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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. I've been running Redline MTL in all my boxes (some rebuilt, some with many miles) for 10 years. good stuff I believe.
  2. Sounds like a plan to me... BBQ AND Datsuns? Gee, what to do? I'll bring sodas and chips
  3. We can see your Hobart unit in your avatar photo.
  4. Good one! A keeper! Excellent! Gotta add this one to my "Bag O Tricks"
  5. Don't forget to drain the box first! nothing worse than working in a puddle O Hyploid! You'd stink for ages.
  6. Avoid dropping it on your toe. Did you get a clutch alignment tool?
  7. I painted mine, and didn't use the flex additive. Result? I'm touching it up 3 times a year.
  8. Eric, I use a pipe wrench as well. It does "Bite" into the gland nut (or "Grand Nut" in Japanglish) a bit. Just a note: I've seen gland nuts like you desribed, with two flats and nuts with the full hex. One time, both on one car!
  9. Dam that is one sweet Nissan Lime ride! Sir, you have officially "scored".
  10. I'm still looking for an osillator box. If anyone see's one a heads up would be apprciated. My Rally clock is still a shelf decoration.
  11. I'm just envious. Why didn't we get the larger Nissan coupes, sedans of the era? Here's the plan.... Import a 240K 2 door or C110 varient. Buy a 610 Install the dash, pedal box, steering column, steering rack from the 610 into the C110, American Skyline?
  12. Not the B210, That's a sunny, powered by an A14. The closest thing we got in body style is the 610. But the 610 has a shorter wheel base and powered by an L18. If you stretched a 610, put a L24 under the bonnet, lost the giant bumpers, you'd be dam close to the 240k. http://www.datsuns.com/images/610c.jpg
  13. Is shipping costs from the US expensive? http://www.classicdatsun.com http://www.zcarparts.com Just a couple to start
  14. I've posted before with my expirences with Gas Tank ReNu. Can't say enough. They do a great job and really do stand up to their lifetime warrenty. Any tank with a Tank ReNu tag is covered no matter what the circumstances of how you got it. http://www.gastankrenu.com/welcome.htm Just to add, "Moyers" is one of the Gas Tank ReNu dealers there are others and may be one near you. However, Moyers seems to be the only one doing this via shipping. I have to agree that shipping and "Empty" gas tank is VERRRRY close to shipping a bomb.
  15. New SSR mesh wheels are still availible in 3 different styles (formula, reverse and full reverse), all in z sizes. But (!), they'll run you at least $1,200 (a "just buy it and shutup price) to $1,500 for new fresh, from japan with caps and even "SSR" air stem caps! ~COOL~. Your local ricer shop will know how to get SSR's. But they'll want the money in advance and it's at least a 4 week to slow-boat the pacific.
  16. There you GO! Dishy JDM Rikens are downright proper Z wheels.
  17. Keep an eye on the fast paced wheel swapping action on the "Parts for Sale" pages at club4ag.com. Most (if not all) the wheels sold there fit Z's, with the exception of the 13'' and honda wheels (4X100) that pop up from time to time. Keep an eye out for Rikens, SSR Formula Mesh, SSR Revese Mesh, Enkie Apaches, Enkie mesh, Hayashi perrier and others. chances are good you'll find a set of JDM 15X7 @0 meshies at a nice price
  18. I've seen some beauties, restored 2+2's at the MSA show. Alone, they look great, next to 240's, they look like station wagons
  19. No, no! This is a series I we're talking about. The Crack pipe would not be "Period Correct". It would have to be a "Hash Pipe" or points would need to be deducted. The Crack Pipe is correct for the S130 models only.
  20. Over the past year, I've been trying to educate myself on wheel fittments. But I sill don't know what the "J" or "JJ" size definitions mean. I think it has something to do with brake caliper clearence, But I'm not sure. My 15X7 SSR MKII's are a "J", whilst the Advan A3A 14X6's on the Roadster are "JJ"'s Que es?
  21. Have Faith. Mine came back to me after 10 grueling days with lock and dash damage and no radio. I can only attribute my luck to the outpouring of well-wishers from here and the mailing lists. Here my chance to turn it around..... I'm wishing luck in the fast and safe return of your Z!
  22. I like them all. The best Z's are the one's owned by Z enthusiasts. The fellow or gal dottering over every detail of their 88 Z31 are just as much Z people as we here. The poor folks restoring their 83 S130 have to have more dedication as we, because their parts are harder to find! Every loved Z car is a classic Z to me.
  23. I've used the WIX 51515 or the repackaged WIX sold by NAPA stores (NAPA 1515), which is the eqivilent part as the Fram PH8A (Ford V8's). Haven't used Fram since first reading the online evaluation 5 years ago. The best thing about that size is, since it was used on so many engines, there is nowhere you could go where you will not be able to find a new filter. For a while, I've been painting the WIX filters medium blue to match the Nissan Filters. This last change, I went back to the Nissan units.
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