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Everything posted by porschephile

  1. That's just it though. It looks kind of like it is factory. I mean the plastic looks almost identical to the rest of the dash and console.
  2. I will post a pic tomorrow since I am at work at the moment. Basically, I have this interior console piece that has had me baffled since I purchased my 240z. It is a small clamshell or banana shaped plastic "mini console" that bolts onto the side of the existing center console right by where the dash meets the center console. It had 2 buttons on it. One was for the heater, and I believe the other was for the defroster, but I will have to doublecheck when I get home. It has the letters "ARA" on it. Does anyone have any idea if this is an actual factory piece? I've currently modified it to mount my remote VDO tach control pad, which I think will look really cool and discrete once installed! :classic:
  3. Wow, I don't even know how to respond to some of the clueless uneducated statements made here in regards to Porsches. Remember, I am a Z owner and Datsun/Nissan enthusiast too, so don't think I'm some "biggot" because I'm a Porsche enthusiast as well. Some of you guys might want to research the racing history of Porsche first before making some of these comments. Did you know that Porsche has over 23,000 WINS?! Yes, that's TWENTY THREE THOUSAND WINS. No other manufacturer even comes close to that. Lots of people like to blow them off as "yuppie cars" while completely overlooking the engineering prowess, ingenuity and precision of these cars. Are they the best cars in the world? No, IMO there is no absolute best car in the world. True, they have their jerk owners that like to look down on other cars, but I don't condone that. I'm a Porsche enthusiast first, but I am still an automotive enthusiast so I appreciate all cars. Please don't demean Porsches because of the bad attitude of some of their owners. Pretty much any type of car has some of those type of owners as well. The Z's only competitor a 935? Maybe you should be specific on what Z? Wow, do you even know what the 935 is? In it's final form it made ~845hp, and sometimes in excess of that due to variable boost. I'm sorry, I love s30 Z's but the 935 is in a completely different league. Did you know that 935's were actually tested in the 1/4mi and found to run high 8.90's?! (I want to know who actually tested this though, #'s published on quite a few sites) They also did 0-60 in something like 2.8sec and top speeds in excess of 220mph. I'm sorry but all of the Z's I've seen in professional racing (BRE s30's, 280zx's, IMSA 300zx's, etc) have nowhere near the performance levels of a 935/78. Even other similar Porsches like the 934, Carrera RSR, etc were considerably faster than all of the s30 Z's of the time that I can remember. If you are talking street cars, then the playing field is a lot more even compared to equivalent 911's of the time period. One thing to note though is, in Japan, the kpgc10's (my absolute favorite GTR) with the s20 engine actually put the hurt on or were evenly matched with the racing 911's of the time. Go Datsun! HS30-H, thanks for standing up for the Porsches. With all of their accomplishments, they deserve some credit/respect. :classic: Z's are excellent bang for the buck cars. Hell, I only paid $600 for my 240z and I've seen other's going for $2-3k that are in worse condition! I love the simplicity of the car. No p/s, lightweight, agile, huge engine bay, etc. It's definitely a "driver's car" compared to later z's. It's also one of those few cars that can claim a truly timeless body design that looks great no matter how old it is. For it's time, I can't really think of a single car with as much bang for the buck as the s30 Z.

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