatic Trans cooling line needed
Got one from Bryce . Thanks.
Door pull Plastic chrome cover
Thanks for all the info! Anyone have a part number so I can try to order it through Nissan?
Door pull Plastic chrome cover
Does anyone make the door pull plastic chrome cover piece? The part that covers the ends of the door pull strap. Mine just fell apart.
Classic Z Insurance
Mike, I am an insurance agency owner and car enthusiest. We represent a wide variety of collector car companies here in the New England area. Your really can’t go wrong with companies such as Haggerty and Grundy. Pricing is almost identical and they write Agreed Value (guaranteed value) coverage. Usually no appraisl needed. My own cars are with Hagerty because they have exceptional claims service. I hear the most compliments, by far, about Hagerty after a claim. (Grundy’s is good also). If you can find an agent or agency that knows what they are doing then I would go through them rather than buying direct (online, over the phone). Most people don’t realize the price is the same either way but you get the added avantage of their expertise in coordinationg your coverages and recommendations from an expert. You also have an advocate for claims when needed. Any agency that is really involved in this type of insurance will carry Hagerty, Grundy & others. They are not difficult for an agency to pick up. Good luck. Greg
Seat belt upgrade
Steve, Now I feel stupid. Found the holes now just need to get shorter bolts as the bolds in the kit are ok for the floor but double the length for that area. Thank you for the photo! Pictures sure make it easier. Looks like the same set as yours. Why did you put the reel up high rather than floor? Greg
Seat belt upgrade
I bought the Wesco kit with brackets. I had the retracting lap belt only in my 73. The Wesco has the shoulder mounting point up at the coat hook. At least that's the only point I can find to mount it and the screw/bolt fits it perfect and looks correct according to the diagram in their instructions. My concern is that it seems to me that this is a weak point compared to the much larger bolts used on the floor. Is this the wrong point to mount it or is there some where else that I am missing?
Optional way to install Sound Deading material?
Thanks for the info Jim. That's what I was afraid of. I will check out the b-quiet pads. I just put in a new stereo and speakers and after driving the last few years without I realize how noisy it really is.
Optional way to install Sound Deading material?
I want to install sound reading material to the inside of the Z BUT I plan on doing a frame off restoration on the car in the next 4 or 5 years. I have no experience with the stuff but it looks like it would be difficult to remove when the time comes. Anyone have experience with removal? Can I put it down on a temporary basis such as not using the complete whole sticky side , maybe just the corners? Or duct taping it down? Would this make it not effective for the sound proofing? Maybe I am worrying about nothing and it will just peel back up later? Thanks, Greg
What's in YOUR garage?
Currently: 73 240z, 69 Pontiac GTO conv, 69 Pontiac GTO Judge, 77 Pontiac Trans Am, 2011 Cad CTS 2004 CAD SRX 2011 GMC Terrain
Blue Air Cleaner
I posted a similar question back in 2009,. The answers have led me to believe my 73 with the blue air cleaner is original. Here is the post. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/body-paint-s30/35107-air-cleaner-blue-orange.html Greg
Retractable Seat Belt Restoration for my 1972
Jerry, Just an FYI. I had the seat belts (5) for my 69 GTO Conv done by Ssnake Oyl about 15 years ago. Came out fantastic and still are show quality today. Pricey but top quality work that I couldn't have done myself. Nice job showing the steps you are taking. Greg
240z rebuild / restoration right down to the shell
I will be following you restoratiom with interest, thanks for posting the start. Do you have any photos of the rotisserie and how you attached it? What kind are you using? I am thinking of using one when I start my resto. Greg
weatherstrip kit
Couldn't find the CD with the parts numbers here. Can anyone direct me to a place to buy it?
Glove box screws - black or silver??
Thanks guys. Is it just the four screws (2 per side) ? Steve, I have no plans to buy from reddat again, learned my lesson years ago.
Glove box screws - black or silver??
