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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. The rising sun may not fly in Texas. I like the Black and Red flames myself. What I'd really like is a new Tom Holt "Ride along" video. I think I played the old one to death.
  2. Victor's El Cheapo East L.A. Cold Air Induction System (ECELACAIS)
  3. My bank just called and reported to the police, that a guy came in with one of my lost checks and tried to cash it with phoney ID. He ran out when the bank was reporting him. They got him on film! He was trying to cash a check for $176.00 for plumbing services. He was driving an old white Buick but they didn't get his license #. If they catch him.. maybe it will lead to my car.
  4. As far as the H130 wheels go, I think the 6 point stars look the best. Followed by the "Swastica" 280ZX Turbo wheels, then the Iron Crosses. My own opinion. I DO believe you MUST use special lugs on all these wheels, as the holes are bigger than the 5 slot mags. Please correct me if I'm wrong
  5. All Dodge Hemi Trucks are now on recall for accel pedal sticking.
  6. Thanks again for the advice/crying towel. The last two days I've aimlessly taken drives down backstreets and auto shop rows lookingfor a familiar shape or a flash of green. No dice. I check the scene of the crime and there are no security cams. I've posted notice at my favorite Car wash, because they love me and my cars and their central location. They were SHOCKED and promised to be on alert. My Coworkers have given me support by keeping their eyes peeled on the way to and from work. I've been offered another Z, 72, low miles, single owner, liftime garage kept for a stunningly low price. I'm not sure if I should as I'm worried they will find my z and I'll have towing/impound/other unforseen costs. The Auto Club (insurer) had me file a claim, even though I didn't have comprehensive, to protect from liability from the theives actions. My roadster looks mighty lonely in the car port! I'm still going to pick up the 521 pickup this Saturday, so it will have company soon. There's a 81 ZX fatlady on the Craigslist sight for $500.00! another option, a car no one would want to steal!
  7. In case any forgets that the Datsun community is the coolest, even if they are not on our club, Check out what Les and Dennis at Classic Datsun Motorsports put on the CDM web site. CDM Stolen Car Alert
  8. I am of good spirits and in the company of good friends. I told my Coworkers today that I have received condolences from the entire globe and they look at me, thinking that I must have succumbed to the stress. I'd like to be able to tell you all that I am a smart man, but, I cannot. I had no theft insurance on my car. Living in Los Angeles, even Hagerty doesn't like to write policies in my corner of the hood. Plus that, I am a notoriously cheap bastard, and highly sceptical that insurance companies actualy pay. In hindsight, Z-less, my pratices look pretty foolish. I spent today, following up with the police, cancelling my cell phone (don't want to pay for the theives to call their girlfriends) and closing my bank account, to protect the checkbook that was in my briefcase. Other than the Z, I'll miss my CD's most. From Arrowsmith to Vivaldi, from indian folk to Buddy Guy, My music was me. I quess I'll replace the Z within the next year. What else would I do, with all those Z parts and the new dash still sitting on the living room couch! Meanwhile, I've been making arrangements with a list memeber over the last month, and this Saturday, I'm picking up my newest classic Datsun, a 71 521 Pickup. Untill then my roadster with a full race suspension is my daily driver. I'd better get something else soon, as I don't think my kidneys can handle the jostling!
  9. Thank you all again. Still no word. The license plates are 901GFC, Califonia blue plates. They were restored by Mojo Art Works, so they looked like they were stamped in Folsom last week. If it stays gone, do I stick around and be the roadster guy in the Z universe? Dude! Where's my car!
  10. Thank you all. I'm watching the phone, willing it to ring.
  11. I filed the police report from a pay phone in the parking lot. the car could not have been more than a mile away at the time
  12. About an hour and fifteen minutes ago, My 240Z was stolen from a drugstore parking lot, here in LA. I was in the store less than 15 minutes. It looks like pros got my lovely Z. I'm still shaking.
  13. "Ahh to be in California" That reminds me.... good day to put the top down and take a ride in the roadster. Just warm enough for the Girls on Melrose to wear their shorts and belly shirts! Happy January from SoCal.
  14. I think those look best polished! They are a hit with the roadster crowd, as they have the perfect offset. Isn't it true that you MUST use the special Nissan lugs with all these XZ wheels?
