We had some starts. "Absolute Z" started 3 years ago. We had some good meets. My experience with Sothern Californians and car clubs is you need to go ether Way Formal, with dues, presidents, treasurers, news letters - Or - Completely informal. The informal has worked for us in the Roadster scene here. SoCalROC is a fast and loose dis-organization that works like this. Wanna meet/Run/breakfast/Picnic/etc? Announce it. If two cars show, that's cool, if 4 cars- call it a success - 8 is a smash hit club meeting! If someone asks "How do I join the club?" The answer is, "You just did!". We don't have a committee or even a web site. We just use 311s.org, the roadster version of classiczcars.com to announce events. Don't even debate the events, or they'll never happen - just do it and it will turn out one way or another. Allow no politics, or you'll have a debate club, not a car club. So, you want a club? I'll join. You can call it LAZ for all I care. I'd like it better that way