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  1. ElaineZ replied to Ricklandia's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well I was lucky on the TieRod Ends, he had a clue! But when it came to the rear brakes, it ended up a 400 mile nightmare....and I was supposed to be pacified because he upgraded them? I said to him I wasnt leaving the store(its 200miles roundtrip-I refuse to buy NAPA) until he took off the wheel and matched up the brakes... He wasnt happy, but Im paying, and I was! I think we all have had this problem! And it can happen with a guy or a gal, though I usually ignore the gals and younger guys. Best of luck, Rick!
  2. ElaineZ commented on ElaineZ's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. ElaineZ replied to Sulla's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Sure its a theme! Its YOUR theme, YOUR ideas. YOU would have modded it your way... thats your theme. I think its cool!
  4. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Master Cylinder is exactly what Im thinking. I experienced pretty much the same problem in an Oldsmobile about a year ago. Like you, Im not going to check chances, again. And Im not driving it... too many steep grades here. Thanks for your feedback. If it will clear up, Im going to go out and look around the M/C... Thanks again!
  5. There will always be the disagreement on what makes a Z...a Z. If its American...how can it possibly be Z? Ive got a couple of friends--one dropped the Chevy in it... the other...*coughcough* a Ford! We go a round and around ...and around. They LOVE to brag how they will leave my 1975 STOCK 280 in the dust. Problem is... they dont have Zcars. Its simple.... if its not Datsun, then its not Z. If its Not a Z... Then its not a Z. Personally... if I wanted a 350 in a car...Id look at the Vega. So Simple. Or even a Cosworth. If I wanted a *chokecoughchoke* Ford... Id look at... umm.... Id look at... ummm.... thinking..... Shelby? But I sure wouldn't violate the beautiful, sexy, classy styling of the Z....with American. Leave it Americans to think that way.....
  6. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Thanks! I have checked for leaks and cant find one...that is Ive done some feeling around..nothing wet, didnt get in depth cause it wasnt low on fluid... I can take the tires off tomorrow and check the hoses. When I pump the pedal it 'builds up'... which made me sort of think of vaccuum...? No? Wrong? Thanks!
  7. ElaineZ posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Ive noticed a couple of times in the past a brake light coming on. Then, it stopped. I figured it had something to do with my replacing the rear brakes. Anyway, it started again (right about the time I said I wasnt having any Z troubles......). In fact, when I pulled into a parking lot the pedal went to the floor, (I began frantically pumping)the Z slid several feet on the dirt, before touching the wall (had to do some funky steering there....but at least it was just the bumper). Im beginning to think the Master Cylinder is going out, as I had similiar troubles in another car. Anyway, if Im off base, please steer me right. If on target, how can I check for sure? What about Vaccuum on this? I know nothing to zilch about brake systems. Thanks!
  8. ElaineZ replied to Sulla's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Haven't been here in quite awhile, so first I say "Cheers"! This thread caught my attention because of the word 'theme'. We all have our 'theme'...whether its plain jane Z or Speedy GonZaleZ... We find an older Z, we put 'our' creativity, our artistry, or our 'dreams' into the car. Yes, Bubbles, I KNOW yours is a pumpkin... sometimes I fear it might be 'Squash'! Anyway, I looked at mine and thought about that question. Is there a theme? Of course there is. It might not be approved, but its my 'theme'. My daily driver Z is a 75 280Z. Leaf Green. In spite much mulling over the colour to paint it I know I will go original. Green is my favourite colour, and it's close to nature. Nature, you say? Yep, that's my theme. There is nothing better than getting 'back to Nature' on a Sunday afternoon with my Z. Stock Rocks, and so I stay as close to her 'Birthday Suit' as possible...even if its 'Leaf Green'! Happy Zeeing, Elaine and Zel~
  9. I hope all of you will take a moment to read this. Many of you already know that Im very involved in Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. I've been involved as a volunteer and a foster home for animals for many years. Im posting this here because so many need your few seconds a day to help! As we speak of humanity and being kind, let's take a moment to do what we can to help our furry companions and friends. Please, even if you don't like me....don't take it out on them...I ask --no, I beg...all to visit this site and help us to help those who can't always help themselves. No money is involved. Thanks from all of us!! Hi Everyone: The Animal RescueSite is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "feed an animal in need" for free. This doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the web site! Pass it along to people you know. http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/ Thanks to all...... Warmest Regards, Elaine and Zel, Sasha, Pudding, Snuggums, JC, Louie, Bird, RC, Rocky, Pebbles, Baby and Furlough
  10. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Ok..This engine has some questionable history. From what he told me today, it wasnt overhauled....BUT, he said he spent 700 bucks haveing the heads done, then gave up .....because of Vacuum. He did say this is not the original. Its still raining like heck here...may have to wait til we transport to Idaho-- Beam me up Scotty!! And dont forget to send my clothes!!!
  11. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I can do a compression test....in fact I even thought about that...however, I dont yet know what the numbers are supposed to be on a 425... Thanks!!
  12. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    No...it runs. And it stays running. Im having alittle trouble getting used to a few t hings.... you cant just tap the pedal...you have to use alittle force. It sounds good. I think the PO may know less than he thought about this car. I am still considering a vaccum resevoir though....just because!
  13. ElaineZ replied to ElaineZ's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Hey! the PO said it a racing cam had been put in this thing...which means... no vaccum. However, the brakes do vaccum up after a minute or two. Im looking into a Vaccum resevoir bottle AND...a brake booster.... Oh, for the record, I actually bought it for my daughter.... of course, you know who will do the work...hehehe..
  14. ElaineZ replied to hawaiiankine's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    My first thought when reading the word Nemesis was "Electrical"! Then after reading all the posts I thought....yes, it has competitors....what would I hate to race? A Shelby Cobra..... but then... they werent at the same time....and Ive never felt that I had something to prove to anyone. I mean, I love my Zs...for more than speed(let it be known Ive gotten more tickets in the last 4 and half years for speeding, than in my whole 30 years of driving!)I love my Z for its class, it style. I cant think of ANY vehicle, EVER that can compete with the looks of my Z. In that category...there is no nemesis...only some wannabee Zs... :classic:
  15. ElaineZ posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I did it! Bought if for daughter. A tank. That isnt quite tanking. Beautiful tank inside. Great paint job. Now, if I could just figure out what they did under the hood......... Oh....we know it has no vaccum..... brakes included (man, what a sleigh ride...thank God for hills!!)So, how do I tell what engine has been put in it....??? 1973 Oldsmobile Tornado PO modified......yikes!

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