Everything posted by Gav240z
Z's on BAT and other places collection
So bearish.. global uncertainty, high interest rates and a weak classic car market are all factors driving lower prices right now. I think long term S30z's appeal to multiple generations, in part because they were cheap for so long. So many people got to experience and enjoy them. I think you'll see prices jump back up again once inflation is tamed. Rates go lower and global geopolitics improves (fingers crossed).
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Because I believe TopGun1 was a US based bidder. And after the sale on BAT. The seller briefly relisted it on the Australian sites again before it was de-listed by the current seller. I think seller has invested too much in it and isn't willing to accept the loss personally. Fair enough, but still find it to be poor sportsmanship.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Speaking of which, I noted this R32 GTR was listed CarSales in Australia for $130k+. It dropped to $99k or so before being removed from the website, the URL now returns a 404. https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/1990-nissan-skyline-gt-r-r32-manual-4wd/SSE-AD-16397618/?Cr=0 It was also on Facebook under the name of Peter Yannopoulos After failing to sell locally the seller tried BAT hoping for a cashed up US buyer presumably? https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1990-nissan-skyline-gt-r-45/ It apparently sold on BAT for $50,500 USD on 3/5/24 to user TopGun1 - https://bringatrailer.com/member/topgun1/ However it's been back on Facebook for a few months now under a different seller name (original seller name from memory was Peter) - (still hoping for $130k AUD) https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/991650708967280/ I know it's not an S30Z, but the reason I share it is that it appears the seller was the 1 who reneged on the sale (not buyer), unhappy with the price achieved in the BAT auction. Despite it being listed with no apparent reserve on BAT. I think the seller was hoping that would drive aggressive bidding. I don't know what the top bidder thinks of this, but it also shows that despite the deal falling over, BAT still shows the vehicle as having been sold, the seller has not honoured the achieved price on BAT. I don't blame the seller for feeling the car was worth more, but they should never have agreed to a no reserve auction if that was the case. So I personally don't trust a lot of these auction sites and buying via them. Too many shenanigans going on and dishonest sellers for my liking.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Those price drops are rookie numbers. In the GTR market (R32/R33/R34) I've seen asking prices drop by up to $100k+ AUD. Still not sell. The whole market got so overheated a couple of years ago and now prices are gradually returning to earth.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
To flog the dead horse, the problem is it's often used as an absolute. Then all sorts of contortions are required to make it fit when an example car pops up. That's why I laughed..
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Hahaha... Oh dear. I'm sure Carl can explain series 1 and 2.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I don't think it's getting anywhere near $100k this time. Liquidity has been sucked out of markets and all classic car prices are down. I wouldn't be listing without a reserve in this market.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Oh wow, I had the paint matched by a paint shop using the alternator bracket as a sample.
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
I'm in 2 minds about this. I have a NOS rear 1/4 panel. Part No. 78100-E4600 https://goo.gl/photos/L4u3rC8JCNevTX9y8 It has the rear 1/4 marker lights holes, but HS30s sold in Australia didn't get those. So I was going to have it welded up. However I was also thinking of repairing the existing 1/4 panel which has a light altercation at some point and is currently loaded with bog. I'm not good enough to file finish it myself, but I'm sure my panel beating friend is. It will likely cost more than replacing it with the NOS panel I have though! So I'm not sure where to draw the line on this stuff, but my pragmatic brain says it's better to get them back on the road and restored. A while ago I had a bonnet repaired and it probably cost me double the price of buying a reproduction part (which were not freely available at the time I had mine repaired).. I do like the idea of keeping as much of the original car as possible. And likely I'd be the only 1 that would know how much would be replaced. But thankfully I don't yet have to make these decisions on my own project(s). So for now I'm not gonna stress too much about it.
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
Aaron on https://www.viczcar.com/profile/101180-specialp3/ is the member who created it, and has given me permission to share it here. Hopefully this Google Drive link works? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dm7zkrTTx32dWLz5s0uTlDR2IH2OeF3O/view?usp=sharing
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
A friend of mine had a stencil made to reproduce that part no. on the rear moustache bar. I don't recall if HLS30 vs HS30's used a different part no. though. Here are some photos from a clean 73 model (HS30) we took apart a couple of years ago. https://photos.app.goo.gl/szJd62o9dARqLpWTA
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
Since we're talking about #51 chassis sequence on all the variants. It might be worth sharing the fact that PS30 00052 is out there still and apparently in North America. https://jdmlegends.com/collections/vehicles/products/1970-fairlady-z-432 I've actually had the owner reach out to me in search of some parts.
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
Correct. No mechanical agitation. I was told similar when I did some night classes on panel beating at my local technical college. Working with lead is quite fun with a wooden paddle and beeswax to stop the lead sticking to the paddle. You need to heat it until melting point then keep it warm as you spread it around before it returns to a solid material upon cooling down. Then use a metal file to shave it down and smooth off.
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
Rust holes. Not enough.
Finally found a 69 240z, #51 Time to finish a 30 year multiple owner restoration.
No. I own the RHD #51. HS30 00051 This car is HLS30 00051 Funny enough my car was also 907 Green from factory. However the engine no. is much higher because I believe it was made in early 70. Not in 1969. I should get a better photo of the ID plate.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
Yes, and I agree the G-nose definitely gives the car a Ferrari 275 GTB look.
