Anybody else planning on coming down to the Swap meet tomorrow? Even if you don't find any deals (Last one I got a Shasta 04 tee shirt), It's worth it just for the 510 show. Here's photos from the last one Swap meet 510 show Text Copied from - 5th UFO SoCal UFO SoCal Swap Meet -- NEW LOCATION Yes its time again for another swapmeet, but this time we will be holding it at Nissan Corporate headquarters. It all starts at 10:00 am. Directions: Nissan headquarters is located at 18501 S. Figueroa St in Gardena CA. 90248. Where the 110 and the 405 freeways meet. NO burnouts, NO squirling, NO alcohol, NO racing, If we don't screw this up maybe they will let us back in. For more information, contact Randy York at 818-546-1851