Alan, In hindsight, in the present company, I'd give your opinion more warrant. But consider that very few HLS30's were sold to sports car people, consider if, that demographic was not Nissan's North American target group. Then, the "softer" fittings makes all the marketing sense. Consider if Nissan's target audience was 25 ~ 40, mainly women who wanted "Sporty" "Stylish" "It" car. Yes, I'm stating it clearly, the market wasn't "Knowledgable or Sophisticated" at all! Please! nobody call foul. I'm NOT talking about Sports car people. When normal folk see my roadster, they say "AWW! What a cute car!". They would never understand, and think my sports car as "junk" after one pass over a poorly paved rail crossing. You're not going to sell millions of units if they drive like sports cars! Not here! The mainstream N.A. market paid no attention at all to SCCA racing. It wasn't even televised. That, small segment of the market, sports car fans, were not prominent enough to "stiffen" the true sports nature of this car. That option was totally aftermarket and those of that ilk knew of the Nissan Competition Catalog. Submitted into evidence, the progression of the North American S30 and the subsequent models, S130, Z31, Z32. Softer, plusher, Factory AC fitted, power windows, power-friggin-anything. America, taken as a whole, wanted a stylish Grand Tourer. Nissan quite successfully responded to the wants of the market. Luckily for us, the fire breathing beast, hidden in silk robes is not hard to expose! From it's first year out, a tweak here and there, you've met the JDM/Euro/Aussie/ spec. A little more massage and you've exceeded it.