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Everything posted by g72s20

  1. The owner of the other KGC10 in Sydney is keen to attend also.His is on full NSW rego. My Problem is my KGC10 is unregistered at the moment, I don't want full rego as this requires some changes to the car I don't particularly want to make. So, I need to get club (conditional) rego. To get this I need to be in a club that is RTA recognized. As far as I can tell the only "like minded" club that fits the bill is the Sydney Z car club!, but so far the club meetings have always clashed with my admittedly annoyingly odd working hours, and are a good hours drive from home! I have spoken with a couple of members over the phone ....I'll just have to make sure I can be there for the January club meeting. Geoff, do you know of any club requirements to be met for conditional rego? How about all the 240K owners making the trek for Easter Now that would be something to see :classic: Jim.
  2. g72s20 replied to JEFF's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hi Jeff. What can you tell us about those mags? Brand/ size / age? They look like wider versions of the Nissan mags on my 240K which are 14x6,originally fitted out here in Australia around 1975. Thanks, Jim.
  3. g72s20 replied to v12horse's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    triples or whole shebang here! Wonder what he's up to with this car?
  4. g72s20 replied to HS30-H's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    May be of interest to Mike and Alan..and I'll stick it in my gallery when it's working again, I have an article from "Classic & Sportscar" Dec. 1995 page 20. A few columns about a works rally Z found in a shed in County Duhram after sitting there for 17 years. It apparently starred in the 1971 RAC Rally...one of three shipped over for UK's toughest rally. Driven by Edgar Herrmann to 19th place. Japanese rego was TKS 33 SA 3640 , UK rego was PTE 337L. I'll leave the rest for the photo. Jim. P.S. to keep on topic, I don't think it was at Sagamiko was it Alan?! :nervous:
  5. 2 seconds before game over!!
  6. g72s20 replied to HS30-H's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thankyou Alan once again for the next best thing to being there! My feelings exactly!! I recognise how extremly hard it is to have a 30+ year old rare classic kept as a time capsule example, and am all for mods, but in keeping with the period of the car! just thinking about it.....I guess that could be just as hard :nervous: but you wouldn't put a disco type hairdo on DaVincis' "Mona Lisa" even if it was a perfect job! I just keep reminding myself it takes all kinds to keep life interesting :cross-eye ...I mean...take me for instance :laugh: I'm tired, Jim.
  7. g72s20 replied to lexguy's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Here's two versions. Coupe and sedan. The two door is a JDM version, named Skyline. Datsun 240K was an export model tag. Amazing the difference a set of Watanabes make! Jim.
  8. g72s20 replied to lexguy's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Over at Skylinesdownunder, in the USA section there is a thread on older Skylines. "KenMary73" speaks of a few C110's 'stateside. He's in San Diego. Jim.
  9. g72s20 commented on Alan Pugh's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  10. g72s20 posted a post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Here 'tis! Pretty sure they're sayin' it's not FRP, but they're not sure if it's a genuine article? Hope someone here wins it! Jim.
  11. I know it's nicer to have your own on hand, but if the need arises Pete I've got all the individual C110 manuals from Nissan, (except that @^%! airconditioning one from Kieki Diesel for the 240K) as well as the combined single volume. For whatever reason these seem to sell a lot cheaper. They appear to have everything the others have...just all in one binding. I can always scan or photocopy anything specific if you are in a fix....or a broke? :laugh: Cheers, Jim.
  12. g72s20 replied to Razor's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    I like the idea for the basketball top! If you would like to sell the bootlid badge from the C10, please let me know, that's one that I need! Thanks mate, Jim.
  13. g72s20 replied to The C110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Yeah, it's the same one one that was on carpoint for $12,500 If you were dead keen on a 4 door 240K for a hobby car it would be hard to go past! Jim.
  14. g72s20 replied to The C110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Post up some pics of the offending areas Tom, I guess it depends how bad you want to be different as to what can be done!!:laugh: Jim.
