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Everything posted by Gav240z

  1. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Interior
    I was given this radio for nothing when I was visiting the US a year or so ago. Our AU market cars never had this radio, so I'm kind of using it as a guinea pig to see if I can repair it, before moving onto my TM-1081ZB(S) radio's. I've got 3 of those all working in terms of reception, but the auto-tune/signal seek function on 2 of them doesn't work in both directions and on 1 of them it's a little slow. However I want to practice on a radio that isn't worth as much as the earlier AM radio. So far I've managed to fix the tuner needle which wasn't moving but have no idea what other tests I need to do to try and make it work. I figure the service manual is a good start. At this stage how well it works or sounds is another matter.
  2. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Hi Guys, I've decided to try and learn to repair the 72 model Hitachi Radio. KM-1520ZC however I cannot find this manual anywhere. I have 1 for TM-1081ZB(S) but not the 72 model radio. The radio powers up, has static but doesn't tune into anything. I have so far managed to repair the tuner needle which wasn't moving when the knob was being turned. Think that is resolved now but next up I need to determine why it won't tune into anything. Just stumbled across this guys videos and think it might be useful.
  3. Gav240z replied to hatepotholez's post in a topic in Wanted
    I know you want an original but reproductions are here: http://www.zzxdatsun.com/catManuals.php
  4. Gav240z replied to hatepotholez's post in a topic in Wanted
    Thanks, I may have found 1 so fingers crossed. But let me know if you do change your mind. As I haven't fully tested all mine and hopefully they can be repaired if needed.
  5. From the auction a couple of weeks ago. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NOS-1970-1971-Datsun-240z-and-S30-Fairlady-Z-car-OEM-new-factory-radio-Hitachi-/301879311037
  6. Awesome, going to make other ones like TM-1081ZB(S)?
  7. Here ya go! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-240Z-non-EGR-Balance-tube-260Z-280Z-/231909834208
  8. Gav240z replied to hatepotholez's post in a topic in Wanted
    Hi Hank, As far as we can tell the difference between the 2 is Red light for the 'A' and Green for the 'B'. You are correct I already have 2, but chasing a third unit if I can find 1. I don't mind if it is A or B. Missing antenna switch or faceplate, will basically take what I can get.
  9. Gav240z replied to Careless's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Yeah I can imagine the time + effort involved means they are not cheap to make. How much as spindle pins these days? I think something like $80 a pair now? Maybe you can get them cheaper? But if you can save your pins each time you remove them it would only take a couple of uses to have the tool pay for itself. If you own more than 1 S30Z (some of us are that guilty and suckers for punishment) then the savings are even better... But I understand not everyone will see it that way.
  10. Gav240z replied to Careless's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    If you make these tools, I'll definitely buy 1. Very handy to have.
  11. Gav240z replied to hatepotholez's post in a topic in Wanted
    Hank I'm looking for a TM-1081ZB(S). See my wanted thread here: I have a later 72 model radio (missing switch for antenna) I'm willing to trade also!
  12. Usually not that expensive to go to a professional plater. I spoke to someone doing a home kit and they said it was a massive hassle for hobby items like this and they would just outsource because you get a better job done and it's not very expensive when compared to other finishes like Chrome.
  13. And Gallery Link is broken again. New link to member profile here: http://www.classiczcars.com/profile/8135-take432r/ and gallery link (Which is working for now).
  14. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Wanted
    I do have the service manual for the ZB http://www.viczcar.com/forum/topic/14572-hitachi-tm-1081zb-service-repair-manual/ You can see it mentions a green light. I'd certainly find it odd that the only difference is a red or green light. Not sure why they would have used a red light and it makes me wonder if it was an early car difference or not?
  15. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Wanted
    Thanks, I don't have that manual. I want 1 though! Trying to recall where I saw reproduction manuals like this.
