Spelling errors or no, it's still a good poll. I do both, at work and at home. And Bill, Never, Ever, allow any criticism (even light hearted, friendly jabs) discourage you from communicating. Your participation in this forum is one of the best methods to improve communication skills. The effort to make one's views clear is something no one ever stops developing. And, the learning is in the doing. The difference in your first post to this forum, compared to your current postings are evident proof that this is true. I am a pathological miss-speller. And, at times, my sentence structure is miss-mash. But, for the past 30 years, I've had to communicate in the workplace via memoranda and presentations. The more I do, the better I get. And, it never stops being hard, and always rewarding. Thoughts are not written words. They are more like images. It has never been easy to give someone else the same metal image you want to express.