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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. Mark, The only comforable way to remove the stock mirror is after removing the glass. You'll find a 13 mm nut holding the mirror in place.
  2. I hope I'm not the only 240z.org member going to the The 10th Annual Classic Datsun Car Show Saturday, October 26th! Has anyone else registered? If your in the SoCal Area, show up! I've been going four the past 5 years and it's always a big event. We get folks from NV, AZ, NM too. If you haven't heard about it yet, There's more info at www.classicdatsun.com
  3. I'm interested in upgrading to a 5 speed. Not that there is anything wrong with my 4 speed box. As a matter of fact, I think the 4 speed ratios fit the car rather well. But, on the Interstate, the thought of overdrive is alluring. I have some choices already. A Roadster Vendor has a 75-79 (all the same?) box. I have an extra early roadster box. T5's seem to be in every junk yard I go to. No matter which one I choose, I think it's prudent to have it rebuilt anyway. I have a reputable Datsun Transmission Specialist down here (Bill Meyers) that I'll take the tranny to before installation. Here's what I think I know. Please tell me if I'm off base or "on the mark". If you agree or disagree with any of the points below, please respond. If there is more online info that I might have missed, Please Point me to it. The roadster trans (A box 2 piece) requires a special bell housing, tail Shaft and drive shaft. Parts are scarce or just not available at all. The plain Ole Z 5 speed (B Box, one piece) mounts up with no problems using the 4 speed driveshaft and mounts. You do have to modify the shifter or you hit the dash. parts are there but getting harder to find. The ZX Turbo T5 requires some mods to the mounts and shifter. It's tough as nails but slower shifting and heavier. The ratios are not really ideal for 240's. Parts are plentiful as they were used in many cars.
  4. This site is very automated. I registered once, last October, and that was the end of any required interface. The site automatically logs in, both from home and work. I think that real Z nuts wouldn't hesitate to register. But, in my case, it wasn't until I had a good look at the forum content that I decided to join. Maybe, if I had a "register now" screen pop up on my first visit, I might have said "Screw those people" but, I doubt it. Since I subscribe to just about every Datsun mailing list avialible, (roadster, 510, zhome list, 240 list, early datsun, classic datsun pickup)(you should see my mailbox! :stupid:) I was an easy mark to sign up here as well. I voted yes. I don't think we'll scare away the die-hard Z folks when they finnaly find this place. And if good numbers would help mike sell a space or 2, all the better.
  5. Steve, This car looks great. Automatics are not to my tastes, but fairly rare in 70~71's. It's a time capsule for sure. P/S = Pacer Sport. Pacer wheels worked closely with Nissan Dealerships in 69, 70, 71 for dealership installed option wheels. Too bad they aren't the Pacer Sport 6 hole variety, which were rarer. by the way, those caps should polish out nicely. I wonder what happened to park this car, all those years ago.
  6. Nissan EI converted dizzy by Gary Boone, custom machanical and vacuum curves. Full 12 volt ZX coil, so goodby points, goodby ballast resistor.
  7. I have a 1970 SRL (2000) Roadster and I love it. Parts are no worst than 240 restoration parts. The R-16 (1600) motor was far more plentiful than the U-20, so engine parts are still avialible. You'll find great vendors for the roadsters who are making and developing reproduction parts to keep us running for some tme to come. If you get the roadster, join the roadster mailing list. you'll find lots of info at http://www.311s.org/ Be sure to register you car at that site as well.
  8. Sports car have no business being air conditioned. Having said that, Let me state that there's been a couple of days last week I wish mine was! My first 72 had an inoperable A/C that was terribly installed. I felt much better about the car once I had completely remove all traces of it's existence. The engine compartment looked right and the passenger foot area was clear of all that mess. My current 72 never had one. Between the roadster, the Z and the 65 320 truck, there's not an A/C to my name. My last A/C was in my 78 510 (A10) wagon. I kinda miss that old bird! Especially last week! Whew!
  9. Here's the Back
  10. Here's the Front with the wiring harness
  11. >James Wrote - there must be some other motor that will work. I'll look into it. No doubt. Nissan is famous for using the same part in many cars. The motor itself may be the same as the 510, 1200, 610 lines, but the drive/gearing/mounting will differ. But it should not be so hard to swap the motor between assemblies. Disclaimer - Until I have them in front of me, this is just speculation! Victor 70 SRL 31113136 72 HLS30 48255 72 HLS30 94071 65 L-320 Pickup Los Angeles SoCalROC http://www.socalroc.com/
  12. What about it? How'd you like to get together for a L.A. Ride? Bouquet Canyon? Angeles Crest? Other? Cool weather and Z's! What a concept! vlaury@earthlink.net
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