Everything posted by Gav240z
Two tone concept 2
Not a bad concept just don't put a roof scoop on there's really no need and you want the roof line as low and sleek as possible. maybe have black flares too rather than grey.
Engine idleing at 1500 and running rich...
idle her down it should not change it's richness. Fumes are a common complaint and there are many topics in our archives that discuss where they come from and how to prevent them. Do a search and you should find your answers. if you still have questions just ask!
NDSOC Concours Day At Southbank Pictures
Here are some more "better" pics of the Z's on display on the weekend. Photos are courtesy of our member Matt Drago from VicZcar. http://viczcar.com/Photos/Meetings/Meeting.htm enjoy! click on concours.
Passenger interior
Very nice indeed the steering wheel suits the rest of the interior quite well. What really grabbed my attention was the diamond vinyl. It looks more puffy than stock do you care to enlighten me on how it was done or where it was purchased?
NDSOC Concours Day At Southbank Pictures
I didn't take the pics I should clarify I couldn't get a digital camera on the day but a couple of our members took pics and I'll be posting them on the VicZcar site. Hopefully there will be some better photos in those. Gavin,
Anyone have pictures of Gunmetal Panasports? Non in gallery!
yeah think it would look tops do it!
Newbie needs help (opinions on roof damage)
Richie welcome to the club sorry to see that damage it must break your heart. As the others said it shouldn't require a replacement roof and it looks to be accessible from the other side of the roof and can be tapped out again. To quote properly at the bottom of each persons reply is a Quote button use that to reply rather than post reply or quick reply. it will have
Calling our firends from Down Under and NZ..
I have seen the process of fabricating the area it's really not that hard I wish I had of attempted it on my 73 I had yonks ago. Good luck with whatever you do. Gavin.
260Z in Melbourne, late seventies
Calling our firends from Down Under and NZ..
Probably more cost effective to have the section fabricated as Richard is saying. Not to mention whatever you get will be 30+ year old metal anyway.
NDSOC Concours Day At Southbank Pictures
http://www.mazdarotary.net/ndsocconcours01.htm Some photos of the concours day of the Nissan Datsun Sports Owners club NDSOC and some of the regular VicZcar guys were there too. :cheeky:
Firebird 240z
I know where your coming from but in order to correct it the blower needs to go and the paint scheme. The rear wing is well a matter of taste but without those 3 items i think it could be ok. Just the paint job really made me laugh . Oh and the price too but hey he's in Tassie and they are probably scarse over there.
Firebird 240z
http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=2030&item=4506218559&rd=1#ebayphotohosting Here is a joke a big blower a firebird paint job huge bodykit and it's still got the straight 6 . But wait there's more at $11,500 it can be yours :laugh:
Latest Pics
I got to see about 3 Prince Skyline GT's on the weekend here in Australia I'll hopefully have some pics shortly. The red one look great with the 3 webers on it . First time I've seen them in person.
260Z bonnet vents worth $?
Hmmmm I reakon $40 mainly because there hard to find without broken studs I've got 2 sets both with a couple of broken studs. $40 because anything less is too cheap and anything over is too expensive. Not sure what they are worth new though. Anyone else?
Door fabrication Australia?
Yeah I've taken a closer look and although they are bad in places I think the best bet would be to repair the existing doors. At least they seem to fit well and would be the correct guage steel etc. I'm gonna get in contact with Warren at Zworx here in Melbourne I believe Rob who used to own the place and has had experience for years now would be the best and safest bet. I'll keep you guys posted on what happens either way
Latest Pics
Looking good Kyteler what does the letter on your rear wing stand for?
Wow! Set of 4 "D" Wheel Covers for $1,247.00!!
Yeah hopefully he comes along on Sunday for the Concours event at Southbank but i haven't heard he is going and I dont know if he's a NDSOC member. I have not met the guy but my friend is good friends with him and is actually fixing up car 189 for him aswell. We will have to wait and see. Gavin :laugh:
Aircraft Edition 280ZX
That's why we have Zhome.com so we don't have to know anything about them :cheeky: .
Fix for Slow Wipers
One other tip for increased WIPER PERFORMANCE is to polish and wax your windscreen although not a permanent fix it certain helps the wipers dissipate the water quicker and makes it easier to see in the rain. If you wax your car at least once a month like I do then it's alright if not then it's not really a big deal i guess. Carl I'll look forward to your technical article on the wiper motor rebuild although I'll probably have no need for it for a while since my current motor works quite well.
Door fabrication Australia?
Thanks for that I've heard the Rare Spares doors arn't the best fit and the doors are pretty thin guaged compared with standard . I know all Z parts make some door skins but my problem is i need the inner doors more than the actual skins.
Door fabrication Australia?
Hey guys, recently a bit of rust in my doors made me realise I need to take care of it now and forever so i can just forget about it and move on with the rest of the car. So at the moment my priority is fixing up my door skins. It's quite unusual on my Z the inner skins are stuffed but the outer skins are actally not all bad. I'm looking into a few options but i know a few members here in Australia make replacement sections or know who's good and who isn't. So if anyone can post some links to places or give some details on where i can either find a really good set of second hand <b>240z</b> doors or fabricated panels. Thanks heaps.
my 260z
Now is this a good buy or what I'm happy you went with this car plenty of potential just needs a little time and $$$ and she'll be the way you want her!
my 260z rear left view
So you gave her a wash finally . Look how clean and original she is . I dont mind if you wanna remove the rear louver on the window I've never cared much for those myself. Can't imagine it's easy to see out the back window with them either.
hard cold start/valve lash adjustment
As Daniel says i've found the items listed will indeed improve start up procedure 100% choke being the main and spark plugs a big help. Check your dizzy cap for wear and rotor button.