I believe Alan brought up the fact that the 2+2 was developed simultaniously with the coupe. But, I could find no way for the search engine to accept "2+2 prototype". As for the 2+2 of any generation, If I wanted a four seater, I think I'd chose a car designed for that function over one that was adapted for it. On the other hand, If you don't start by comparing it to the coupe, It's still a handsome car. Even in the late 70's the U.S. market 260 was labled a Lemon due to the carburation. Smog laws limiting modification kept it down. The Weber DGV's were only a slight improvment over the Hitachi "Tuna Cans". It is most likley that the Hitachi's at perfect tune are better that their only Air-Board-approved replacement. However, here in California, lest further legislative action, the 1974 260 will be free of inspection. The law itself will still make altering engine components and disabling emission control devices a no-no. But, no one will look, unless your pulled over for smoking. I'm willing to bet there will be an even higher demand for Dome-tops, rebuilt or cores come next year. Ztherapy take note. Bumpers are a draw back on the U.S. market 74's. Did the Aussie market get the big bumpers? Maybe someone will reproduce the 73.5 ones for retrofit. Yes the interiors changed, but look at the photo of Ben's interior and tell me, "Is that any less of a classic Z?"