  15. It doesn't take a scientist to perform a web search for "Advanced Driving" and the city name nearest you. five minutes netted me this one Advanced Driving Dynamics, Inc
  16. Hey, I like the Rose Parade. Watch it every year... From my living room. I'd never knock it, It fantastic. It's not really my bag, but I appreciate it anyway. Roses? I like them too. I've got Descanso Gardens down the street with the worlds largest collection. Hey Coroporate America? Hooray for that too! Go Capitialism! SoCal Tourism? Love it! I tell everybody, Come to California! Spend lots of Money! Then go home. By all means, If it floats your float, PLEASE come down and see the parade. Go to Disneyland, Sixflags, Universal Studios, Knotts Berrry Farm, See's Chocolate Factory and thousands of other attractions. My idea of an attraction is the very curvy Angeles Crest Highway up to Mt. Wilson in a sports car on a perfect SoCal day. To each their own.
  17. Your photos are up...... Now you need a Datsun to photographROFL ROFL
  18. Gary, This page will give you all the specs dizzy specs But I would suggest the 8.5 (17 degrees at the crank) over the 9 (18 crank) as it will give you a touch more initial advance.
  19. What happemed kid? Did you see me drive down Colorado Blvd and think "I gotta get one of those!". Start at Recycler.com check it every week on thursday. keep me in the loop and I'll go with you to check the prospects out. There's usally 4 or 5 for sale right in our hood. When I was shopping, I went to look at 3 just along Glenoaks Blvd. Your in luck cause Glendale/Pasadena/Eagle Rock seems to be a hotbed of Z's for sale. Lets see if we can get you into a reasonable starter car. Hope you've got good job prospects, cause you just picked a fairly expensive hobby!
  20. I'm sure Steve Irwin must be an embarrassment to most Australians, But it gets worse. If you come to the West Coast of our wacky states, you'll be subjected to the terrible commercials of the theme restaurant, "Outback Steak House". A parody of dusty, thick accented, backward people, touting their "Bloomin Onions". It's the Crocodile Dundee syndrome taken to an even further extreme. I'm sure you'd declare war. I know I would.
  21. Rick, I live about 3 miles away from the parade route ..... Never go. #1 We're talking about a HUGE crowd. People vie for seats by camping out a day before hand. #2 It's better viewing on the telly. face it, the best seat IS your favorite easy chair near the fridge and your own private privy.
  22. Check your float levels. remove the front bowl cover and turn it upside down. Measure the distance from the cover to the top of the float. Then duplicate that measurment on the rear cover and adjust the rear to match the front. >Thanks Bro', LA huh? I'm down in the OC, do you come down for the West Coast Nationals? I love taking over the City of Orange one day a year and Hell yes I'll be in Long Beach of the National Convention!!!
  23. Hey, I speed, I admit it. I drive a sports car and like to feel I drive as fast as the traffic allows. So, I'm on the freeway, cruising at 80, when a SUV passes me at 100! Now, I understand that at 80 mph, my sports car is going to need skillful handling if an incident occurs in front of me. Of course, I sure the SUV driver has no chance at all in avoiding or recovering. That's what gets to me, mindless speeding. Or those young kids attempting to go way too fast, showing off for eachother, in traffic that's way too dense for such horseplay. It's like they have no concept of the physics involved. Mass in motion. Or are they like Bugs bunny, when he breaks the laws of gravity, "That's ok, because I never studied law".
  24. Carl, You cannot possbly be knocking the beautifull cars of my past! my 1968 Sport Fury III was awesome! then after the transmission fell out ..... I bought a 1968 2 door polara. This was possibly the best car for stoner kid in the mid to late 70's. Oh my god, it was a guilded magic sled. I get a kick when I see the "Grumpy Old Men" films, as my old Polara is one of the stars! Just picture, 1975, Miami Fla. you pull up to a BIG white dodge and through the smoke fogged windows, you see the overweight, long-haired, funky sunglassed, leather-string-vest wearin, Led Zepp blairing, hemp smoke stinkkin, Victor-kid. And I wondered back-then why i always got pulled over for car searches! My, If I could I'd give myself a Retro-Smack-on-the-Head for being such a dumb kid.[ Ok, off topic, I know, but I can't afford the fancy sports car that started this thread.
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