Everything posted by Gav240z
Z store in OZ?
If your asking about one like what's in the USA www.zcarparts.com motorsport auto then unfortuantely no. However there is one being built an online one and it might not be ready yet. www.zspares.com.au however i just tried it and it's not working. There are a few wrecker yards spread around the place but generally they don't sell new parts unless you order through them and they just order through somewhere else anyway.
Idle too fast
I have not had many experiences with L-series injection setups however I've heard a few people say that their o2 sensors have caused this sort of thing before. However I wouldn't recommend going out and buying one to fix the problem. From my experience it is better to find what's causing the problem and replace that than guess and replace all sorts of other items.
No bumpers?
I've never been hassled without my rear bar on my 240z. I am tempted to put it back on but I asked pparaska about his treatment on his Z. Yes that was me recently . I think what he's done is by far one of the best ideas. I actually tried this out on my 2+2 once but didn't have the right tools to make it look right.
Video: OS Giken TC16-MA2 and a LY-240Z racing
Oh man what a time for my internet connection to get capped. I have to download it at dial up speeds. I hope it's good I can't wait to watch it
First layer
Oh well this makes a huge difference I didn't like what is was going to look like but this should look very trick very retro. You have to put the vinyl stripe along the bottom that says 240z. I wanna do that with my Z a white stripe but i think a black on the green would be awesome.
Yeah the Z on the left is my fabulous Z and the silver one is a resto job a guy named Kuan is doing. Of course Sulio's is the one with the new wheel setup and I was there to see him get all excited about it
Old Nissan Cedric
oh geez I had a read and found it. It was what every working class Japanese man needed to get the job done .
Old Nissan Cedric
Homer??? really never heard of that one. I heard of the rest but not that.
Old Nissan Cedric
Anyone seen the Australian film the big steal? The guys folks own a Cedric and then they buy a new car and give him the Cedric however he wants a Jag and trades it in. The parents loved the cedric and are very upset and try to get it back. FWIW I don't care much for the cedric myself.
Ever drive/own a 300ZX Turbo?
I don't think the RB stands for anything there are a number of thoughts as to what it could stand for but no definitive answer.
wheels photoshoped on
Makes a big difference a good set of wheels. They look like Konig Monsoons aswell. Good photoshop work btw.
Wow david hasselhoff aslmost sent me into a coma
Ever drive/own a 300ZX Turbo?
I think the Z32 is a far better car than the Z31. I know lots of people with many electrical gremlins in the Z31's. I'd say you'd be spending alot of money on your DD if you chose anyone of these cars. The Z32 is a reliable car but have you seen the cost of some parts especially if you go genuine nissan. I guess it all depends on your budget sometimes I wonder how i can afford to drive my S30 and I would consider them to be a very good car in terms of maintainability and cost of doing so. Another words I don't have much $$$ to my name to support a second car or DD so it all depends. Of course and I'm sure you would know this a Turbo model is gonna require a bit more care and blown turbo's can cost a bit of money.
thinking about it i prefer your trailer wheels wanna put those back on ? Gives you that drifter look
did you put them on Sulio? or photoshop these? it's hard to tell but they look good a really good style on the Z. You should remove that pinstripe but for copyright reasons .
First layer
1972 240Z and 1965 VW Beetle
Yeah it's funny the Z looks very long because of it's bonnet but in actual fact it's not that long. By today's standards cars have changed and compact cars are common so the Z doesn't look that small but I bet in the early 70's they were pretty small cars compared with some of the yank tanks .
IDLE and Spark Plug Fowling Problems
Oh btw do you know if your running a points distributor or an electronic distributor?
Koni Questions
I'd love a pair of externally adjustable illuminas does anyone know where to get them in Australia or wanna take a guess on shipping from the US? I'm guessing $300+ for shipping.
IDLE and Spark Plug Fowling Problems
Okay well how old are the spark plugs in general? If those plugs have been dropped in the past or just old they would not work the same and could misfire etc.. How about the distributor cap does it have small cracks in it look underneath and check each point aswell are they worn down? Spark leads are not likely the culprit but that could be another cause get a multimeter and check their resistance. If they are the two lower compression cylinders then do a valve adjustment first if not improvement it's more than likely the rings are shot. Fill those cylinders with some oil and redo a compression test if you have an improved reading you know the problem.
Steel Headlight Covers
You can paint the plastic ones and remove them at night time.
IDLE and Spark Plug Fowling Problems
Hi there Carl offered sound advice but I don't think replacing the carb body is necessary they should be able to re-hone the are that the throttle linkage sits in and either find a replacement linkage or machine it to fit with no leaks. Were you referring to the balance tube when you say bushings? In terms of compression you might be able to adjust the valve clearances and that could correct the problem. I haven't heard of fouling caused by badly adjusted valves I'd say that's more to do with poorly adjusted carbs. What color are the plugs? Are they black and oily or just black? Let us know.
Proof of the C110!!
I don't have 1 spare . I found the Nissan Car Simulator game for PC in my archives but not sure if i should upload here as it would be copyright. Not that half the images on this site arn't already . It's not a good game but it does have old Skool Datsuns