Everything posted by Gav240z
Wanted : L28ET
I'm really sorry Ben that was all over my head all those codes didn't make much sense to me. Can you maybe take the time an explain it in a little more detail for me? Thanks
Finally My 240z Video.
I tried also I even created an html file to save it but it didn't work must be incomplete file and therefore obviously wasn't copied correct or hasn't allowed us access to it properly. Not that I can complain he's doing me a favour you'll just have to make do with the geocities one I guess . Sorry one day I plan on buying decent webspace and setting up a proper site for my project. I have to get a digital camera first so I can document what's going on and hopefully help out others, much like Zgarage by Brian Little. Anyway just keep hammering Geocities they deserve it.
Definately a 2+2. If it's a fairlady Z it could very well be powered by an L20 so indeed be 2.0L. If your not gonna be in a hurry to get anywhere it won't matter but even with the L28 the S130 is a bit of a Pig when compared with a early S30. Don't wanna upset the Zx guys just don't want to see anyone unhappy about a purchase because they settled for something instead of got what they wanted I guess.:tapemouth
Wanted : L28ET
Etch in the engine block l24 over the l28 illegal but who's gonna know? I think that's how they did it before. Apparently it is legal to turbo the l24 for some dumb reason. don't argue just accept it and deal with it I guess .
240z carbs for sale
Warren at Zworx is always after a set try him at(03) 95875500 he is in Mordialloc, i'd buy them and sell them to him but it wouldn't be right. Your are in Melbourne right?
At the end of the day were you looking for a S30 Z or a S130? I wouldn't just settle for a 280zx because you'll always want a S30 I think. Don't despare on giving up the right car isn't alway easy to find, try joining the car club usually the best cars are sold through a club. Just a suggestion.
240z RB26 Gnose.
Is it as nice as I remember? all i remember is staring at the car in disbelief not sure if I'd still like the whale tail on it but.
Should I Be Unhappy About This?
The later turbo heads did have an internally oiling camshaft I would recommend installling one as my old l24 had been broken at one end by some i think (grease monkey) that did it while we were getting her roadworthy. I noticed when adjusting the valves it was sitting in the corner ready to damage other parts. I would highly recommend a internally oiling one such as our turbo ones with the P90 have. Just a suggestion.
Finally My 240z Video.
Real sorry about that guys I forgot about that issue with geocities. Blitzkraig provide me with the details and I'll send it to you no problem. :classic:
Best sounding 240/280 exhaust
I have a rather interesting combo which i'm sure gives it that exotic note. E88 head(With larger L28 Sized Valves). Mild Duration Cam(Slightly rough Idle). Headers(Not sure which brand). The dual pipes run down the car into two resonators which i don't know the brand of either but they look like glass packed ones. THen straight out the back. the only exception is that there was some steel wool slotted into place held in by a couple of screws towards the back. WIthout these it sounds like an atomic bomb and has a high pitch to it in high revs, sounds great through tunnels as it echo's but i prefer it with the steel wool in to give it a slightly less rough bark. It's like Victors roaster set's off every alarm is very noisy at idle but to be honest I wouldn't want it any other way .
Wanted : L28ET
So under pressure it will flow well huh? so that's y those awful ET pulsars don't do so bad with a bit of work .
Wanted : L28ET
Point taken but what do you think of an E88 or early E31 chamber design over an N42? Have you read about Tod Kaneko's 240z? He's pushing almost 500 Horses apparently in his L28 E88 head turbo engine.
Best sounding 240/280 exhaust
http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8953 Here ya go it's ready for download .
Finally My 240z Video.
Hey look at that I'm over 1000 posts I must be officially Z nuts .
Finally My 240z Video.
Well guys i hope you like it as much as I do . It's a video of my 240z going along. About 2mb I manged to get it down from the raw 12mb it was so it did loose some quality. However you should be able to see it easily enough. You can hear those dual pipes go . http://www.geocities.com/gavin_doolan/Gav240zDualPipes.avi Server 1 http://members.optusnet.com.au/~gavindoolan/Gav240zDualPipes.avi Server 2 right click to save and if you can't get it working you'll need a DivX codec for it. You can get it from www.divx.com .
240z RB26 Gnose.
How does one go about ordering a back issue of Zoom there website is hard to find.
Battery Tray
Hmm looks a bit nasty get to it asap. Remove the battery get a wire brush go crazy buckle your nuckles and clean it up best as possible then spray it in POR-15 or another rust inheibitor etc.. to seal it until you repray the car. have you checked chassis rail below it?
Center Console
Engine 2
Hope that brown piece of cardboard isn't a tempory battery . All indications are that this is an early Z good score, keep that valve cover won't you when you take this engine out. The one that reads (Nissan 2400 OHC). Also keep the engine if you have the space.
Passenger Floorboard 1
under that plastic tarp stuff is where you will find the rust. Will you remove it? if so make sure u clean up under there .
Should I Be Unhappy About This?
I would have thought a wire brush onto the camshaft is a no no since the wear pattern between lash pads and camshaft are so delicate you could disrupt things there couldn't you? I'm not engine expert either still learning just thought it was a bit harsh on something like a camshaft.
240Z Turbo Engine
280Z autocrossing
The way things are going with my G/F she'll be getting a Z and doing the exact same thing i think it would be definately weird . Good to see though all the same
Best sounding 240/280 exhaust
Soon I'll have an MPEG of my car driving past at 5000rpm with dual exhausts sounds pretty mean to me. I'll let u know when it's ready may require divx codec is that ok with you?:classic:
Wanted : L28ET
Ahh but are the flow characteristics of the P90 and N42 the same? I believe they are but there is some debate about that.