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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. "Datsun" is on their search page now. They list Z cars from 69 to 78 and Roadsters from 66 to 70. Not too shabby
  2. Victor Laury

    GTR C210?

    Was this the Skyline with the FJ20DET Motor?
  3. On my roadster. They are my official "Race Wheels", since they are the lightest I could find/afford at 11lbs each. Although "race wheels" don't nave to good nice, good looks don't hurt either! The lack of center caps detract from the appearence.
  4. Yea, But, There's still might be a problem. If what's happening on your 73 is anything like what was happening on my former 72, that fuse will continue to blow. there was something on that curcit that was high resistance and I drove around with a box of fuses. I hope your's is not as persistant.
  5. Obviously, I picked too nice of a photo, and the thead went awry. Should'a used this one perhaps?
  6. Brian, By running 12 volts to the coil, you bypassed the ballast ressistor. Ok, so you proved that it was the problem. BUT, bypassing the ressistor overheats the coil which is not related to you engine overheat-different problem. You may have burned up the coil. If your having to "short the Starter" AND bypass the resistor, I strongly susspect you ignition switch, which controls both curcits.
  7. Hayden, You Scored! That's a beauty. Your in good company when you "have to go back into the garage just to look". I must admitt, I'm quite smitten with mine as well. That 113 paint looks like that green gemstone Perdot (sp?), It has a translucence to it. Hope the butterscotch interior is in good trim.
  8. Yea that one is pretty unique. Here's CDM's Spook
  9. Eric, Your Rear running lights went out at the same time as the dash lights. They ar on the same circut. Check the fuse again. replace it no matter how it looks. My former 72 had a problem with that circut.
  10. My Brothers, I have a set of American Racing "Vector" wheels exactly like the photo below. I need these center caps. If anyone see's them lying about, or in a swap meet, or any other source, I'd really appreciate the lead. Thanks to Eric "Alien-e" Thompson for the photo.
  11. dam. maybe I shouldn't have thrown those away. Never thought anyone would want one....
  12. It's just my subscription to Sports Car Magazine.
  13. I got a JVC CD AM/FM with a CD changer and two MTX boxed speakers. No amp. I think it sounds fantastic. I love the remote control and keep it in my shifter hand at all times! I drive faster with the Foo Fighters playing. Maybe I should try easy listening?
  14. I think the racing history speaks for itself. three(?) consecutive years SCCA championships in C production. Wasn't the N/A 911 also in C prod?
  15. Larry, MSA sell those exact caps. Get some S.S. screws at the hardware store and your show ready. The Caps have a little molding bump in the center, so it's best to get the stick-on "Z" or "Datsun" emblems for them.
  16. No Keith, That's the Cheap arse respray the P.O. did (may he rot in hell). oy! OY! you should see when I took off the bumpers! OY VEY GAVAULT! what a mess! That's why I get a kick when someone describes my car as "Clean". Heaven forbid they should look closer! If I go fast enough, the car looks perfect!
  17. It's a comb set of the DeWalt polishing machine, a velcro backing disc, a wool bonnet, 2 foam bonnets and the "system 1 polish". Basicaly, the polish uses the different cutting action carectaristics of the bonnets for the buff and polish. The wool is more aggresive, so it's the first step to cut down the scratches. Then the foam is more gentle and used for the polish stage. I could have done a better job, as I was too freaked about cutting too far. But carefull is better than cutting down to primer anyday!
  18. Had to share.... I bought the System One Paint poishing kit from eastwood. Here's the result..
  19. When did American Racing Libras come out? Were they a early seventys wheel or later? I don't remmeber Minilights being popular in the states untill 77ish. The roadsters wore a spoked Empi wheel in the late 60's This photo of Bob Sharp's Car at Mid Ohio 1974 looks like Watanabe's to me. http://racingsportscars.t35.com:8000/photo/1974/Mid-Ohio-1974-06-30-033.jpg
  20. Kats, Don't worry about the press photos, My 1970 SRL311 (built August 1969) came from Yokohama with Bridgestone Skyway-H's. So Nissan Must have been buying these tires when they built our cars.
  21. Have the model in your Icon rub up against me .... Oops.... I mean the wheels and they'll shine. No. Wait. Have her rub up against me and I'll pay to get your wheels polished. Seriously. Take you wheels to a wheel polishing shop. Best 125.00 I ever spent. I polish aluminum, but wheels are so awkward, that the only way to do them right is on a machine built of the purpose. My wheel shop dismounts the tire and mounts the rims on a turntable platform. This platform is brought to the polishing wheel a manipulated through the process by a few levers. Then the tires are remounted and balance on perfect wheels.
  22. No, because it's more than an overflow, It's the bowl vent. Since the carb work on gravity feed the float bowl needs a vent. Otherwise you'd run lean when the flloat needles are operating nomally
  23. The best thing about this bar is the down-links to the anti sway bar mounting points. Really tightens the front up. I've been considering it for my car. Gotta support my California industries, after all!
  24. I tried to get the gleam of the freshly polished paint.
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