  16. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Wanted
    See the attached .pdf file. 27320-E4125 KIT-RECEIVER RADIO AM AUTO-TUNING is the only part no. listed for AU Market Radios it would appear. 29220-E4125 KIT-RADIO & TAPE PLAYER AM 8TR STEREO is also listed but as OP (Optional Part). Print S30 - 240-260Z.pdf
  17. Gav240z replied to Gav240z's post in a topic in Wanted
    Hi Kats, Thanks for the reply, actually I have 2 ZB radio's and both appear to have the green operating light. The top 2 are TM-1081ZB(S) However George in Australia restoring HS30 00019 has ZA and it appears to have a green light also. It's possible he made a mistake though... This 1 on eBay was listed as ZA and has a red light. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Nissan-240z-Am-buscar-scan-de-radio-70-71-impresionante-condicion-Oem-260z-280z-/291536381091 For the Record the Australian parts manual only lists a single part no. for an automatic tuning unit, it also lists the non-automatic tuning unit part no. I'll see if I can find it in the parts manual. Unfortunately it doesn't have the Hitachi code, rather the Nissan Part No.'s
  18. Hi Pete, Ah yes as a Canadian you're probably used to the same 'forgetfulness' from your neighbours (spelt with a u) :P. In terms of the parts you're after AM radio faceplates are available along with the early map light 'hood' at 240zrubberparts.com http://www.viczcar.com/forum/topic/11583-240z-rubber-parts/ http://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/4423932 http://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/4425143 http://www.240zrubberparts.com/apps/webstore/products/show/5556500 I'm looking for another AM Signal Seeker radio also, I've got 2 with the seeker function and 1 JDM unit with no seeker function or antenna switch. But I need a third 1 with seeker function for myself. Our seat belts won't help you, ADRs (Australian Design Regulations) meant that locally sold 240z's had seat belts from a local seat belt company fitted, despite being of an inferior design (IMHO). Unlike other markets that got a buckle / clip set up, the AUDM cars had a lash-belt that would hook into each other but require tension to remain in place, if you moved around or loosened the belt they would come undone. I guess that is 1 way of creating manufacturing jobs in your local country in the 70s though. Force car companies to use your local belts.
  19. Why do you North Merican's always forget about us Aussies? We got the euro style balance tube also. None of our 240z's had an air pump or emissions gear either. A set is for sale here: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/darra/engine-engine-parts-transmission/240z-su-carby/1105736176
  20. Gav240z replied to GeoJoe1's post in a topic in For Sale
    Holy grail of early S30z's, a 1969 manufactured S30z. Originally 920 Gold too! Note the engine serial number stamping, I've seen that before on an early 240z. I originally questioned the kerning as I'd never seen it before, but it appears to be unique to the first manufactured cars before it was changed in 1970 as production ramped up. http://bringatrailer.com/2013/11/21/bat-exclusive-the-18th-earliest-surviving-datsun-240z/
  21. Kats I know this is a wanted thread so perhaps not the best place to discuss. But would you happen to know the difference between: TM-1081ZB(S) and TM-1081ZA(S) ? It seems like it might be just an internal revision for Hitachi and maybe the part no. stayed the same. However if you know more I'd love to hear about it. If you prefer you can reply here:
  22. Did you ever find a 5 Speed 71A gearbox for your car? I recently bought 1 here in Australia and noticed that Zshop in Melbourne had 1 listed for sale on Gumtree.com.au for a while. The seller is here: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/glen-iris/cars-vans-utes/1989-nissan-skyline-sedan/1100528634 But the listing for the gearbox is gone, it might just have expired but it came with the flange type driveshaft also and was listed at $700 AUD. Their website is here: http://www.zshop.net.au/ These are getting hard to find, but there is still a few around in Australia. You could also get 1 out of a Roadster but it requires changing over the bell and extension housing to suit an S30Z.
  23. Gav240z replied to bartsscooterservice's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Early S30z's are becoming increasingly rare and more sought after. There is huge global demand and the market where they have been the cheapest for longest was North American markets. When new these cars were priced above MGs, Triumph's and Fiat's etc.. But less than Ferrari's, Maserati's, Porsche's in Australia. If you couldn't afford the last 3 you bought a 240z. A lot of Doctor's in Australia bought these cars new (seen quite a few where first owner was a Doctor / Lawyer etc.) as they had the budget for it. Unfortunately a lot over the years fell into hands of people who took less than good care of them and did some horrible modifications. If you look at Early air cooled 911's the S30z is still a great bargain and the engine was in the correct end of the car. I honestly still think they are under appreciated and under respected in many ways, just look at the ghastly things a lot of people still do to them. When finished period correct and when restored to a high level they are as beautiful as cars that are priced many times their current value. I've noticed the price of many early parts has started to go crazy, it was only a matter of time before projects like this did also.
  24. So the replica door trims didn't not fit correctly, however we tried them on a 75 Model AU delivered 260z. The door trims appeared to just have had the door lock position moved and were sold as 260z trims, but if you looked underneath you saw the depression where the lock position would be for a later 76+ S30Z (25 cm from rear of door trim). Bottom line is, I don't think anyone is making adequate replica's for earlier 260z's. However they may fit ok on later 280z's or 76+ S30 and S31's. OEM is always the best it would seem...
  25. He's happy alright.

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