Everything posted by g72s20
finaly im in
G'day Jacob, Welcome from the Australian side of the forum. It'd be a real good idea to fill out the rest of your profile info, it helps if people have some clue as to where you are! There is a lot of experience on this site, and good folk willing to help out, listen, correct, admire, share... or knock you back into line if you need itLOL (in the nicest possible way of course:cheeky: ) Personally I'd love to hear about your 240K ...2door? 4door? stock? bitsa? Good to have another one in the group!! Cheers, Jim.
Found an r180 3.90 4x4 differential but....
Could it be that it is actually turning backwards? If it was from a front diff wouldn't the crownwheel and pinion be for the reverse direction? Had to chase up a different set of gears for a Toyota Landcruiser front diff once, and the front diff gears were specific for the front, I.E. the tooth pitch was opposite to the rear diff. Just an idea.... Jim.
240K Handling
Hi guys, Remember this is from the export model parts manual. Matches up with what Kyteler says. I had a dig through a 1975 Japanese C110 parts CD, includes the KPGC110 but no paint info I could identify Tried the sales brochure too....still couldn't see anything to do with paint identity. There are a lot of pictures around of genuine KPGC110's in red. I see KYOSHO is releasing 1/18 scale versions in red, silver or white, and if their previous efforts with Nissans is anything to go by they should be quite accurate with colour matching, so maybe one of these in red could be a reasonable reference? Jim.
OOOhhh, Bugger it !!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear that Rick, me old china!...AAhh well, sit back, let it get better, and I can attest to the fact the ol' Bundy Black is a pretty good joint lubricant,( or was that neck oil?). ....Oh, and no "Dicky Knee" jokes you blokes (hey Mr Somers, Mr Somers...!):laugh: :tapemouth Jim.
Hakohsuka KGC-10 GTR Version
G'day Dome, I think I am the only other KGC10 owner here(pic included!:classic: ). AlfaDog has an awesome KGC110 that has been treated to the "GT-R shiyo" (GT-R look! ). Oh, hang on, there's another guy (Brian? Akwikz??) on the forum. He is in California from memory. Try using "kgc10" as a search word. There is quite a few KGC110 or 240K owners here as well. The H30 Z guys have been kind enough to share their site with their 240K cousins:classic: What info were you after? Jim. P.S. Your car looks beautiful in white. Please post some specifications
240K GTR Flares
Cater for 4 doors??:classic:
N36 exhaust manifold
240K Handling
No worries! if you decide you need 'em larger let me know(remember these are limited to 1251x1025 or 1Meg) the original scans are 550~650Kb and much bigger....easier to read. You know where to get them. Cheers, Jim.
240K Handling
- 240K Handling
240K Handling
240K Handling
Hold up Kent, I've got the parts book here, so I'll scan the page for you to take a look.
Well......the article I referred to turned out to be this link-->http://carlife.carview.co.jp/User.asp?UserDiaryID=313631 I've tried using SYSTRAN on it, but now I'm less sure of what it is saying:stupid: Perhaps one of our Japanese reading friends (G'day Miles:D ) could put me out of my misery . I know this is a little off centre to the subject, but with regard to the origins of the NISSAN "L" series, If I've read them correctly the various net sources I've read suggest the development of the L series (both 6 cylinder and 4 cylinder versions) was well under way within NISSAN before the merger with PRINCE Motors. What muddies the waters for me is references to Princes G7 OHC 2L six being the inspiration for the L series, and in turn, the Mercedes-Benz OHC inline 6 of the same era being the inspiration for the Prince G7. The Merc motor has its intake/exhaust on the other side of the head, but it certainly has its similarities. Those here familiar with the Prince Gloria S40 series may know of a story about Mercedes-Benz sueing Prince Motors over patent copyright for the anti-dive front suspension used in the S40? I don't know if this is fact or fiction, but over the years a few Japanese vehicle enthusiasts I've spoken with had heard or read of the same stories. A tenuous connection for sure..., but it would be interesting to know if these similarities in design were via licensing agreement of some sort or were simply a combination of "inspiration" and economic pragmatism? Whoops!:tapemouth sorry to hijack, lets get back to the legend of the S20. Tom, this is from that link, seems to be comparing a worked S20 with a worked L24. Wish I knew to what extent they were played with. We've all seen S20's and L6's with the benefit of latter day hotrodding turning bigger figures than these, but I'm hoping the above numbers came from an engineering philosophy of a level playing field for each motor tested. I dunno! wish I could read Japanese Cheers, Jim.
