Everything posted by Gav240z
valve-rocker gap adjust tips
I've always done mine after the car is hot as that's how the car will be running most of the time and I suspect the engine internals stay warmish enough for a long enough period of time to complete the job. Yes you should be relatively quick but don't forget as soon as you tighten the bolts I've noticed that the gap becomes smaller and therefore you want the feel guage to slip in nicely when you haven't tightened so that when you tighten them you get that nice bit of resistance. It should be just a tad of pull on the feeler guage. IMHO. Mines due for this soon as I said in another post there's a few things I would like to do to get my baby running A1 or A+ as it were. Arn't you glad you don't have a twin cam engine now?:classic:
deceleration smoke
I'm sure my car is burning oil through the valve stem seals and I would like to replace them because replacing the oil at regular intervals might be good for the car but I'd rather have as much oil in their as possible. Just my 2 cents.
Anyone got specs??
http://www.turbomagazine.com/features/tur0801a01_free/ I like the idea of an E88 engine head producing so much power makes me wanna leave the p90 at home :classic: .
Brake Drum Issue?
Hi guys recently I've noticed a strange noise coming from the left hand rear of the car. (Passenger side on a HS30). It happens when I'm slowing down especially if I have to stop quickly. It's like a grinding noise and I suspect it's either the Universal joint(s) or the brake drum is so worn down it's now just grinding metal and therefore when i hit the brakes hard it uses the drum more and causes this sound. I have not had time to check it out because I've been having my exams at Uni and just driving the car. I will get holidays in about 4 days so I plan on fixing alot of problems with the car in that time. Just wanting to know your opinions on what could be making that sound. If it is the brake drum this would mean machining obviously. Incidentally I've read about stub axels breaking on some early 240z's. I do not want this obviously could this be one of those wearing thin? Cheers, Slightly Concerned .
Ohms Law Explained
The thing about Gold Rings as stated by Z kid is that Gold has a high conductivity rating higher than most other metals this is great for circuits but it can't be used because it's so damn expensive. Just thought I should mention that.:classic:
I found #62150(something like that)?
Ok but what does IMHO mean then? What I've extracted from the above conversation is that the 240z was designed for the US requirements. The Fairlady 240z or Fairlady Z was designed for the japanese home market with the smaller capacity L20 it would suit the tax laws on the motor vehicle wouldn't it? The 432 and 432R were for the people who wanted the extra bit of performance and a high end model. The fact that so many HLS30 models were produced suggests that the 240z was designed for the US market. It was the biggest market after all and from bits and pieces I've read the Z concept was originally gonna be a 4cylinder Roadster but to sell a roadster US laws were changing and making it difficult and the US buyers liked larger capacity engines like V8's. Anyway that's what I make of it for now I'm glad I'm one of the Lucky 300 in Aus that own a HS30 prefix car. To add to what you guys were saying before I find that the Z has so much unknown or difficult to obtain information about it's history or model differences and activities that it does make me more interested. I don't think I know of any other cars that could possibly keep me this glued to a post :classic: . Do other enthusiasts have this problem ie: Ford followers? I suppose the unexpected success of the Z made all of the smaller details easier to loose and focus was put on the more important things. Japan had just started to get there industrial industry underway and lots of documentation and quality procedures etc.. were not implemented that's my guess anyway. I think I'll leave it there I'm very tired now and probably not making proper sense.
SU carbs for sale
I know people here in Aus who are desperate for a set of carbs. SU 240z Type. Let me know if you could be bothered shipping and I'll ask how much they'd pay for a set.
