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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. MSA 6 to one coated 2 1/2 Bent by Morse Mufflers of Burbank California (a true pipe artist) Turbo style muffer Chrome Straight tip, ending 2'' past the bumper. Simple, uncomlpicated, Quiet when compared to my roadster! (It only sets off a few car alarms, the Roadster sets them all off!)
  2. Gav, I had the Bright:stupid: idea of hanging a PC microphone out the rear hatch and my lap top record a WAV file of me running up through the gears on a freeway on-ramp. You see, it's my most humble opinion, that MY 240Z has THE BEST exhaust note EVER. And, that it is my duty to share that sweet song with my Z brothers and sisters. Well, the first second of the recording sounds pretty good. Then the wind noise drownds everthing out. Back to the drawing board.
  3. after an internet search, I found this - http://store.yahoo.com/eagleday/blco.html But I'd still like to know, what is this type of connector called? And what about the smaller style used on our instruments and MANY connections on the dash harness?
  4. Help! I cannot find this terminal end anywhere. This is the 1/4'' spade style male terminal for insertion into the Molex (?) Moldex (?) connection blocks, used by Nissan for many years. I'll buy in bulk if a must, but a hundred would more than fill my needs.
  5. No doubt! The tranny could fall out and the less rusty would still be a better deal! Plus that.....IT"S Yellow!! <my favorite
  6. Hey! That SR20DET looks pretty natural in there! Do you think the turbo plumbing would be a problem in a Left-hand-drive car?
  7. Besides my Z and Roadster, beside any other Datsun I plan to own, is a little rare droptop cruiser, not a sports car, 1967 Alfa GTC. I can't tell you why, it's a bit boxy. But I fell in love with this convertable on first sight. I think they only made 500. I had a chance at one in 1983, but I was too young and broke and my life was changing fast. The only one I've seen in the last few years was for sale for 17 grand.
  8. You can throw all your "too old" rejects my way!
  9. Bryan, Your car is leering at me! S-30's with bare fronts look like hungry sharks, smiling before biting the bathing beauty.
  10. It can mess with the tach. It did not on mine. From the post on the module run new wires to the + and - post of the new coil, abandon the old distributor lead and tape it up with the tempeture sensor wire. On your old coil, one post has a double male spade connector. Salvage this and use it to join the wires the once connected to the ballast resistor. You now have a 12 volt coil, with constant 12 volt supply. You can open your spark gap a little to take advantage of your increased voltage. You just have to deal with the better start, better idle and stable spark to well over 7,000 rpm :classic:
  11. When this happens, all is not lost. You'll notice that very close to the abso-Friccken-lutly fused fill plug, that you've rounded off, ruining your best 17mm, a knuckle or two and your throat from yelling obsenities at, is the reverse light switch. Ah Ha! Pull the switch (it never gets stuck) and fill. It's a tad bit lower than the filler plug, so you'll be 4 oz shy of full. Big deal.
  12. As a matter of fact - in this tired photo, used today in another thread, you can see my NA ZX EI Dizzy and Coil.
  13. Here's a photo of Victor's "El Cheapo" Cold Air Induction! Whataya think?
  14. Geez, I hope not! "Keeping quiet" cause I do too much endorsements. People will think I'm "(insert any vendor's name here) Little Whore". With my Z car, as I did with my roadster before, I try to deal as evenly with all the vendors as I can. Spread the wealth. We need these folks in buisness. But too much is too much, and I contained myself from writting the day I got the flyer "OH MY GOD! DID YOU SEE WHAT MSA IS SELLING??!??"
  15. Alan, In hindsight, in the present company, I'd give your opinion more warrant. But consider that very few HLS30's were sold to sports car people, consider if, that demographic was not Nissan's North American target group. Then, the "softer" fittings makes all the marketing sense. Consider if Nissan's target audience was 25 ~ 40, mainly women who wanted "Sporty" "Stylish" "It" car. Yes, I'm stating it clearly, the market wasn't "Knowledgable or Sophisticated" at all! Please! nobody call foul. I'm NOT talking about Sports car people. When normal folk see my roadster, they say "AWW! What a cute car!". They would never understand, and think my sports car as "junk" after one pass over a poorly paved rail crossing. You're not going to sell millions of units if they drive like sports cars! Not here! The mainstream N.A. market paid no attention at all to SCCA racing. It wasn't even televised. That, small segment of the market, sports car fans, were not prominent enough to "stiffen" the true sports nature of this car. That option was totally aftermarket and those of that ilk knew of the Nissan Competition Catalog. Submitted into evidence, the progression of the North American S30 and the subsequent models, S130, Z31, Z32. Softer, plusher, Factory AC fitted, power windows, power-friggin-anything. America, taken as a whole, wanted a stylish Grand Tourer. Nissan quite successfully responded to the wants of the market. Luckily for us, the fire breathing beast, hidden in silk robes is not hard to expose! From it's first year out, a tweak here and there, you've met the JDM/Euro/Aussie/ spec. A little more massage and you've exceeded it.
