Scotty, I was 19 when I bought my 240Z (my first car). I knew very little about maintaining / repairing cars when I got it, but I have learned over the years. For most of my life, I lived in Canada so I stored my car in the winters and did a lot of walking / begging for rides. That's something to think about if you live where it snows in the winter. If you drive in the snow / salt, the car will rust out from underneath you. Initially, I was hesitant to work on my car as it was my only vehicle. When my fiance bought a car, I started to complete more of my own repairs. One thing would be to check if there is a Z Club in your area. I've always found fellow Z owners to be very helpful. I was fortunate when I lived in Kingston, Ontario, a couple of guys in the local Z Club really got me started in completing my own major repairs (i.e. helped me replace my clutch and later, my transmission). I have used my car as a daily driver since 1995 and have put approx. 55,000 miles on it since 1991. Last month I drove to Orlando for the Florida Z Fest and put over 900 miles on my car over the weekend with no problems. In closing, I would much rather own a classic car which I can work on myself than a Honda Civic or other sub-compact. Cheers,