Everything posted by Gav240z
2 vs 2+2 please help FAAAST!
IF BBALLS does it then I'd suggest go with him because he most likely has alot more experience making those panels than your panel beater and it may be more expensive but it could save you alot of time $$$ and headaches down the track if you arn't happy with your panel beaters work. Just an opinion.:classic:
260 2+2 for sale
Hey Leeroy looked at another 2+2 not very pleased with it. Wondering if you'd be free this Saturday coming up for my friend and I to take a look at it, that is if you still wanna sell her? Let me know PM me.
2 vs 2+2 please help FAAAST!
All I know is alot of stuff has to be fabricated all the time but your probably best off asking your panel beater about it. Using the 2+2 as a template might not always be a good idea As they are different from the windscreen back.
- ZG Bodykits
240 differences Q's
was gonna say Zhome aswell it's very well documented on early 240z's for differences on later 260z's you might not have the same luck anything your not sure of just ask .
VQ30DET -> 260Z Has it been done?
closest thing I could find to it was this.... http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1286 might be better off asking this questions at www.hybridz.org
VQ30DET -> 260Z Has it been done?
Is that a single turbo engine? I remember a 2+2 that was a V engine not sure if this was the one but it wasn't a VG30DETT because it was only single turbo from the factory.
2 vs 2+2 please help FAAAST!
The tailgate slam panel may be useable if not you can always cut it down. The 2+2 is slightly wider not sure how much but it isn't much. The drip rails are longer and won't curl down the same as the 2 seater so I don't know how useful they will be to you. The wheel arch's are all the same size 2+2 or normal 2 seater so I don't know if that helps with your other question. Hope that helps.
Help Misfiring all of a sudden.
Thanks for the help and suggestions guys I worked her out. Turned out to be a fowled spark plug on cylinder 6. I pulled 1 plug at a time while she was running and noticed 6 made F' All difference . Pulled it out changed it with a spare plug I had in another engine and she was fine. Believe she's running a bit rich but nothing I didn't know already. thanks again and I'm so relieved hehe.
I cant stand my vehicles!
Oh yeah I get so paranoid DDing my Z I swear I've said it a million times people actually go for my car. I swear there out to get me . In a couple of years I'll be finished studying hopefully and be able to store the Z and daily drive something else and yes I too have considered a new 350z . Have you seen the engine bay? Looks like a science to change the spark plugs yike :tapemouth
A few stupid questions
@ BAMBI always hanging it on Zmefly . I find it funny he knows what a T5 is but doesn't know where the oil change plug is .
I cant stand my vehicles!
Welcome to my world and dilemna. I would really like a Daily Driver car to hack about but it doesn't take long before I miss driving the Z. The best feeling is when you have the car off the road a week or 2 cause your working on her and you replace worn out parts then hop back in and drive again. It's such a thrill just liek the first time you drive it again .
ZG Bodykits
Thanks for the insight Alan and couldn't agree more with you . Really like the look of the Works stuff.
Help Misfiring all of a sudden.
Little black box is a stardard item on the electronic dizzy. Forgot the correct name now, I pulled the 6th lead and found it makes much less difference than the others when i take it off but when i reconnect it, makes a little shudder as if it's firing a bit but not anything fantastic, electrical timing seems fine at about 11 degrees at 700rpm. Next problem is I need to pull the plug and the socket I need, my childish step father has locked up the tool box with it in their because I apparently don't put things back properly at 21 you'd think he'd treat me like a grown up not a child, I've been buying my own tools lately in an effort to get him off my back . By the way Nissan has those little black boxes priced at a pretty penny in the way of $800AUD. Hoping it's a dud plug will keep you guys posted.:devious:
Help Misfiring all of a sudden.
Yeah didn't think it was the leads either, but still changed them the timing is set to 10 degree's or so but it should probably be around 5 with the 10:1 compression however i just checked it then and that was with the choke out so probably above 1000rpm. I would have thought capacitor too but it's electronic dizzy. I have a unique exhaust system and it's set so that the first 3 cylindes and last 3 cylinders split evenly into two pipes and come out the middle of the car like the works rally cars. I noticed when i put my hand over each exhaust the left hand one is blowing alot more air than the right hand one. I might give the carbs an adjustment but it really seems electrical cause when I rev it I can hear it miss. And even when one carbie is sucking more than the other you don't get that kinda missfire and the backfire however she only backfires a little when driving. What about on the side of the coil there is a wire that goes to the thermostat but before that goes to the side of the dizzy and there is a little black box could that be causing problems????
