Everything posted by g72s20
My Video on the Aussie Datsun Nationals
Sulio, if you are not working in video production ...you should be! That could not have shared the atmosphere of the Nats any better. I hung around your car at the concourse for quite awhile to try and catch you to say "G'day!" ...plenty of other people but no "Toecutter" in sight:disappoin . Thanks for catching the moment so well!
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
Hi AARC240, This from "Spirit of Skyline" 1977 printing Kodansha Press As the G18 motor was, as I understand it, a product and baby of the Prince Motor Company engineers, the P was a salutation to Prince? The same basic vehilce introduced at the same time with the Nissan G16 engine is listed as a KC110HT. First selling time date to the Japanese domestic market of Sept 1972 ? (47.9) The last C10 series car listed in my books was the GC10-IV First selling time of March 1972. I don't have a C110 brochure of any sort to hand but this chart from a C10 reprint brochure helped me sort a few little questions. I hadn't realised the info was there 'til HS30-H(G'day Alan!) prompted me to dig a bit further:stupid: K = two door G = 6 cylinder C10= series "TK" = GT-X As all the line seem to feature (on the brochures at least!!) a "T" as a basic ending? makes me wonder what it was representing? It all gets a bit confusing when you consider "HT".... for HardTop ? Not everyhing appears uniform in the info I have:ermm: Are we dealing with the possible differences between NISSANs official engineering side and the "comfier/easier for the public" marketing side?...Gawd! and this is only the domestic side of thingsROFL ...More confused,? less confused? no idea but it's all good Cheers chaps!
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
Seen a few references to this model, but have no real idea of its significance. Reference is "Skyline. World Car Guide 25" NEKO Publishing
just wanted to see how old everyone is here?
Turning 50 on April 9th. Never really got past 19 though.
anyone got contacts with a jp yahoo auction account?
Funky monkey at SAU? ..If it's just the gaskets you're after, cut your own??
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
WOW!...What a great story so far, 20+ years on and still intrigueing:bunny: Thanks HS30-H, Your observation of Mr Broughtons scant knowledge of the origin of the bits he was getting from Japan became obvious to me also. I did attempt to explain to him the significance of the various parts, including pictures and references but all too late I think. I don't believe he meant to infer they removed the engine, rather it arrived with the second G nose? I did have a phone conversation with him as well so my take on this may have had a bit more input than the email alone. I would love to read see more of the progress of all aspects of the Z432 project.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thanks Dave, that New Model Army is dark stuff, but good.
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
Yep!! I remember the add in "AutoAction" around 1986-87 when it was in broadsheet format. The EKW ad was a full page and amongst the engines was the S20. From memory was either $6000 or $8000 ...not sure anymore. I can remember the frustration of knowing(even then!) how hard to come by it was, and the impossibility of affording it anyway:cry: Funnily enough, at the time I had one Nissan Skyline GT-B S54Be-3 and one Prince Skyline GT-B S54Be2. The Be2 had the motor out at the time, and ignorance being bliss I thought" Yeah!! A Prince GT with a real twincam, that's what I'll do!! maybe mum'l lend me the moneyLOL Ahh well, considering it's home today I'd say it worked out well:classic: Here is the Email from EKW; [I]Thanks for the interest.Jim The motor was sold to an enthusiast from England in the late 80's early ninties. The motor had been sitting a while and had actually siezed. The customer rang from England and then got a mate of his to fly from Perth to Melbourne to check it out for him. After his mate confirmed the engine was what it was he agreed to pay $8000 for it (seized) I remember preparing it for shipment to England. At a guess I would assume the one you have mentioned being restored in England is one and the same. Good luck with your car Just as an uside. I think this motor came from a 200Z / 240Z. The early model Z (the performace model) had a different front on them (we called it a frog front and it looked similar to a E type Jag. We actually brought 2 of these fronts out (front being just the bolt on panels.) The first we sold not long after it arrived while the 2nd came in with the motor in question. We had the 2nd one stored for years but after we sold the motor we sold it to a guy with a show car who we believed later shipped it to Malta of all places. [/I] REGARDS Ray Broughton E.K.W. GROUP OF AUTO PARTS RECYLERS
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St Patricks Day to all!! How about a Pogues drinking song "Token Celtic drinking song" or "Whiskey in the Jar"....anything by these guys really....Or try the Brobdingnagian Bards (from Texas!?!) Anybody heard of the "Dropkick Murphies":laugh: ? My younger brother is now for 17-18 years a Boston fireman, lived in South Boston 'til recently. Man!! Do they know how to celebrate.....ANYTHING....with lots of music , drink, and...er...ah.. lively discussion!! I guess St patricks Day is as much fun here in Sydney somewhere...:classic: Anyway , how ever you celebrate it ...have a ball!!:laugh:
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
...subtle squire, veerry subtleLOL
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
It wasn't you? Hmmm. Another piece to the puzzle. I originally thought " S20 to England = Alan Thomas, no brainer!!":geek: How the hell did you pick that in one:ninja: It is something I would like to talk to you about at length though. P.S. What's goin' on!! Now KATS is discussing ...S20 cam covers!!
