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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. Car theives SUCK! Send them to that prison in Iraq! Hope she comes back to you in one piece. It took them 10 days to find mine and I'm NOT complianing, but those were 10 very depressing days!
  2. If anyone has an interest, A fellow on the roadster list put up some excellent photos of the 04 Solvang Roadster Show ------Snip-------- Riaz Wrote - I have pics from the 17th annual datsun roadster show 2004. Go to Solvang Show ----end snip--------
  3. Your L24 had two ignition circuits, represented by two wires connected to one post on the coil. One is the Start circuit. This runs 12 volts directly from the ignition switch to the coil, Only when your key is in the start (cranking) position. The other is the Run circuit. This one runs from the ignition switch to the coil, but first, through the ballast resistor, witch drops the voltage to around 6 volts. This operates after you release the key after starting. This arrangement was used on points style cars, to preserve the contact points and extending their service periods. From what you have described, something is afoul with your Start circuit. This has been found as faults in the ignition switch or errors when reconnecting the coil.
  4. If it was blue tape holding the wires back, the car may not have had the pump installed. Blue tape on Nissan wiring harnesses (at least at my experience with 67 ~ 72 cars) indicated a "Do Not Use" status on the assembly line. I have found this tape on Roadsters, 411's and Zcars for the fog light connectors, some underdash connectors and , incidently, my 72 gas tank harness for the fuel pump power. Even though the US market, 72 z was not fitted with an electric pump, the power was routed, ready for installation
  5. An air box like that one is on the top end performance web page Top end Performance - Weber Page So, maybe you don't have to ship fom Japan?
  6. Looks like too much wheel to spin to me.
  7. Symon, I hope you're a small man, as the CSP311 was not made for men my size! I was always sure I'd never fit in the driver's seat and got to confirm that fact with Les's car. All the panels on those 500 cars were hand formed, so panels from one car wont fit on another. I think they are a beauty and always lusted after one. Corvair? I always thought it's more like an Opel. Especially, they way the hood extends forward.
  8. Dude a week end ride up Angeles Crest to a Newcome's Ranch Lunch (Mountain air makes the cheese burger taste better). Or Even better, a less crowded, less known sportscar/ motorcycle style mountain road. Know any?
  9. Do you mean to imply that she isn't? I don't know what creed or color, just know she's a bad girl. Only a very bad girl would encourge me to drive home from work today at that speed and fashion. "look at me! I'm a Sports Car!" she howled, from a 2.5 inch exhaust system, at pedestrians and more sedate drivers. Liquid Steely-Dan guitar lead timed shift points and all the time "more" "more". They were on the money with the "Fairlady" badge. They should not have worried about Americans buying the name. Sex sells here as much or more than anywhere. Long legs in Hot pants is my fairlady.
  10. One of Les's Carbon Fiber hoods, I see. How well/easily did that install?
  11. Wow! I have this fellow chasing me around, trying to buy the wheels off my car for years! I wish I could get a hold of him and tell him about these. The story I have is, In 1970, This was the only dealer option wheel availible as Nissan N.A. made a purchase agreement with Pacer Wheels. Then in 71, the 5 slots came availible at a lower cost, with no appretiable difference to the customer. I'm always looking for more info. What I have maybe wrong. My only sources are Les, a book from his collection, and the following, This set was bought from Torrence Datsun in February 1970 fitted to my SRL Roadster. The original steel wheel set was retained, and I still have them, but the funny thing is that they have the z car "D" hubcaps instead of the roadster baby moons. I wish the Original owner kept the dealer paperwork. Heck, he kept everthing else! I've never owned such a well documented car. So, it would seem that this wheel set would be more "correct" on a 69~70 HLS30. They look good and I like them, but at 5.5 wide, they're a bit too skinny for my taste. They can't go back on the roadster. With the Nissan Motorsports suspension, even that skinny, a 0 offest wheel hits the fenders hard. On the Z, I dream of Wats. 16'' panas in gunmetal is second choice.
