Everything posted by Gav240z
FRENCH 1972 240Z
ZTV-what would you want it to be?
The old race cars Big Sam the rally cars in action the KPGC10 Skylines racing around. Some of the history of Nissan cars and how they lead to the Z's success. Stuff about the 240zg and the 432's and R's. Hmmm list goes on
classic cars magazine article
I believe the same magazine a while ago featured a 240z and mentioned it was designed by Goertz and then someone wrote in and they aplogized and said we made a mistake. Now they still haven't learnt
classic cars magazine article
Where do these so called car experts get there info and why does it always point to Goertz???
RB30 in a 240Z
Well I have nothing personal against any RB swap in a Z. I think they are great motors especially turbo charged they sound awesome. RB30-Z you have almost convinced me to swap an RB30 block and 25 head into my Z however I've already started to spend money on my L28 setup and gone to the effort of chasing an LD28 crank shaft and importing to Australia. I'm very anxious to finally finish the motor but funds have fallen short for the time being with job changes etc.. Does anyone think a Z's value is less with an engine swap or is it just me? Personally I think a L28 with about 300HP being fed by tripple mikuni's would be very old skool very japanese and very awesome. I'd like to enter in Targa at some stage do they permit engine swaps in Targa events? :cheeky: Anyway I can see both sides of the coin on this but the reason I went with the L28 build was because of my friends car which absolutely hammers with just twin SU's :cheeky: .
Barret Jackson BS
All very well but I'm afraid that a real 432r is already way out of my budget. that applies for a 2000GT aswell. The ZG however is a little more friendly in price but finding an actual ZG may be a little tricky as alot of mockups are around in Japan. I wouldn't stress too much about it from the reaction my car gets on the street and almost any other place i take it. I'm sure you'll find most of the public think it's worth alot more than what I'm afraid it actually is. These collector car experts all drive British Sports cars and we know what there like. Let bygons be bygons
RB30 in a 240Z
Well you'd be restricting what kind of competition you can run your Z in. Why go through the hassle of engineering the car setting up new wiring and bastardizing a Z when your not really gonna gain all that much. Unless of course you go Turbo RB30. For me building an L28 stroker is perfect for insurance and for originality. Not sayign the RB30 is not a good idea just saying the grass isn't always greener.
Koni Questions
oh and if they are oil filled you'll wanna replace the oil with the same weight oil that was originally in there.
Koni Questions
If they are gas filled shocks you might be able to get them re-gassed. From the sounds of it one is leaking so it would be a good idea to rebuild them and replace the seals etc.. Same goes for the oil filled ones. They should be servicable however I'd do some research if might be cheaper to buy a new set.
Mistaken identity
I seriously think it's our fault for being shy about mentioning it's a DATSUN 240z. If we showed more pride in what we drive and what it is then maybe people wouldn't have such a low opinion formed on our cars based on brand name. You know i thought about this whole brand image thing a while ago myself. Bear with me while i slightly go off topic . Okay so my sister returns from Tailand a few days ago. With her she's brought some items as gifts the one i like most is my "FAKE" diesel watch. I thought about it for a few seconds and said to myself who honestly cares??? I mean DIESEL will probably make their product in Tailand maybe follow a quality assurance scheme but in all honesty the watch i have is a simple analogue watch. I'd pay $200+ in any shop here in Australia for something like it and my sister got it for $3 odd. It all depends how you look at it if you worry about Brand Image all your life then i think your a sad person who has been fooled by good marketing . Honestly I've been trying to get a set of badges for my Z the ones that read DATSUN on the bottom of the front fenders. I also wanna put the one on the bonnet back on. As Bill said and you gotta love it. Wait till it blows them away and then it's even more of an insult cause it's just a shitty ol' Datsun . Should have seen the look on the poor 944 the other night .
OT Motor Trend Feb 2005 Issue
That's exactly the point... I don't understand why Nissan's CE0 wasn't driving a new R34 GTR myself. As you were saying how is anyone else gonna buy your product if your not proud enough of it to do so yourself. Alfa that was the funniest pic of Adam and Eve and a Z :cheeky:
How much $$ have you spent on your Z ?
I especially like the dual exhaust system . I also like the wheels although i prefer the panasports i understand the concept of the ones on the car last photos i saw sorry forgot the name of those wheels. What i'm particularly fond of is the headers or extractors and their design.
87000-U0175 Datsun Competition seat
Great find Ben and well done. I have considered chasing a set of these period suited seats for my Z I am wondering if you notice the head rest not being there? The only time i use the one in my car is when i come home late at night and cruise along at a steady rate. I'm pretty sure that a set of Recaro's might be cheaper than finding buyign and importing these for my Z though. Hence my dilemna . All the best with it anyway
BRE Race Car Datsun Logo
I designed this from scratch the only unoriginal graphic was Ron Carter's gorgeous replica. Ron if you would like this removed let me know otherwise enjoy guys I've currently got it as my BG wallpaper.
I've decided to switch to SU carbs!
Well i don't know the years but i know the manifolds when i see them. They are good for porting out and if you fit them with bigger injectors they work really well. As I say im not sure which year is good i just don't work on ZX's often enough. There is also a really good distributor off a ZX which i'm still not sure what year it is off. I would like to find out for myself so I can get more of them. I don't have it handy with me at the moment to give a part no. Sorry i can't be of more help but I have seen a few people on Ebay in the US selling ported out manifolds and bigger throttle boddies and custom fuel rail kits that looked like they would work really well.
I've decided to switch to SU carbs!
I respect the idea but since you already have F.I I think you should stick with it. There are certain year(s) of E.F.I on 280z's and ZX's that are better set up's than others and you can get your Z going just as well as on carbs if not better with F.I. There will be a whole heap of wiring you will need to remove from your loom and it could get very confusing very quickly. Just my opinion.
new c110 owner
Great cars there Mike were you a member on zdriver.com? I recall seeing your gunmetal grey Z in the past. Could you enlighten me where the Gnose came from? It looks to be a good reproduction one of the better ones I've seen. I think the Sr20 in a C110 is a great idea to keep the weight down and it would certainly put some air under the ol' girls skirt .
Common v8z problems?
Andy if all responses were as well thought and constructed as yours this place would be even better.
75 Front view
What I did on the weekend
Love the suspension set up
Voltage Regulator on the fritz?
I have not had a problem since it's funny but to be honest I haven't had a chance to take a look either. I will do shortly just been busy
Dont count on retail
It's 3PSI of course it won't work on F.I that would only be suitable to a carb'd Z. You definately need to return it provided you haven't damaged it and get your money back. I wouldn't accept that for sure but then again I never take what a retail monkey says as literal I am always skeptical about it and double check.
Useless information. Of interest to some.
Im glad I held off posting. I could have said something vain . Seriously my Z has never been about the cost of building it or the money I'd get back if I "WERE" to sell her. It's been about completing a project and improving the car aethetically and mechanically and doing a job of the upmost highest standard. Then just enjoying the ride!