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Everything posted by Gav240z

  1. Gav240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    If were gonna go there about Falcodore's. The XF , XE, EA , VH , VL, VK drivers are the worst. Especially with the P plate signs up. I know i'm a P plater but I consider myself to be of a more sensible nature. After all I drive a classic that requires respect don't get me wrong I know how to drive my Z hard but I love the car so much that if something went wrong I'd never let myself forget it so it keeps me in check. I wanna get on a race track someday and test her out and see what she's made of.
  2. Gav240z commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. Gav240z replied to Zvoiture's post in a topic in Polls
    Couldn't agree with Darylick more he's got it pretty close to spot on. I try to avoid provoking anyone who drives a cheap sports car or the young guys in commodore's. I don't think they know what there doing and I always get people trying to race my Z. I figure I know I can beat them so why try? I have nothing to prove. Taxi Drivers are awful and I voted for them because well anyone who has to drive for a living is eventually gonna get lazy and careless. I used to do pizza deliveries I should know. Definately avoid oh and I forgot Couriers now there almost as bad.
  4. These are those mirrors Simon has. Unless someone says otherwise I'd just never seen the actual glass part shape. I really like my mates Californian ones there egg shaped very smooth. I might change my mind on these mirros I've been looking at them a few times and do like the look they present to anyone not driving or inside the car. How much roughly do you think these XY Falcon mirrors cost?? Are they readily available from a wrecker? Still wanna do the ZG thing.
  5. I've seen these mirrors on Z's before but looking at the shape of the mirrors I couldn't stand looking at them sorry. My mate has nice ones there from autobarn but. www.geocities.com/spized1969/ I think there called Californian Racing not sure... Personally I like the bullet style mirrors found on the ZG style cars. I wanna put ZG style on my car after I get the doors sorted out cause i'll be getting the rust removed so the holes where the current mirrors are will be filled. See my Gallery for what I'm talking about.:classic: Those XY mirrors arn't all bad just the inner shape so you'll be the one who has to put up with them.
  6. It was only recently in which i was talking to Fstr240 on one of the forums regarding an engine issue. It's shocking to hear about this kind of thing I was in a accident only too recently where my 260z was written off now I know how lucky I really was I wish you a fast and speedy recovery.
  7. http://zhome.com/History/BigSam.htm here's an article on Big Sam :classic: .
  8. Gav240z commented on philUK's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  9. Gav240z replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    George where does the fluff in pockets come from . I wanna know what they came up with >
  10. Gav240z replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    I know im going off topic here but your right Brett those R31 GTS's are quite rare. I see alot of imitations on the road but hardly any of the real thing. Did these have an RB20? I heard they couldn't use the RB30ET. Might be a challenge to find one at a wrecking yard especially before someone else but thanks for the heads up. Gav,
  11. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Interior
    Yeah there 12V 3W globes alright. The tint at first I thought was there for a reason then i thought it was because they were blown but it was almost as if it looked like chrome till I shon a light on them and noticed it's a very dark tint. I'll try 4W globes I'm going past an automotive supplier so they should have what I'm after. I have opened these things before, so do you mean painting the metal inside the guage itselft. The actual silver or aluminium looking bit? I've been tempted to make the guages white. A friend of mine has done this and put blue bulbs in there. Looks great at night but I still am not sure on the whole idea of making them white looks a bit "boy racer" like. I did think of getting a second set of guages to do this but not sure how much it would set me back. Hmmm decisions decisions. Thanks for the insight anyway.
  12. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Hi guys, been meaning to change the bulbs in the guages for quite some time but put it off knowing it was a fairly intensive job as well as fidly. Anyway I got the bulbs out no problems however I noticed there quite tinted. Now the Dash is dark enough as it is, I'm wondering is there a reason they'd put dull bulbs in there or would it be ok if not better to have normal clear bulbs? I ask becuase tomorrow I'll be buying the new ones and wanna know if it makes a difference. 1 advantage of the 260z is that this is easier to do . Anyway this might indefinately put me off white guage faces. Also while I'm on the topic does anyone know where to get the stickers that say Heat, Temp Etc. on the heater controls?? mine are pealing off. :mad: . Thanks guys.
  13. Gav240z replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    Hey Brett where did u get that LSD from? Just wondering cause I have no idea what Nissan's in aus I could pull one out of and install there's plenty of info for the US spec vehicles. THanks. BTW speaking of Gbox's mine feels awful at the moment not sure wheather to blame it on low oil or worn synchro's. I have a spare at least :classic: .
  14. Well that's what i need AVGAS my car always pings when it comes out of tune. A little AVGAS would be good but u can't get it from the pump so... :classic: . Would be interesting to see how AVGAS goes but.
  15. Gav240z commented on ctomkins's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  16. The E88 head as far as I know does not have hardened valve seats. Mine had the ZX valves installed so they come with the harder valve seats and there slightly bigger aswell giving of course more power . Alfa I used to use LRP hate the stuff too. I use premium all the time besides the lead in the fuel is bad for you and the environment and remember when those windows are down you get some fumes in the car from time to time. Admittadely my car doesn't get much but any form of fumes is bad for you. I'd say you should get them hardened. when money allows.
  17. Gav240z replied to Zpeed's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    As far as I know Nathan it did come out in Japan however I'm not 100% sure. This is just going from memory here. Are you looking at getting one are you? You should check trading post there's a 2+2 in there at the moment with an L28(P90) , Fuel Injection , Gas Research and it is Turbo T3. The whole car is $2000 but it might be worthwhile to buy and sell my P90 here. Not sure what I'd get for the engine or if I could make $1000 back on it. That would be my aim. It's right near my place so if you want I can go take a look for either of us.:classic:
  18. Gav240z replied to That Ozzy Guy's post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    George I think you know I luv that car . I've never seen it in person but have a great deal of pictures on it and little information. Maybe u could give us all some info on it
  19. Gav240z commented on v12horse's comment on a gallery image in 03 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  20. Gav240z commented on v12horse's comment on a gallery image in 03 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  21. Gav240z commented on v12horse's comment on a gallery image in 03 Motorsport Auto Nationals
  22. Gav240z commented on Dan Baldwin's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  23. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  24. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  25. Gav240z commented on That Ozzy Guy's comment on a gallery image in 03 Brisbane Nationals

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