  12. I reponded to this ad in April 2002 - 1972 240Z $5,500.00 Long Beach 90806 (562) ***-**** Description 1972 DATSUN 240Z, 200 miles on rebuilt long block engine, new clutch, tires, brakes, paint, seats, shocks, carburetor rebuilt & balanced, most rubber new, beautiful CAR, $5500 or best offer, Ralph, 562-***-****, cell 562-***-**** I went down with a roadster buddy and did my inspection and test drive, and told him "It's not a $5,000.00 Z car. I've got $4,000 for it right here". The Deal was Done.
  13. Well, Last year, her car was just another Nissan Lime in the bunch. This year, with the new flames, It drew a crowd and photos galore! Say what you want about flames, they worked for her.
  14. Victor Laury

    Original Condition

    Maye be dirty now, But I see potential. It should clean up nicely. Use liquid cleaner wax on the painted surfaces after your initial washing.
  15. Just thought I'd ask to seek an answer to my personal tool mystery.... How many do a have to buy, till I can find a #2 phillips driver when I need one?
  16. I've grown to like MAC over the years. I've got a bit of everything Snap-On, MATCO, Craftsman, Bonny (old stuff) but the name does not impress me. I went to a second-hand store last year, and found a set of German made offset boxes. They are Awesome! Very thin walled and light. So don't limit yourself to one source.
  17. Merlin came to visit last month. He came down from B.C. to see us at Solvang and the MSA show. Shot a bunch of photos, got sunburned - Just what we Californians want our Canadian vistors to do - come down, see the sights, spend their money, and go homeLOL He's a regular contributor to the ClassicDatsunClub and VintageDatsunTrucks Yahoo Groups as well as the Datsun Roadster Mailing list.
  18. 99.999 % of the time, the Black one is the Ground! Please don't fry your stereo. take your time and do the research
  19. Miami, 26 years to L.A. , going on 16 years. I'm a big, crowded, dirty, cruel, busy, stinky, international City type of guy. I can handle the outback (everywhere outside the city) only in small doses.
  20. No one (here certainly) can deny the Z's racing sucesses. Here in the States, the consecutive years of SCCA Championships speak for themselves. Ad to that, the rest of the racing world and there's no doubt, the Z was a world class GT racer. Even back in the 240Z heyday, successfull racecars were not a new thing to Nissan. Other Nissan cars were racing to glory. Some had celebrated rivalries with other manufacturers cars that were followed closely as the seasons unfolded. The SRL (2 liter) Roadster had the Triumph GT-6 Triumph tried again and again to win the national Dprod championship but a silly looking 4 clyinder Japanese car kept beating it. The 510 had the BMW 2002. The Ultimate Driving machine lost time and time again to the Jap-brick-on-wheels. Much to the crowds amusment (unless you drove a bimmer) Did the Z have a season long shoot out with another manufacturer, that the crowd followed? Or did the other guys just settle for second?
  21. I have a quartz clock, here in my office, that has a psycodelic light show. A gear reduction motor turns a color wheel. If I turn the color wheel off, the clock stops in a few hours. I surmised that the clock was "sticky" and needed the vibration of the display motor to keep running. Mayhaps that is what's happening in this case? park the car and the clock sticks?
  22. Is this the way it's suppose to work? Here I am, in Los Angeles. Point of Entry for 1/3 of the US oil supply. Can't walk a half a mile without bumping into a refinery. I pay $2.83 for high test while it's selling for 1.98 in Caspar Wyoming? How can they charge less after trucking it up and over the rockies? Meanwhile, my car is at the end of the pipe. Sure, taxes and special "anti-smog" formulations, but come on. If your going to do it to me, do ya gotta use sand for lube?
  23. Congrats, Tom! This one? They managed to get my ugly mug on page three (left side of photo, walking next to my car)
  24. Gee, only 55,000 yen. headlight covers
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