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Victor Laury

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Everything posted by Victor Laury

  1. I want a girl friend! I'm hoping to find one with her own Z/Roadster/510! She can easily use me as "Team Mechanic". My last two only "tolerated" my sports car fetish. A participant would be a refreshing change of pace.
  2. Burt, I just sent you an Email. I think it will be addressed from my home Email. If you reply back, copy it to my work email at lauryv@mta.net
  3. As a roadster owner, I can tell you that the FS5C71A is a beauty of a box. I mean, mine is the sweetest shift in town. But, parts are getting WAY TOO scarce. especially, if it's the "Servo" style (with the Porsche style, steel sycros) and not the "Warner" style (with conventional brass sycros). I'd love to install my spare roadster box into my Z, but I'd need the bell housing, tail shaft and 2 piece drive shaft - too much!
  4. True, the original is chromed plastic tape. I tried to apply chromed Mylar tape, but it would not conform to the radius of the bead. So, I used aluminum tape, Just as described by Damian in Carl's post. But, I would add to Damian's Tech Tip - After applying, use a paste polish (I used Simichrome) on the tape and bring it up to a HIGH polish. You'll never miss the chrome again. OH! This also works for the heater panel chrome trim.
  5. Can you install 240 bumpers on a 280?
  6. Burt, I'd like to call "Dibs" on the seat mechanism covers.
  7. As Carl said, I could not agree more. It took me a while to realize that a propane torch was the most valuble tool in my box. I used a pipe wrench. Appy Kroil, wait, apply torch to strut housing, make the kroil boil, turn the wrench. NEXT!
  8. Cover the Tat mat with dry ice, wait 15 minutes, smack it with a hammer. It shatters like plate glass
  9. Proper application of a good penetrating lubricant, a propane torch and a good quality flare wrench, ensures success. On the more corroded fittings, a smidgen of thermonuclear weapon may be in order.
  10. Daniel, That's awesome! Thanks Carl, After my post I looked around a bit and found that Banzai has them for $13.50. Looks like it's a done deal.
  11. I have one last item to renew to rid my engine compartment of the nasties. The grommet the wiper harness passes through, on the firewall. Mine is just a dried up lump of what may have been rubber at one time. None of the Vendors seem to carry this. As anyone replaced this piece? obviously, I will have to pull the unit and unwrap it from it's protective bag. Un-hook the harness and thread it through. I'd like an orginal Nissan piece but if anyone knows of something that will work in it's stead, please let me know.
  12. This has been my search as well. I wanted a vintage Nissan truck to haul my roadster. Unfortunately, it's my conclusion that the early Nissan trucks didn't have the mass or power to be an adequate car carrier. At least the U.S. Market Imports. The most likely candidate would be the medium industrial truck Nissan Caball. But that truck never made it here. BRE had the solution. They received a Hino Truck from Nissan for the team. They yanked out the 4 banger diesel and installed a 500 cu in Cadillac motor!
  13. The last few years, I sometimes forget how old I am and have to work it out, counting fingers and toes, from my birth date.. Umm .. Lets see here.... I was born... so in 69 I was ten . .. . Then in 79 ... I was twenty ...humm ....carry the 2...... Oh! I'm 43! That's right
  14. The muffer shop fabricated the whole set-up. Driving the 5 miles to his shop with an open header was fun! I just did this. Unfortunatly, I have no way to transfer the file from my lap-top to my desk top until I get to work tomorrow and return my lap-top to it's docking station. Until then, perhaps Mike can tell me where to upload it. You bet Keith! Maybe someday I'll post something to the correct discussion group?
  15. Another of my check Items has just been completed. One of my beefs against my car was that it was way too quiet. Another, was the ugly, rusted stock exhaust manifold, contrasting all the lovely replated carburator parts, polished intake and cross-over tube. One Jet-Hot coated MSA Header and a 2 - 1/2 exhuast system ending with a "Super Turbo" (?) muffler and a chrome straight tip has cured these issues. I asked the guys at Morse Muffler of Burbank if they could steal the exhaust note off of a Ferrari and put it on my car. Well, They did one hell of a job! Driving back on the 5 freeway was a gas! It really sounds nice pulling away from a stoplight. I'm soo happy! I have a sports car that sounds like one! Wanna lose 30 pounds of ugly fat? Throw away that pig-iron manifold!
  16. Wow! Those cars look much better with the smaller chrome bumpers compared to the giant rubberbabybuggiebumpers their U.S. counterparts were equipped with. I never thought the 120Y could look so good. The 610 is downright sexy with the Euro bumper. The Cedric taxi is very cool. It's also regrettable that the US didn't get the 67 - ? 100a. That car was a jewel of simplicity. I think it's neat to see someone at a car show proudly displaying his F-10 cherry!
  17. There's a short. I know, not very helpful. The dash lights not coming on until the brake lights are applied? Usually, that would indicate the dash is grounding through the brake lights hot side. get on your back with a flash light and check the wires from the brake switch. pay close attention to where they pass around the pedal box. No guaranties - just a WAG. Where Enrique when you need him? I've been following his elec. troubleshoots with attention.
  18. 1. Headers and an exaust system that has a touch more volume. 2. More engine compartment detailing including heater hoses, all new gromets (especially the nasty wiper gromet!), even more replated hardware. 3. Replace the poorly installed 1/2 dashcap with a full cap or go all out and take my spare dash to JustDashes for the real thing. 4. Euro front and rear bumpers
  19. Lincon, I don't know who you called, but don't call them again! Motorsports Auto 1-800-633-6331 Has your intake/exhaust gasket, part #10-2511, $17.40. Your car will be much more of a pleasure to drive without the exhaust leak!
  20. Bill, How much do you drive? Daily? Weekend mountain road monster? AutoX? I've run Kuhmo Victoracer's. Lasted a year some AutoX, mostly Angeles Crest and Mt. Palomar fun runs, few commutes. They were great. I'm now running Sumitomo HTR Z. They're not bad at all. With a 160 treadwear rating, they're harder than the Kuhmo's but still too soft for a commuter. This doesn't bother me much as I live 4 miles from work.
  21. That's an excellent shot! Is that your car, Rick?
  22. Senor RedLine, Questions? This place has the answers. And a pretty good crowd of folks to associate with. You can read about the different models and a buyers guide at http://www.zhome.com Since this is the 240z.org site, we're hoping you select a 70 ~ 72 240Z, But any Z is a Z to us. Start your search in the Collector Car Auto Trader. http://www.collectorcartraderonline.com/index.html Also, look through the ads on, http://www.recycler.com/ If you find a car in the N.W. Los Angeles, Glendale, Burbank, Pasedena area, Give me an email and I might help you check it out.
  23. What's all this buisness about ice? You guys are crazy! I was born in Florida (Miami) and now live in Los Angeles. I know all there is to know about ice: You need lots of it to make Margaritas and Daquires. If you have an old frige, you've got to defrost it. It's good for ice tea. My best Girlfreind used it in interesting ways.:classic: Before a party, you should buy extra bags of it. I don't have any idea way you guys should be driving on it. sounds strange and kinda dangerous to me!
  24. I'm glad you posted this info, Alan. When I was disassembling my 72, I found 2 paper slips, 1 small one, sandwiched under the pedal box and a much larger one, nestled above the right rear fender well. They are both tables, printed with Japanese characters with the round blue date stamps that you describe. I guessed that they were assembly instructions for a HLS30 U.S. market car. I've been intending to scan them to share them with you all.
  25. In some kind of sick, sad way, that's funny!
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