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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. Four-screw 70~71 SU's also had the loose floats. Shake a float near your ear and listen for fluid. Sunk Floats were a big problem with the roadsters. The composite plastic floats were/are much more stable. They are availible in the "loose float" form. Try the roadster vendors. Heck try Les. He's close to you iv Vista.
  2. He knew what he was talking about. Good find of a good mechanic. Yea, it loosens and backs off, giving you a fith-gear-neutral, but not for long. Continue driving and the main shaft falls apart - Not Recommended! You got it fixed at the right time, by the right person, it sounds to me.
  3. Last Thursday I got a call from a new roadster owner, who lived by me. He was interested in meeting a roadster owner or 2 from our area. We set up a meeting time (Sat midmorning) and location (Bob's Big Boy in Glendale). After the call I posted a "Whoever is interesed" posting on the roadster mailing list. I really didn't expect to get much response. Imagine my suprise and delight when no less than 10 roadsters showed along with 2 RHD JDM SSS Bluebird Coupes! Maybe it was the fact that it was a perfect SoCal-topless-sportscar day. We did the usual "compare details" B.S. session that would boor a non Datsun-ite to tears, ate our hamburgers and then got antsy for a drive. So we drove up to the summit of Mt. Wilson to see the entire L.A. Metropolis at once. Driving up the fast twisties of Angeles Crest Highway is one of my favorite drives so I was game! We had a wonderfull time! And it's my fault that I didn't invite some of you guys. I really had no idea it would develop into a true Datsun event! I brought my new, fancy Canon digital camera, but did the typical Victor-BoneHead move by leaving the battery in the charger at home! But one of the attendees brought his and he uploaded the photos on the classicfairlady site today - enjoy Glendale meet photos
  4. The other mirror is on a US market car
  5. >what years did the battery tray end up on the drivers side? Just curious... never saw this before. or is it that the battery is on the opposite side for right hand. You got it! look close and see what missing - Brakes? Steering gear? Ahha!
  6. Your California Blue tag number "622 EDJ" was issued late 71 ~ early 72. that much is all that number will get you.
  7. If I buy them, it would just be to hold them for roadster owners. From a stack in your garage to a stack in mine :stupid:
  8. Yes the ZX dizzy! I run one as well. The goods - never needs adjustment, Full 12 volts (trash the ballast resistor!), and superior spark! Be sure to grab the coil from the junk yard with the dizzy. better yet, buy a new dizzy and coil. A worn out ZX dizzy will be worse than a new points style.
  9. Nissan didn't play. They used high performance parts bone stock plugs NGK B6ES for L28. BP6ES for L24 Plug Wire NGK NE61 Nissan Cap and rotor Nissan coil
  10. Please consider getting a 240~280 S30 instead. In truth 300 ZX parts are quite costly. you can easily spend $20K bringing a 90-96 back up to spec. Why not spend that money on your dream? We'll help you look! This crowd loves to buy cars vicariously!
  11. Anybody else planning on coming down to the Swap meet tomorrow? Even if you don't find any deals (Last one I got a Shasta 04 tee shirt), It's worth it just for the 510 show. Here's photos from the last one Swap meet 510 show Text Copied from www.dimequarterly.com - 5th UFO SoCal UFO SoCal Swap Meet -- NEW LOCATION Yes its time again for another swapmeet, but this time we will be holding it at Nissan Corporate headquarters. It all starts at 10:00 am. Directions: Nissan headquarters is located at 18501 S. Figueroa St in Gardena CA. 90248. Where the 110 and the 405 freeways meet. NO burnouts, NO squirling, NO alcohol, NO racing, If we don't screw this up maybe they will let us back in. For more information, contact Randy York at 818-546-1851
  12. Good call Alex. They do a first rate job and it really IS guaranteed for life. Here's a tip for those who cruise the wrecking yards. If you find a GasTank Re-Nu tank for your car, the warrenty follows the tank, not the car! So your junk yard tank is as good as new, guaranteed! I was surprised by this fact. I brought them one of their tanks for repair, with cash in-hand, and was told "No Charge". Not used to that kind of treatment these days.
  13. At least "Gazelle" implys speedy and nimble qualitys. What does "Cedric" imply? Stuffyness?
  14. I met a fellow from groupZ at the National convention that had 16 panas on his Z. He said he order them with a slight positive offset (+ 10 ? ) to avoid the rub. Pana's are not light. 15's are heavy, 16's are heavy-er somthing to consider. Keeping it in the Datsun Family - Both CDM and Motorsports Auto sell Pana's. They might even know the majic formula for the 16's better than a non-Datsun wheel distributor.
  15. James, I'm interested as well. I have believed the FJ24 was only fitted to the rallye program cars. Here's another one we wish we had gotten in the States!
  16. Dam them. Off with their hands. Insha Allah, Allah Ackbar!
  17. From Eagle Wheels 028 0289-5705 15x7 Polished 4 on 4.25/4.5 0 mm 4.00 3121-09 1580 lbs. 20 lbs. $96.11 Well, kind of heavy, but cheap enough. My Coworker bought a set for his Miata.
  18. Really Ryan! For cryin out loud! After all that expensive body work! (BTW, as far as I'm concerned, you proved your Z-ness to me when you fixed that car the right way.) Get a car cover! You can even get one cheap at the Covercraft Outlet Store Call them and the'll ship a factory second or a returned cover to you for 1/4 of the price of a new one.
  19. Just approved your photos. And from the looks of the car, my answer to the question "to Z or not to Z" would be "to Z for sure". Looks good! did you get a good deal?
  20. Looks to me like a late button with an early emblem.
  21. Did you "talk it up" a bit. I hear these are good to 300hp easy and depenable.
  22. Victor Laury

    My Miku's 1

    Ha I've got the very same set-up Manifold.
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