  16. Yep, I've been keeping quiet on the new parts. When I got the new flyer, I nearly jumped of of my seat! I'll be sporting the new fuse box post haste. I can't justify the radiator, as my car runs nice and cool as is. Can't see any reason for the aluminum driveshaft other than bragging rights and way too "Tastfully Modifed Stock" for the chrome catch/overflow cans. Oh well, one more stock fuse box into my spare parts horde! Dam, If I kick the bucket anytime soon, can I get one of you guys to get rid of the tons (really, plural) of Datsun parts?
  17. Yep, FLCL is Fooly Cooly. A wild ride, six episodes long with Haruhara Haruko, an alien from another dimension, who rides a yellow Vespa and swings a mean bass guitar. She'd fit right in the Douglas Adams classic, you quote in your signature line.
  18. That's tough! My last 72 was the Brown/Butterscotch combo, and I had no-luck-at-all finding them. When I disassembled the rear panels, I found enough of them to cover most of the obvious spots and used the black ones in the lowest and hidden ones. Try our new Vendor - MidWest Z. Mahaps Chole has a secret stash! Hey! Now your'e "I found a Z"
  19. Astro-Glide (sorry, just trying to live up to my new icon)(it says "Beware - Perverts") Do they sell Castrol in Kiwi-land? My engine is a well broken in re-build so I'm running full synthitic (Mobil 1). I don't know if this is true, but I've been told when selecting a multi-viscosity, It's wiser to choose one with the varibles close together (a 10W30 over a 5W40 for example). I'm using a 10W30, but that may not be the best choice for you. It's fairly warm, year-round here in sunny SoCal, But, I hear it's gets downright cold in New Zealand in your winter (Now, right?)
  20. I tried to look it up over the weekend, but the ad was gone. I may have missed. "May", cause sometimes the ads drop off and the owners will put it up again. This is crazy. I don't need another car! I need a truck. I was saving the other car option for that "Perfect" 510 or 1200 coupe. But, the logic is, This car was cheap enough to play with. Get it running and then .... Knowing me ..... fall in love with it and spend way too much.
  21. What's your VIN Number? S-30? HS-30? I believe (others will be sure) that the S-30's came with the L-20A and the HS-30's came with the L-24. Yes, your 5 speed box is the same (kinda) as the 2L Roadster (SRL311, SR311). The difference is the bell housing (starter on the other side), the main shaft (longer) and the tail housing(ditto). Good box, but parts are getting scarce.
  22. Lance's advice works. It's the same as my father instructed me 30 years ago. Advance the timing untill it pings under acceleration, then retard it untill it will only ping if you bog the engine down in high gear. I've been using this rule on cars where the scale just doesn't seem right. I have my Roadster club guys over from time to time for my help with tune ups. Every so often a car will pop up that WILL NOT RUN with normal timing adjustments, which leads me to believe something wasn't set up right during an engine re-build. Using my Dad's formula for these "hard cases" has worked so far. Garret, if your car isn't pinging like crazy with the total advance "well over" 35 degrees BDTC, I say the scale was funky. Find you self a hill, advance the timing till it starts to ping, then retard it till it stops. Old fashion? Yep. Hard to track your adjustments? Yep. Works? Yep.
  23. Michael and Lachlan, I'm following your discussions with great interest. Since we never got these cars in the U.S. , It's all new information. These cars were L-6 powered classic Datsuns and I consider them "On Topic". Michael, I hope your budget can include the Solexs and the 5 speed swap! What a sweetie you'll have after those modifications! Take lots of photos.
  24. Hey! FerGo! when did you get here? Gotta get you a Z my man! You might even fit into one!
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