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Everything posted by Gav240z

  1. Gav240z commented on Turbo Meister's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  2. Gav240z commented on Turbo Meister's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  3. I mean i can understand if they want us to buy more cars built in Australia but at the end of the day who's gonna benefit? International car companies of course. It's a bit unfair but we can still import cars I guess. It's just the 15 year rule where it's cheaper. However to be fair some cars arn't allowed to be registered here which is unfair.
  4. Gav240z commented on C240Scargo's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  5. Gav240z commented on C240Scargo's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  6. Yeah i'll drink to that, my car was originally silver not the red it is now. I wouldn't mind having the original red was it 110? Or the original silver on my Z however I'm not a purist in that regard. Sure it's all very romantic but the paint technology back then was garbage compared to now IMHO. So many people are worried about these things affecting the value of there Z but alot of the time a tastefull modified Z will sell for more than an original example. Same thing goes for old mustangs etc..
  7. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Bill the dip stick will indicate as stated above. if the dip stick has no oil on it which wouldn't surpise me given what your saying then top it up and as GnoseZ said if you overfill it just gets burnt up in the motor. Poor idle is more than likely bad carb adjustment it would be a wise investment to buy the Z SU Therapy video http://www.ztherapy.com/ from personal experience with SU's i read 101 different tips on how to tune them but i was still doing things slightly wrong well my choke set up was wrong. So a friend of mine showed me how to set them correct and now i know but a video will be just as helpfull a picture is a 1000 words. Don't forget Bill there is tons of information on this website, always do a search and you will be surpised how much you can gain in knowledge. Sometimes i've found you need to read something more than once to properly understand it. Just some tips. Gavin
  8. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I believe it's gone to rich for me.
  9. You should keep everything you can and as the others said just list the items on ebay. If you have the space this is the most ideal way to go otherwise just keep the most valuable parts.
  10. Yeah i've seen the replacement skins but they never quite fit right I don't know if this is true for his doors though. I really need the inner doors too well mainly on the driver side. This is why I've been thinking of just repairing the exisitng ones but i won't know the extent of the damage until i strip them down.
  11. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Because it's fun thrashing the pants off your car from time to time. If you break something fix it Just don't dent it!
  12. Did he bring any new doors with him?
  13. Gav240z commented on gnosez's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  14. oh and Btw the ZX is an AUTO
  15. yeah i am a bit of a butcher but........ Have you seen this months car of the month at http://www.zcar.com/month/ Minimal mods and doing 13.72 down the 1/4mile imagine that in a lighter better 240z .
  16. Gav240z commented on gnosez's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. Gav240z commented on gnosez's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  18. Gav240z commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Member Albums
  19. Sorry to hear that.
  20. I find it very hard to find all the bits i need including loom, computer, distributor, intake manifold, exhaust manifold etc... often if i see this stuff on ebay it's seperate and each item goes for too much money once converted to AUD$. I thought about a half cut but under the 15 year law it prob works out cheaper to import the whole car. Also buyign a whole car would probably be cheaper than the sum of it's parts. The other good factor is that a 2 seater S130 was never released here and I figured I'd sell the shell once i've molested it for it's good bits to someone who wants to have a 2 seater ZX for something a bit different. However as you can see it's not a simple process and hence the reason i've gone the stroker route. It might be more economical and rewarding to go an RB motor later if i'm not happy with the power in my Z .
  21. Yes good points also check under the battery I only hope the battery wasnt left in there all those years ago. Who knows what the last 25+ years would have done to the inner fender otherwise
  22. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Yeah i don't think they look ugly but they do have a certain frail look to them. Looks like an item you'd wanna be delicate with, im also told the original paint doesn't stay on the best. Anyway ill keep watching the Auction!
  23. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Polls
    Good way to stir the pot there Mr C . However for the US HLS30 cars would have to have the original 4 speed to be considered stock! Its like what Alan T once told me and I must agree and it applies with any car. I could bolt all the authentic ZG parts for my HS30 hoping to transform it into a HS30-H but at the end of the day it's still just a Australian Delivered HS30 but a HS30-H replica.
  24. Gav240z posted a post in a topic in Australia & NZ
    no worries i'll ask and get back to you!
  25. I just wanna import a 2 seater ZX turbo to rip it's motor from

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