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
I think the story behind Rays S20 was it was a rebuilder available to him from a friend, but still in Japan.
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
...Mate, the GUMLEAF mafia has you in their sites for sneakin' OUR S20 from these fine shores to the ol' Dart!:bandit: I still have some emails from Ray Broughton (East Keilor Wreckers....remember? Hmm?) regarding this heinous crime! He remembers it well!! Any spare S20 cam covers? :love: .. I got an idea! (No, it didn't hurt either!)
What 240K parts are needed?
If you recall the tale of "The Riverstone Wrecker" you'll know there is one sedan and one coupe in this yard. Both very sad examples now, been there about 20 years....but the owner of the yard has been storing a few 240K parts inside them. I managed to retrieve a seemingly OK brake booster from the coupe (what a pig of a job that was! any tricks to this??). It has an odd grill. It's the C111 JDM grille (I dubbed it the "Belt Buckle" ) with a "2000 GTX" badge and the 240K GL badge as well...probably added by the Aussie owner later. The car itself is standard Aussie delivery 240K. The grill has slight damage from the car hitting something fairly flat at low speed so the bumper is stuffed and the bottom of the grill has a slight bend downwards. Anyway there are some other useful bits and pieces left on the cars so if anyone here (Brian, Mat, Mikey?) has a wish list I can take that to the yard owner and see what he can do. As an example, he charged me $60 for the booster and wants $80 for a coupe rear window glass. He is onsite about twice a week, it's a strange setup!!
240K coupe on ebay
Rego plates appear to be the originals from 1975, a very good sign. Another 240K coupe
240K coupe on ebay
:knockedou That sounds great!! I like to hear more about the buildup pete!
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
Having spent a bit of time with Ray, and having a good look at the car as well, I see it like this, it is a genuine 1973 Nissan Skyline GT-X. It was built as a GT-X and left the factory as a GT-X. Ray recognised it for what it was and saw the potential for a GT-R clone. Ray built it with a different philosophy to Lachlans(ALFADOG) approach, that is, how to imitate the GT-R mechanicals, was the primary objective with the cosmetics (bodywork, badges etc) being a secondary concern. Ray truly pioneered the retro engineering of the RB20 to resemble the S20. Prince Webers on a "Ray fabricated" manifold, a non functioning dissie and leads to add to the likeness to name two. The rear disc conversion is his as well. I think the best we could say about the VIN is someone who had first hand knowledge of the assembly line at the plant during this era MAY be able to explain it satisfactorily...other than that I think we're stuck with the frustration of conjecture and best guesses, but then it all adds up to a great thread!! The only KGC10 GT-X I know of sold in Australia during the original model life was also bought new from a Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) Nissan Datsun dealer by none other than Doug Whitford. perhaps It was possible to order a JDM Spec car off shore? No pushback from the governors of local domestic market range? This particular car still has the dealer optioned triple mikunis on the L20 and an engine bay plate to highlight the fact!!
240K coupe on ebay
Ok! (hi guys) I did get it wrong Pete, the actual figure was 238 BHP (170 something kW) to the rollers. AH sorry! I forget to ask at what RPM. If you are interested further I can pass on the builders contact details. Still not too shabby though...and Nathan says he has a bigger camshft for it! To give you an idea of its performance, where I would be changing gears in my car, this one is just getting into it..pushing you back in the seat...that sort of thing. If it hasn't sold by Easter there is a good chance it will be at Phillip Island for the Nationals.
Unusual Kenmeri QLD
The VIN From Ray himself
240K coupe on ebay
Hi Pete, I think as far as Skylines go the last live axle leaf spring rear was the S54 series (1964-1967) I don't blame you for questioning that figure, but that's the number I believe was quoted after a chassis dyno session. Easy checked though. The owner/builder is one VERY capable engineer/ technician and knowing his work and what went into this motor..well the numbers didn't surprise me. I agree with your observation though about flywheel figure for a well built L series, I'm sure he said at the wheels though....I'll check and get back to ya! Or even better, get him to chime in here sometime soon.
240K coupe on ebay
Alfadog knows this car. He went for a lap or two of Mt Panorama (Bathurst). The performance of this car makes mine look sad. With a genuine 285 bhp to the road. Built by the owner. The original running gear comes with it. Scroll down the page in the first link to find the car in question. Second last on page. Photos in the second link. PowerPlay imports (Gladesville, Sydney Australia) ..and the photos
240K coupe on ebay
TWO previous deadbeat bidders so grab it now for Au$1700.00 240K coupe for $1700
Mistaken/ficticious/humorous identities
Ah yes! The HUNT bros. Michael and Eric, and their maiden aunt...... Ophelia Crutchmore. A great Australian act, The ZARSOFF Brothers...Bluey, Rocky, Rudy, Burnie and Lefty. Fronted by Izzy Forreal.