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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. If there is a dispute on usage of your photo, within this site, first, PM the member who posted the photo, with instructions on what you'd like done (delete, change caption, change description). If that doesn't work, hit the "report photo" button and tell us what you'd like done.
  2. That's an interesting site. I was speaking of Marc's transmission info site Gearing Chart Using the info: (8/78-7/79) (1st)3.321 (2nd)2.077 (3rd)1.308 (4th)1 (5th)0.864 (8/79-6/80) (1st)3.062 (2nd)1.858 (3rd)1.308 (4th)1 (5th)0.773 (7/80-6/83) (1st)3.062 (2nd)1.858 (3rd)1.308 (4th)1 (5th)0.745 In fith gear, turn the output 1 revolution, If the input only turns .745 (just before 9:00 oclock), then it has the 80-83 gearset. A little after 9:00, the 1980 gearset Just before 11:00 oclock, the early gearset
  3. That would work for everythig except gears. Some of the gaskets bearings and seals are shared throughout and most carried over from the earier A box to the later C boxes. With the exception of the coutershaft. But, We can find the vintage by identifing the overdrive ratio. I made a quicky Degree wheel for the input shaft and a pointer for the output. I'll look up the data I used to remember the process I used.
  4. That's not a BW T5. Just another FS5W71B like your current bad transmission. Parts at drivetrain.com
  5. And I thought I was the only one.. The outlet was done by progressive sanding 120, 220, 400 - then tripoli on a spiral wound buff - finished with white rouge on a pillow buff. The thremo housing was done with emory on a sisal buff, followed by tripoli on a spiral wound buff - finished with white rouge on a pillow buff. New temp sender, gland nut and gaskets from MSA, New zinc chromated hardware completes the piece
  6. I think it's Purty. 5 speed? Ya need the "210 GX" emlem for the rear QP.
  7. Jerry, You've fooled before, so I have to ask - Is this a photo or another of your drawings?
  8. Mike, what does that mean, in computer illiterate engrish por favor.
  9. It was supposed to be 112 Nissan Lime, but it ended up too green. When you said "Pale Yellow" I thought you were thinking along the lines of Nissan 665 Primrose, like the 35 year old paint on my roadster.
  10. Blood and coolant... Bet that was a lovely mix :
  11. I like this guy already! Dominic, finish filling out your profile. Let everyone know where your from. Maybe, there's a member in your area. Sure wish we got these car in the states!
  12. Tastefull, and very sanitary transplant work. Top notch!
  13. They're making these again. In a great variety of withs and offsets. I give the wheels a 10 and the bodywork a 1
  14. I've grown to like the Falken Zeix 512 for daily driving duties. I've got 2 sets now in 195/60/14 and 225/50/15. They seem to break the standard format by having nice grip AND long wear. They're popping up more and more on the track as rain tires which is a good indication that others are having the same feelings. I never thought I'd have any respect for a tire with a UTQG rating OVER 300! My track set is Kuhmo Victoracer V700 195/55/14, and they have served me very well. So, well that they are now in dire need of replacement! Before those, I ran a set of Goodyear R1's. They were a costly mistake, as they were GONE in 3 weekends! I have been debating on switching to the Falken Azenis Sport RT-215, only because of the price. The are selling locally at $50.00 apiece! But, I don't like the size selection. (195/60/14 too narrow!) and I'm sure they can't be as grippy as the Victoracers.
  15. John, You should tell us where you are. I'm sure Almost everyone here knows where a good pipe bender is that could make you a stock set up. If your in Los Angeles, I'm tripping over 2 usable stock systems - They were WAY too quiet for my sports car! Hate to throw them out.
  16. Me too. It was on my roadster. Now it resides in my living room, affixed to an A box shifter. Sort of a Datsun Royal Septer, or maybe a Datsun magick wand. Next time a sick Datsun shows up, I'll wave the wand and make the incantaions - "Matsuo, Uchino, Iizuka"
  17. I'm asking for everybody to cool it. Think you're cool already? Then please, turn it down a notch. I'm getting "Reported Posts" Emails this morning, and I don't feel up to editing. It's not just this thread either.
  18. Has anyone seen the original option fog lamps? Are they "Everwings" brand?
  19. "Seafoam" works almost as well as a blown head gasket. Anyone else see how a coolant leak wil decarbonize a piston?
  20. Whattayamean? There's not even one telephone sanitation engineer in the entire group!
  21. Saro, One nipple connects to the breather tube on the block, and the other to the back of the air cleaner. I don't think it matters which one is which. Get'er done!
  22. The "Bluebird", being advertised as a "Fair Lady" is a PL411, powered by the J-1300 engine. The more desirable "SSS", (But not badged as such in the US) is the RL411, with the R-16, twin SU's. Both of these cars sold moderately well in the US (compared to the total import market in the 60's). They were not Badged as Blubirds, Mr. K saw to that. Instead they were "Datsun 1300" and "Datsun 1600". There's a Yahoo group that's quite active (and a good bunch of people) for these cars.
  23. I think the combo Governmental and Engineering fits as a description of my gig. Words of wisdom from the wise old man, I had worked with for years, given to me just before his retirement... "Our ultimate goal is to do nothing".
  24. Got to admit, Those wheels look proper! I like the ZX six-spokes, but, these just "Fit" the sytle and feel of an 810
  25. I know that no one is damming Eric for the priceing. At their current rarity, $600.00 is below fair market value. It's just above their value to me.
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