...That's a good question Tom! I have a feeling the explanation to this is made up of lots of smaller details, but basically amounted to the development potential of the base engines into a reliable race motor. Remember, the S20 had the development(which amounts to time and money!) advantage over the L20, starting in 1965 with Sakurai San and his Prince Motors GR8 engined R380 prototype, through the whole R380 series of GT class race cars and culminating in the decision to place the S20 in what became the PGC10 Skyline (GT-R) of early 1969. I have an article in Japanese that I believe makes an attempt at explaining this very question, but I haven't been able to make enough sense of it to be sure. I'll dig it out again and take a fresh look at it. I have been doing quite a lot of research lately (for very little result:disappoin ) into the early crossflow work of Sakurai and his team at PMC. The development of the single cam crossflow head setup on the Prince G7 motor, (GR7, G7CR and G7B...I think!?). These were tested in S54 Prince Skyline GT "mules". There is precious little info out there on these, and of course what is ...is in Japanese. The assumption is this work led into the R380 story and on to the S20 powered Nissan GT-Rs and Z432's....but I'm a nosey bugger and I want to know the details, the full story as it were. All I'm sure of is there were many and varied reasons why these engines were developed the way they were!! Yours in Research Jim.
Geez!...dunno what it says about me and television, but I know BOZO was Willard Scott, who later created Ronald McDonald for Golden Arches, and wound up being a weatherman for one of the American networks. I vaguely remember his clown show, and I even have a "Bozo approved" record on the shelf!!:laugh:
Electric Windows in 240k?
I suspected as much Alan! Now you've simply hardened my resolve to aquire my own copy, but I will certainly be chatting with my good mate Lachlan:classic: about getting some form of copy of the record. Did you record it to cassette tape or CD-r? I recall seeing somewhere online during one of my trawling exercises, some 45rpm records with the sounds of '60s Japanese performance cars; Prince Skyline GT-B, Toyota 2000 GT....can't remember the rest:stupid: I did find the "2&4" R380 History dvd you spoke of, "Best Motoring" have links on their site to resellers in Japan.....I'll see if the Japanese bookshop in Sydney will help out with getting one for me, along with the M3 entertainment compilation, although I'm yet to find it on line. Thanks for the info Alan:classic:
Electric Windows in 240k?
You go get' em Miles! The quality of the publication will make it something to treasure. Good luck with it mate! Jim.
Electric Windows in 240k?
the one with the firebreather is the copy I have, so is the isbn info. The one with the racing kpgc10s is the dearer 1977 copy. You'll find both on Yahoo auctions JP with the links in the previous post. P.S. if anyone manages to buy the first (1977) edition, please let me know. I'm very interested in the record in its sleeve in the back of the book!! Jim.
Electric Windows in 240k?
Can you get Yahoo(JP) serious? Here's the 1977 edition (first) on yahoo JP, not long to go unfortunately. Bit pricey but it IS one I would like:bunny: http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e52057797 ....and here is the one I have, the 1982 edition (2nd I believe?) I bought it in 1983! http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b62950543 Not a bad price. I don't know where else you could get your hands on these books now!
Nismo Festival 2005
Thanks so much Alan. :classic: :knockedou Do the organizers ever release a video record of events such as this? As great as your photos are, (and probably because of them!), I'm really starting to crave some quality video vision and sound of these cars, particularly the S20 powered beasties, and those of the Prince & Skyline racing lineage history; the R380,R381, R382, anything with an L6 set up to run hard.....aww lets face it, I love ALL race cars of this era I'm with you Bill, we gotta get there sometime. Tell you what, if I ever win the lottery.. I'll shout ya! I just gotta remember that they insist you buy a ticket first:laugh: Thanks again Alan, this kind of stuff really keeps me interested. Cheers, Jim.
Z wreck on "Max EX" TV Show
I think know the footage you mean Mike, it was from a Tarmac Targa type rally here in Australia ...somewhere, I just forget where. I remember it well, as the raw news footage was sent through the TV operations area I work in, on my shift. The camera man and his gear were taken out by the right (?) rear quarter of an Orangy~red Z that was busy with a big loopy lose! It was a few years ago now. Jim.
Some pics of interest
Some pics of interest
I think the Haitch stands for Hexport model :laugh: Look at item 39 (last on the list). At the time these were being imported,I thought there was a registration requirement, though not an ADR (Australian Design Rule) that the drivers external mirror must be able to be adjusted from the drivers seat. Now that, at first glance would explain why so few (if any?) 240Ks were fitted with the mirrors mounted above the wheel arch. I enquired about this when registering my KGC10, as the mirrors are mounted WAY out of reach! Turns out it's something covered by a Federal mob in Canberra, Dept of Tranportation. The bloke I spoke to was most helpful. He pointed out that you could sit in the drivers seat and use a stick to reach and adjust the mirror! As he said" it's all in the interpretation" He also felt the requirement back then was more to do with pedestrian safety, but could find nothing in the current regs. specific to stop them being mounted there now.