Datsun-240z Vs Fairlady-z432
But is that because it's LHD instead of RHD? I know in Australia there was a couple of really nice imported LHD 240z's for sale, but nobody wanted to buy them because of the LHD configuration. I personally could not care less, if I was in the market and found a clean LHD car, I'd purchase it based on rust free status. Most people won't be driving the car more than a handful of times a month. So is it really such a negative that it's LHD? I don't think so, but people are fickle and funny in their ways of thinking I find. As for the Gnose, I think many people passing judgement haven't seen a proper 1 in person to fully appreciate it. Some things don't photograph well, for example when I first showed my wife photos of an FD3S RX-7 I was looking to buy, she was not that impressed. Then when we saw the car in person she totally changed her mind. I think the 2D vs 3D aspect is a real factor.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Oh yes, my half page. Shame on me. Imagine taking time to share information and perspective? If you want to know more, maybe you could venture over to threads like this? Then you may understand the value of HS30-H's contributions here and elsewhere.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Sorry, but what a load of absolute bollocks. Alan has contributed a lot of useful insights over many years not just in this forum, but other forums, as well as on social media, BAT comments etc.. and many of us appreciate the insights, information and knowledge he's shared with us. If you care to look you'll find over 20 years of posts on this forum alone sharing a wealth of information with those open enough to receiving it, especially when it comes to the in period rally cars, the 432's and 432-R's, HS30-H models etc.. and the people involved with these cars at Nissan and beyond. The flat earth comments seem somewhat appropriate given the fact that despite all evidence some people chose to just ignore the facts and continue on believing what they want to believe. Or to quote Jonathan Swift "You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into". This is my opinion after observing many back and forth similar discussions of a similar nature over the years, on here and via other mediums. Over what Nissan's priority for these cars was, and if it was truly designed with an American market as #1 market in mind or not. But also the flat out refusal to acknowledge that series 1, series 2 labels are a very loose naming convention with far too many holes to hold factual weight when looking at these cars with any degree to accuracy or critical thinking in mind. If knowing the facts and understanding what these cars are about and their history with any degree of accuracy is going to put off folks from "joining the club" then perhaps the flat earth society is the right place for them anyway? Or maybe something that's a bit more safe like collecting stamps? I don't know of other car communities for other makes and models where getting the facts right is frowned upon? After all to the right collector/enthusiast the small details (and prices reflected) matter. Take for example the N1 versions of the R32/R33/R34 GTRs, which I view in a similar light to the 432-r's. They command bigger dollars due to their rarity and specialness and it's all the little details that matter. Prices paid, reflect this. Since this thread is about BAT, you can go look at prices on BAT to see what I mean. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1994-nissan-skyline-r32-gtr-v-spec-ii-n1/ Or to draw another comparison with the Skyline segment, just because Nissan sold a few R32 GTRs into the Australian market (~100 or so), doesn't mean Nissan intended to build them with Australian's only in mind. I mean just typing that out seems preposterous to me. At the end of the day when most North American's refer to cars as being series 1 or series 2, I get what they are 'trying to say'. But the problem is, when you live in other parts of the world (shock horror) these labels are very problematic, because they effectively mean nothing and therefore if you ask 10 different folks what series 1 vs series 2 means you'll often get 10 different ideas (as seen from previous comments in here just recently also).
Z's on BAT and other places collection
There is a delicious irony in the fact that those who say "series 1" "series 2" is a genuine way to refer to these cars, can't even agree on where 1 series begins and the other ends.... I think that speaks loads in itself. The reality is these cars changed often (sometimes on month by month intervals) and this is shown in the parts manuals. But also talking about series 1 or 2 ignores all the most exciting variants such as the Japanese market models.. eg: Fairlady Z, Fairlady 240z, Fairlady 240ZG, Fairlady Z432 and Fairlady Z432-R and where I live, far away in Australia many of the 'series 1' so called features continued well into late 71 (eg: the hand throttle). However it's a term that simply won't die.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Wow, those door trims and trans tunnel carpet... looks like it may have been a blue interior car?
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Someone paid a lot of money to have that car, maybe because Tom Cruise had farted in it a few times during filming of Vanilla Sky?
Z's on BAT and other places collection
I don't think you can blame BAT for price hikes. We have the same issues in Australia with anything 90s JDM being $10k+ and needing extensive work. It's inflation, and supply/demand. I think Youtubers are more to blame, always documenting working on old 'sheds' that require loads of work, making it look easy to fix them up etc.. now a lot of that junk is coming back onto the market but nobody has any money to buy them and they just sit on the market for ages.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Oh they will collect that data, trust me. Anyone company like that, which isn't learning more about it's customer base would be naive. As to weather or not they will make it public... well.. maybe if you ask nicely?
Z's on BAT and other places collection
With all due respect, what does Hagerty know about the JDM cars? Until recently they didn't even know the Z432 existed. They also seem to be oblivious to the RHD market in general and the value variance(s). A few Z432's for sale in Japan. PS30-SB (432-R) $713,705 USD price tag. https://www.goo-net-exchange.com/usedcars/NISSAN/FAIRLADY_Z/700060083430181010001/ Price not listed on this Z432 w/ replica Works Style Kobe Seiko Rally Mags.. wish I could get these Advan Tyres in Australia! https://www.goo-net-exchange.com/usedcars/NISSAN/FAIRLADY_Z/700060083430240112001/ Early Safari Gold car. - No price listed also. https://www.goo-net-exchange.com/usedcars/NISSAN/FAIRLADY_Z/700020288230220616004/ However another Safari Gold Z432 is going to auction. (PS30-00232) https://bhauction.com/auction/tokyo-shin-kiba/lots/1971-nissan-fairlady-z432 ESTIMATE: ¥27,000,000 - ¥35,000,000 That's 182 - 236k in Freedom Dollars. In my experience auction houses usually slightly underquote to draw the punters in, but this car is missing the Kobe Seiko mag wheels and has the wrong seats for it's year/trim. The Kobe Seiko wheels are worth anywhere from 8-12k I'd say (if you can find them). Add on buyers fees etc.. and it's basically what the BAT car sold for. But if you think otherwise, maybe you can advise the Japanese Auction house they are way off the mark? 🙂