Ohms Law Explained
George think of Current as water, If you have a big diameter pipe water can flow easily make it smaller and it is difficult to get good flow. Resistance can be caused by dirty connections and possibly cut or poor condition wiring. BTW I'm still learning when it comes to electronics.:classic:
Aussie Cams
Ok here's how I understand things. With a larger cam the duration is increased to which the valves are open this is ideal in higher rpm's because the engine needs to be open for longer to get rid of all the exhaust gases etc.. Setting the timing backwards would allow for the longer duration of valves being open? Not sure as I say I'm still trying to understand the concept. My 240z has 10:1 compression but the cam i feel is very mild as the last owner stated and I run out of power around 5,500rpm. It hits the stock power limit. So I wonder if my stock cam was just reground. I would very much like to install the 702 as I think it would be ideal for my car and driving. I can foot the $220 bill for the thing but I'm not sure how to install one and setting the timing I'd really like to learn etc. is it hard? is it best left to professionals? I belive my valve stem seals are worn out as it's a little smokey after idling and take off so I planned on replacing these anyway and while I'm at it installing a new cam would be on the cards. :classic:
Bluebird 5 Speed
It's like the "which head is best" discussion a while back, I had to try so hard not to make a comment which was inappropriate. As Alan said though take the measuring tape and check it out. The early Z boxes as far as I know were slightly different the rest should all be the same and interchangable. Good Luck.
Ohms Law Explained
Hey Alfa I actually enjoyed Physics at Uni but I only did first year I hear second is the killer. What Escanlon and Zkid are saying is correct but I'm still confused as to what you want answered George? I know your looking for a fault in the circuit and your looking for an Arc which is basically what Z kid said about welding I also did some welding :classic: . Not sure about your leads though..
Real Fairladys on ebay or are they fakes??!!
Having a look at them they have all the makings of a Genuine Fairlady Z. They both have the L20 2litre engine, the 69 mdl has the different clock you'll notice and the valve cover has 2000CC written on it. The steering wheel coicides with the era of Z mesh grille and the rhd factor would mean that if it wasn't genuine someone has gone to alot of trouble to make it look like it was. THe 74 in my mind is no doubt however if anyone wants to be certain I would inspect them in person and not purchase directly over Ebay judging from pictures. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on the 69mdl :classic: .
Precious comes out
Poor ZmeCruise always get's stabbed in the back but you did ask for it commenting on the Automatic. No offence BTW I like your ZX :cheeky: .
Stuff For sale
Drunkenmaster I know of a 240z for sale fairly cheap don't know if this is any use to u I was gonna have a look at it myself I have pics and the contact info.:classic:
dual exhuast?
I've always loved the RX4's really wanted one for a while and almost got one after my first 240z. A friend of mine had a Ke55 Corolla everyone used to think it was a rotor. My old 260z had no resonator and everyone always thought it was a rotor. But they make a definate sound and you know it's a Rotor always reminds me of a Lawnmower on steroids. I've never driven a rotor but what scared me about an RX4 was the maintenance on one. That and the fact that most RX4 Coupe's would have been thrashed to hell and back. Oh I do like the R100 also but I think i'll always be a Z man. Having owned a V8 and a Rotor does a rotor feel like it just doesn't have torque? I always imagine their small capacity to resemble a lack of torque but as I say never driven one. :classic:
Stolen Cars
I've always wanted to stick one under the cigarette tray. A Push button one like the BRE race cars would be awesome under there. Sorta like the "Go Baby Go" on the mustang in Gone In Sixty Seconds. :classic:
Exhaust Fumes For Those Who Put up with it.
Hahahaha good point Tanny I'm currently studying Statistics at school as a subject it's so boring but it does teach you how statistics can lie etc.. Bambi that was a good one poor alfa. Don't worry Alfa we still luv ya even if you do drive a K Do you still get Fumes in it? I have a friend who's father drove a 200B and you could still smell it Good OLd Datsun.:classic:
Aussie Zed And Girls
Don't have any more pictures of this Z looks great from the photo's. Nice women btw she's got a nice perky arse
major rebuild finished
I think it's great the V8 concept has grown on me mainly cause it's Nissan V8 Grunt. I like the paint work the wheels. Not sure about whale tail front spoiler is great. Lots of hours on this from the looks of it. I think i'd have the rear light panel black again see my gallery I prefer it that way. but overall nice ride mate.
inside look
local show silverdome 91
summernats clean up
show and shine summernats
What did u do to install the Dual hatch struts? There is a topic about this at the moment and I think it would benefit a few members. I used to like the whale tail on Z's not sure now but.
Aussie Mechanic