  15. g72s20 replied to hls30.com's post in a topic in Electrical
    In 1992 I had a distributor rebuilt (along with the rest of the motor) for a GM Holden 308 cu.in. The guy doing the work raced these in a class called Auscars, similiar thing to nascars, banked oval track,.... race around at 6 grand plus for anything up to 2hrs. He recommended tne Magnecor leads...so thats what I went with. 250,000 klms(about 155000 miles) later they still ran without the hint of a misfire. This motor used to see 6 grand on the very odd occasion, and was still happy doing it 10 years on, same leads! I would clean and test the leads periodically but they always tested Ok. They did cost a lot more initially, around $80 if I remember correctly, when you could get a cheapy set for around $25. Never had an ounce of trouble with that ignition. I know what I'll be buying when mine need replacing Jim.
  16. g72s20 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Electrical
    hey Allan, Sounds like you got a short to ground (the car body metal). Simplified , the +12v that is supposed to be going to your rear light and brake globe filaments and then to ground/earth, is being diverted along the way to the car body,(shortening the path for the current, hence the term "short") or possibly to another wire that is grounded. To do this the insulation on the wires carrying the power to the lights has to be damaged/missing. First up, can you use a multimeter? and are you reasonably comfortable with reading cct diagrams? If not, just check as much of the wiring harness as you can from the rear lights, working your way back toward the fusebox. Look for previous repairs to the harness, electrical tape that has been added, or bare wires from damaged/missing insulation. If it is as you say both tail and brake light fuses, I'd be looking for something that could have recently squashed the harness, or look closely at any recent work where something may have been unscrewed or unbolted....replaced and inadvertantly crushed some wiring. Sorry if this seems a bit all over the place, ideas occur as I type I'm not familiar with the wiring layout of the Z's. Does it run under any interior floorcover that could have had something heavy dropped on it? I'm sure you get the idea. I know it ain't easy, ya gotta look....but you also need to know what to look for. Let us know how you go, and I'm sure there will be plenty of other suggestions from others' experiences with Z electrics. Good luck, I hope this helps. Jim.
  17. g72s20 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Talkin' shorthand. "He'll be callin' Ralph later" maggoted he's got his wobbly boots on "I'm not as think as you drunk I am" Jim.
  18. g72s20 replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Generally the need to regurgitate; vomit spew park a tiger (think about it..forward, reverse) laugh at the ground deliver a pavement pizza technicolour yawn ... :sick: , any more from 'round the globe? Cheers, Jim.
  19. g72s20 replied to Razor's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Do a search, google whatever, on Nissan Laurel. That's a pic of a Laurel ....pretty sure anyway!
  20. g72s20 replied to texasz's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    here's a coupla links, Bullet Cars a different perspective another site And they will supercharge one for you?? Enjoy! Regards, Jim.
  21. g72s20 commented on Zrush's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  22. g72s20 replied to The C110's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hi Kent, yeah, in the first post Tom says "not in the bumper" , so it's the little guy on the side. I didn't think they were left or right exclusive?
  23. g72s20 replied to Mr Camouflage's post in a topic in 240K Skyline
    Hi Tom, You said ...As Alfa said the lenses are the same, it's all the fruit around it you want...isn't it? If you bought this ebay setup could you do a complete panel swap from the coupe to the sedan? Hey while we're on the subject....have a go at this setup, is it a custom job, or what?Cheers, Jim.
  24. g72s20 replied to wedgey's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I really suspect the coil...now . I have had a situation where you can coax a spark while testing, but the coil couldn't give enough under the rigours of a combustion chamber, the symptoms were similar to what you have experienced... would run oK,short stop for any reason (say refuel) and no starting 'till things had cooled of considerably. Ended up changing the coil at a servo...it fixed it. I must say the symptoms could point to a crook condenser as well, but if you've already changed that item once?...I suppose ol' Murphy and his law could be having a go at you. Ahh the joys of points ignition, I guess there is only so many bits that can fail! Jim.

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