I just purchased a repro glove box since my original was missing. It did not come with screws though there is one still in the hole of dash. That one is black. Looking around I saw this and was wondering if they should be black or silver? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-240z-260z-Glove-Box-Retainer-Screws-NOS-/370657406548?hash=item564ce72e54&item=370657406548&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr Which is correct and do I only need four? Thanks, Greg 73 240z
Need help with a heater control cable clip?
I just replaced the heater core, valve, etc. in my 73Z. I am missing the clip that holds the cable to the bracket just before it meets the pivoting lever. This is on the driver side. I used a couple of plastic ties to hold in temporarily. They work but I would like to do it correctly. Does anyone make this clip or do I need to get it used? Anyone have one they want to sell?
Automatic Trans cooling line needed
The flared metal end kinked and broke off my automatic transmission cooling line while removing for an engine rebuild. The actual hose is ok. With so many auto to manual swaps I was hoping that someone would have one. Its the aprox 6", S shaped line coming out of radiator with the crimped metal ends Trying to stay original. Thanks, Greg
Removing Air Tubes From Manifold ?
Was there a reason you had to tap the holes at all? Wouldn't the new air galley bolt right in? I just sent out my exhaust mainfold to be ceramic coated and I was figuring I may need to tap the holes once I got it back so your experience with the tap will be very helpful.
Removing air/smog pump and air galley question
I am in the final stages of the reassembly of my rebuilt motor for my 73 z w/ automatic trans. My air galley is broken on a couple of tubes and i decided to remove it along with the inoperable smog/air pump. I purchased hex head bolt/plugs (6) from Mcmaster-Carr using info I took off another thread here for type & size. What else do I have to plug up? Would I be better off buying a new air galley ($130) and finding another smog pump? Any reason to do so? I do not need it to pass inspection. I also need a automatic transmission cooling line. It's about a foot long s shaped hose with the pressed on fittings. Anyone know where to get one? Thanks, Greg
HLS30-00721 will soon be razor blades.
Check with Hagerty in regards to the salvage value of the car. Most of the companies I dealt with will allow you to buy it back for that value. I am pretty sure you won't be allowed to take anything off the car. They are settling the claim on an agreed value basis which means they give you the amount on the policy (no depreciation /haggling) and they take the car. Hagerty is my favorite classic car company and have placed most of my classic car clients with them.
Just Dashes, any experience?
I used Just Dashes for my GTO dash and console. Still look like new 12 years later. If i recall right I paid around $600 for the dash at the time.
Painting Natural parts
I am looking to paint some of the engine parts such as the water pump, head ,etc which are supposed to be left natural. I didn't want to use a clear coat since it tends to yellow with heat. I saw on another thread that VHT flat aluminum / aluminum matte was used but some thought it to dull and others used VHT cast aluminum which some thought to bright. Some combined the two spraying one over the other. Anyone find anything else that would work for the natural parts that would stand up to heat ? Anyone use any of the Eastwood products for this application? Thanks, Greg
ebay user "Reddat" in Houston
I don't have a problem with people charging inflated prices for items because it's our choice if we want to pay it or not. He has other issues that upset me. I purchased an automatic shift handle from him that about a 2yrs ago. It was supposed to be NOS. It was not the same one that he had in the Ebay photo that he keeps using every week for over a 2 years now. It was used and had a large crack in the base. He stuffed it into a box that was way to small, so part of it stuck out which he covered with tape. I paid about 5x the actual shipping cost which wasn't listed (but again I wanted it). When I called him on it not being the one in the photo and broken he said it was perfect when he sent it and that I had to deal with the post office and that he couldn't help me and would not take it back or refund my money. The post office of course refused to do anything when they saw the ridiculous box. He lied about it being NOS & Perfect. Charged crazy shipping charges. Refused to back up his description. Continues to use false photos. I read all the negatives about him but when you want something bad enough you make foolish decisions. He still has the shifter handle on every other week with the same photo. Check out the thread thats titled "Ebay Seller" for other comments on him. After all that would I still use him? Haven't since but sometimes rational thought goes away when you need an item badley enough.