Help Misfiring all of a sudden.
Well today I got into the Z and was on my way to check out a 2+2 for a friend who's in the market for one when my Z played up on me. I started her up let her run a couple of minutes while brushing my teeth :classic: . She's been running a bit odd lately and I thought it was a carbie issue could still be but it seemed like it had been missing a little but was driving fine. Last night I got her home no problems except well it seems like its outta tune. Now this morning I'm driving out of my drive way and start to accelerate and it's missing like mad so I think maybe the choke is screwed as sometimes they don't open evenly due to been worn or sticky so I pull over pop the hood and fiddle with the choke seems fine(I've never had a problem with the choke). I try no choke and same deal missing like mad give her a rev still not good. So I drive along waiting to see if when it gets warmer she's ok but nothing and it's been starting to backfire aswell. I check all electrical connections everything seems to be in order. Now recently I replaced my spark plugs so I count them out. my distributor is electonic and the coil is new and a bosch unit. As I say car as been fine for a year or more since I've owned her. I'm personally thinking spark leads as they appear to be a good brand(NGK) and I'm told they last forever there the see through ones. However everything gives up so I won't rule them out and probably before I have any reply to this I would have bought new ones anyway . So if anyone can suggest anything at all that might also be causing this please let me know. As I say I think it's mainly electrical not carbie but don't wanna rule anything out. Thanks
bad 5-speed box?
Yeah the speedo cable has an o-ring and if not there it will most likely leak. I gave mine a slight amount of gasket gew and I also had a leak at the reverse switch which I used gasket gew once more no problems I've seen and the garage floor is grease free. Oh and be careful once you remove the speedo gear it will leak oil have a ice cream container ready . BTW Sulio I need to speak to u your mobile was off at 11:00 today it's regarding cruise I'm having some trouble with my Z see my post I will be posting now:cry:
Help needed ...ALAN (HS-30-H)
you will find alot of Z's rear ends clunk and it is generally considered normal. Glad to hear you are still having fun and great to see you've been working on her speaking of which I have work todo Try http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html for tips about rear end clunk.
ZG Bodykits
So true original does look great where did you get the picture Ben I don't see many ZG's in red at all. Also your avatar has a real nice looking Z have you got more photo's I'm just a sucker for the rear wing and flares . http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=284&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=283&password=&sort=7&thecat=998 Same airdamn but as my other one above but I like this one alot.
bad 5-speed box?
Just make sure you have a adjustable wrench or monkey wrench as some call it. It's a Square bolt and it's the only one I could get to fit it.
ZG Bodykits
which one the one i like or the one alfa posted?
What is this?
I agree keep everything connected as it should be my last 260z had all of it removed in a feable attempt to suck more power out it by the last owner. Shouldn't have bought it but we live and learn to tell others not to make the same mistake. The engine was driven Very hard as I was longer and dumber then and just got my licence by the end the oil pressure was very low and I'm sure over revving , poor maintenance and all that so called performance robbing stuff was a part of it. Thank you Australia for your wonderful smog laws in the 70's
Early car for sale in Queensland
Forgot to mention Eleanor from Gone in Sixty seconds the Mustang GT500 and some of the replicas have been going for big bucks and there certainly not original by any streach of the imagination. Maybe to make modified Z's worth more we need to glorify these cars in a movie and then modded examples will be worth SH$! loads
found some su's
Seriously what bambi is saying is the best idea. Is the 4 barrel carbie just a single downdraft? If so don't even bother sure the SU's can seem a pain but once you understand them there not all that bad. I agree don't pay anything for those flat tops. Especially if they look rooted I love this quote from ztherapy."This is not a carb-It is a boat anchor!" get's me everytime. Fuel injection is probably the least maintenance but setting it up initially is what will cost you and it makes your engine bay a bit messier I feel. But you can change that but replacing a few things. I've been wanting to order a set of rebuild Ztherapy carbs lately but I think my best bet is to buy the rebuild kit SM needles for the L28 and watch his 4 hr video on setting them up. Cheers.
ZG Bodykits
Not sure I can say I like it at all. I love the Gnose as im sure alot of you know and I think this defeat the purpose of it. The gnose it meant to make the car sharp looking adding that makes ugly to me. I've attached the one i like