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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. Guus, Please tell us. I can't get to any of the sites. "Sports" content is filtered out from my work server.
  2. it sounds like a true short in the sidemarkers or dashlights or rear running lights or cigar lighter(?) What was disturbed lately?
  3. Victor Laury

    Big Naughty

    Thanks! Daddy likes!
  4. This has been cured in the past by several members. I, am not one of them. The car I had this problem with, got parted-out before I cured it. (that fixed it for good ) It has been found in some cases that there's a high resistance contact in the aging light switch stalk. In others, a fault was found in the marker lights connections (one was reversed or light sockets were corroded). but first, really ensure you get the best possible contacts at the fuse box. really clean those contacts to shiny brass, squeeze them togther then install a new fuse. If it blows again, read the recent write-ups on refurbising the light stalk. Or replace with new, if availible.
  5. Do they make a "spook" style front spoiler for these cars? I can imagine one one it.
  6. They look like Appliance (brand) mesh style wheels
  7. OH! OH! My ZX dizzy did this to me! Check and see if the plug to the dizzy is all the way in! Mine worked it's way out, to the point where it LOOKED like it was connected, but it was JUST making contact, The car would run, but, sputter in the upper RPM's Just hoping your problem is just that simple.
  8. Well, here's an update on my headlight harness manufacturing ambition - - - - - - F! Bloody F! :sick: :disappoin :mad: A box with $300 in terminals, housings and relay bases were in my car, when it was stolen! needless to say, The box wasn't there (along with everything else) when I picked her up at the police impound! Well, I don't know if I have the heart to buy all that stuff again!
  9. Don't forget, you guys down-under didn't get the giant nasty bumpers! Face it, your 260Z WAS a truly improved model to the 240Z. Ours, (US spec) was a sad state of affairs, as the Feds gobbed one after another requirement upon the poor fairlady's back!
  10. Allen, That is a front-mounted bar. So, 71,72, 73(?) U.S. Spec cars will not have the brakets for mounting this bar and require drilling. Now, your third photo shows a Z body With the factory front-mounted rear sway bar (wow tonge twister). I'm guessing that's a later car. Steve (ZVoiture) did a lot of reseach 2 months ago, you should search the forums for his posts. I believe he found that the later bars would not fit the early cars, even if you drilled and installed brackets, as the floorpan was different and the later bars got blocked by the snout fo the diffy. I can tell you, that the MSA bar (Drill to mount) bar on my car has a major bend in the middle to clear the diffy.
  11. Nissan Sentra SER I loved the 90~94 Sentra SER's. Dead-Ready for SCCA Showroom Stock Racing. Quite quick econo-box, much in the true spirt of the Bluebird SSS. They were SR20DE powered, 5 speed, big braked, big exhaust, hard suspension, low extra features, right out of the box. Don't really care for the new ones, though. I just don't like the 4 doors. And besides, It looks way too plush.
  12. I have an order in with her. Should I refuse payment until a photo is posted?:classic:
  13. That artical is specifically for installing the Borg-Warner T-5 transmission from a 280ZX Turbo. To install a FS5C71B from a 280Z and N/A 280ZX, Find one, take out the four speed, put in the 5 speed. Easy, yes? Well, that may be a little simplistic. Here's my write-up, when I swapped up to a 5 speed Vic's 5 Speed Adventure
  14. I belive your right, Steve. I always liked those wheels. Nissan also made them in 13'' and fitted them on 610's as well. I see them from time to time fitted to 1200's and 510's
  15. Whoa! I just recognized who "Oil Leak" was! Hey Brian! Anougher Roaster owner joins our ranks. You got the "Oil Leak" tag from your Bug-eye sprite, right?
  16. Well, I have seen the photos and I see a very nice, white 73 in good form, obviously doted upon by your Father-in-law or previous owner. Photo labled "driver side hose" This is (was) the vacuum supply for the air injection system. Although we may argue on some items, we pretty much agree that the air system does far more harm than good. keep it pluged, or consider removing the rest of the system entirely. Photo Labled "lower hose" this is the crankcase vent that was connected to the PCV valve on the original setup. Do not plug. All engines need a crankcase vent, for more, the merrier. Before the mid 1960's, engines were vented to the atmospere, via a "draft tube". This is in no way "eco-friendly". Many here, who have fitted an alternate carburation system, have installed a "puke can" (lovely terminology, I perfer "catch can") to connect this hose, and the valve cover vent hose (below), to keep them vented, and keep the oil off the street. Photo Labled "valvecoverhose" see above. or just fit a small filter, availible in most Hot Rod shops, From K&N filters, to both hoses.
  17. Fuse, Right hand side of the fuse box, three down. Replace that one with a NEW one, AFTER you clean the clips thoughly, and give them a bit of a tightening squeeze.
  18. Thank you all! For support from the beginning to today, ten days later. I drove her to the gas station, as the crooks ran her down to fumes. The key switch is healthy again, AND THE CLUB IS IN PLACE WHERE IT WILL BE USED FROM NOW ON!! Tomorrow I will be adding some type of imoblizer, I'll search the forums for the best idea. I've decide not to refit the stereo until after I replace the dash, as per my original plan before it was stolen. Monday, I'll up the insurance. OH Chloe! get ready for an order!
  19. After a harrowing journey to a Police Station, then to an Impound yard (taxi's are expensive!), my car is now home for repairs. It was found abandoned in a town, not to far from me and impounded. I had to bail her out for $176.00. The center console is in little pieces. All this for my $300.00 stereo? the ignition lock is thrashed, as the theif used a homemade knife the force the ignition lock. They left it in "On" position so the battery, and possibly the coil is burned. I've managed to get the broken knife point out of the key switch but it's too thrashed to accept my key yet. Got to go work on it now as I'm too excited to type!
  20. If you search the forums for "holley" or "Arizona Z Car" you'll find the general consence is against this set up in favor of the round top SU's This one is an example Boy am I bummed out...terrible dyno results
  21. Maria (Charlotte?), If you removed the screw which attaches the choke lever to the bottom of the nozzle, it should just about drop out. If you've done that, I'm sure the above statment isn't much help. Is there any indication that some misguided P.O. has glued the nozzles into the nozzle guide tubes? Are these still one the car or on your work bench? Have you seen the exploded views on the ztherapy.com site? Give em a little twist?
  22. It was the clip, "Roll'em" that I liked so much. You get the sensation of speed, and driver busy-ness. It closely catches the AutoX experience.
  23. Does anyone know where I can get new Stainless headlight surround for my 71.... ....521 pickup?
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