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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. Thanks! It's a poor photo. The R-16 cover in back is actually the best piece and you can hardly see it in the photo - so shiny, it's camoflaged!
  2. Yea! just think...... 15,000 oil changes per mile
  3. Recent polished projects L24, U20, R16 Valve covers, 72 l24 water outlet.
  4. Be carefull of polishing - it's addictive. I think you end up needing a certain level of aluminum in your blood. 4 years ago I started with a cheap 1/4 hp grinder, running a 4'' spiral sewn and 4'' loose flannel buffs, a tube of tripoli, and a tube of white rouge. Now, it's 8 arbors, 2 hp motors, 10'' stacked buffs of every possible material, sanding belts, drums and 2lb bars of compounds of all sorts. No doubt, I could have paid to polish every part of every car I have ever owned with what I've spent in equipment, materials and destroyed shirts (the polish get all over them). It is a gratifing hobby though.
  5. 1/8 mile drag stip too... just hope your brakes work!
  6. Security. Two relays, two circuts, one for the low beam, one for the high. Blow one and you still get home.
  7. Nah.. A couple of C5-A's will do nicely
  8. Cool! another contry covered by our Club! Just take a quick hop over the pais Vasco and you can hook up with our Francia members!
  9. You want it bigger? This is my drawing. I did it 2 or 3 years ago, over a six month period. I have the original in bitmap. It's friggin huge, both in print size and in file size. I have a somewhat smaller JPG version, still kinda huge. PM me for an email copy. - Be warned - of long download time!
  10. We got the Toshiba's. Referred as the "Cursive Toshiba's" for the the font use in the logo. They are a very durable light. My 70 roadster still has it's original pair. 33 years of service isn't too bad
  11. It's good to hear it's coming along. I remmeber when you got it last January. We all had a good laugh at the guy, who would trade a Z, for your old Civic!
  12. It's him. I just checked the past sales. No doubt. Who else sells 240Z Shockwave Active Desktop? No foul in selling your own work.
  13. Where's Vic (Datsun76) when ya need him? someone reported this to me (Thanks) but I'm going to wait to here from the artist before I take action
  14. I bought 1 from Ebay. Looked correct, but it had the round, pin style, late model plug. No biggie, I paid 6 bucks for it and converted it to the spade plug
  15. or from NAPA Beck Arnley Radiator Drain **** Item#: BA 1370003 Price: $ 3.29
  16. At Napa Mileage Plus Electrical Voltage Regulator - Transistorized Item#: MPEVR521SB Price: $ 18.49 Or, the very original looking, non-transistor Echlin Ignition Voltage Regulator Item#: ECHVR521 Price: $ 41.99 I have the Echlin on my car, and it's the same dimensions and plating as the OE
  17. By the way... The spittin image of the original white plastic winged drain plug, with the channel cut into it for a clean draining is for sale, under $5.00 in the "Help" racks of most Auto parts stores. It's marked "Subaru". Both my Z and Roadster are wearing these plugs.
  18. There is another artical on this conversion zcarcreations alt conversion It's geared for the 280 Z, but it is the same in everything EXCEPT the volt reg connector is a different style, Although, the wire color-codes are the same.
  19. Sounds to me like you've got some work to do before you scrap the SU's
  20. u am is dreemen if u thin any ensuranse co is ever gone give u wat u investicated in dem car! mustank or datson
  21. The 240Z is fighting once again to earn the prize!
  22. there's nothing but one layer of very thin metal on the hatch. If you mounted it as shown in your drawing, it might stay there for 5 minutes.... might or might not. I'm not betting on it
  23. The electrical contact vinegrette works on all your connectors. Soak any connector in a cup of vinegar, then flush it throughly with contact cleaner = brand new contacts
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