Everything posted by Gav240z
Original G Nose for Sale Unused!
found this too http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n12381347
Original G Nose for Sale Unused!
yeah I'd love to build a replica 240zg but it's probably cheaper to buy one and ship to Australia good thing is we don't have to change driver sides. did you guys see this though http://page12.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/p6921274 Thought someone might find this interesting
Original G Nose for Sale Unused!
Apparently Ron is a faster typer . Yeah he also states won't ship outside of Japan anyway.
Original G Nose for Sale Unused!
umm except it's $4000 + Australian .
Original G Nose for Sale Unused!
I'm wondering the same I would mind buying that if i had the cash but i don't at the moment. However i've seen items on there like racing seats etc.. tat would be cool.. and i'd like to keep my eye out for Watanabe's.
Newbie Here!
Errrrr Will that was well put together but do you think if you spent the same time thinking up that prognosis as you did on your Z that you'd probably be finished by now? couldn't help it. Very funny though. Next time they refer to it as a Penis mobile maybe inform them that you drive it cause you've got the balls and you can't have 1 without the other .
Air cleaner needed
Im seeing my mate Friday so I'll be sure to ask him then. I know he has 1 or 2 but I dunno if he'll sell them we will see
Engine bay
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
I wouldn't mind the Pulsar GTI-R as a daily driver good on fuel and would suprise a few people especially looser WRX owners .
Air cleaner needed
Okay here you go Will http://www.ztherapy.com/technical_stuff/spotterguides/zcar/240spotter.htm The Australian's didn't get the "Clapper" i mean flapper . We have the equivilent of your 1969 till mid late 1970 air cleaner. I suppose it depends if Rick wants one with or without the flapper ?
Air cleaner needed
that went over my head. On the 240z in Australia we only had the 1 air cleaner housing. We didn't have all that ridiculous power sapping emission rubbish you blokes got!
Air cleaner needed
Sorry Rick I completely forgot about it I saw my mate a few days back should see him soon enough. I'll let you know the details or you can call him yourself if you'd like I can PM you his Mobile number?
JDM grill on EBay no reserve
i can't wait for the person who bought it to see it for $130
cam help
I don't know what the MSA style Camshaft is like but I'd say it would be fine if you don't go over the top on porting. It's a combo of both porting and camshaft profile that would make it less drivable down low. I'd say you'd be fine with the wild cam but if your not going to do much else to the motor it's kind of a waste. As Will was saying you'd be better off spending your money on the items he listed and if your not happy then put in a bigger camshaft. Can you give me the formula for C:R? I've never seen what it looks like and would like to know how to work it out myself aswell. I have a lightened flywheel in my Z from memory it's about 6 kilograms that's prob ~12pounds in your measurement . I find it quite reasonable sometimes when the motor is cold the revs drop very quickly and it can almost stall but i tinker with the choke anyway. I find it can be a little sensitive on the throttle but that's also because of the distributor recurve. It comes down to your budget and your goal i guess.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
Because they are cheap go fast and have a hero reputation. I somtimes think that when people buy a certain car they feel they have to act a certain way in it to fit into the profile they bought the car for. The same would apply for Mercedes drivers, BMW, Silvia, Skyline, Commodore, even us Z drivers im sure fit a profile !
L24 tuning? Know How??
I noticed nobody else has replied and it's more than likely because it's a topic that's been covered many times before. Try using the search function and if you still have questions im sure people will be willing to give you some advice.
15" Rewinds
Yes I've been through this with my cheif mechanic . For the type of rotors i would wanna use with Z32 or Brembo's it wouldnt be worth it and 16" is minimum size I would require. The Superlites i have don't accomodate for much in terms of inner design so it's easier to just get another set of wheels.
Test fit BIG tires
These are big boys have you had your guards cut to accomodate the wider tyres? Can you PM me and let me know the details as I want to install the Fairlady Flares on my girl but worried about cutting her up too much
What's it worth?
hahahaha i suppose it could be interpreted that way but although I'm sure his Aunt is very pretty, I'm only really interested in the car .
What's it worth?
yep pictures of the old girl she sounds like a keeper
- 15" Rewinds
A drawing and several pics of my custom exhaust...
Has anyone seen the Ferrari GTO replica at the start of Vanilla Sky? It looks like a Z underneath and it's a blue color.
Abolishment of the 15 year rule
You could always buy an Australian Delivered R32 . I'm not following this Sevs guidline too well. Does this mean we can't import an R34 or R33 GTR aswell?
15" Rewinds
I have been looking at these wheels too but does anyone know if the come in bigger than 15"? 15" is too small for the brakes i would like to use. I need at least 16" oh well at this stage Wats look like the best option
L28/240z bits
What engine head is it? Also what front harmonic balancer does it have?