Everything posted by Gav240z
Fabricated rear wishbone
I believe he's gonna install it on his 432R replica. Wouldn't mind getting something like this for the front of my car as well as the back. Alan where would you go to get this kind of work done? I was thinknig a suspension place.
2 Pipe works rallye exhaust
Six Spoke
What is the story on this
My opinion is don't bother sure the Dual SU's can be a pain but once you understand them and can tune them there really not a problem. I wouldn't waste my money on that junk on Ebay but that's my opinion.:tapemouth
Number Plate
Sexual Deviate? I've always wanted. 24T ZED, ZYA L8R, UZDUST, SEXZEE, KRAYZ, ZEITGO, L8ERZ there's a few more but can't think of them now.
260Z 2+2 Perth $$$$$$
I agree Mr C I see too many MG's on the road there so little and ugly can't stand them. The roadster might not be amazing in looks but I like em' look at Victor Laury's photo album love that roadster. I think that there is a certain grudge against the Z for being a Japanese sports car and not a British built unreliable heap of crap. Don't get me wrong I don't hate those cars I just think the Z is so underated even the guy who sold me the 240z I own said the same thing with a sigh. He was happy to see someone such as myself take ownership he knew I was an enthusiast. There so versatile and beautiful it's a wonder there not worth more. Someday with the efforts of people like Rick me and the rest of us the car will become a true legend. If anything the 350z is helping people remember. BTW the new Unique Cars will have a huge feature on the Z i hear. Cheers.:classic:
Number Plate
George I'm having an off day and don't get it help!!!
My First Flash Site.
I'd love to do something like it and be involved with a few more Z people here in Melbourne ie: going on drives etc.. I could incorporate photo's I guess but flash isn't my strong point just yet I guess it could become a good learning oportunity the only other thing is I need a good server for the site at the moment she's on a freebie webspace just for a demo however if we could get a few guys together I think we could really make something of it. Are you a member of the club? NDSOC I should be but am not yet I was at Zworx and Warren showed me a news letter it had mentioned this website and showed pictures of when Alan T visited the Nissan Factory in Japan. Anyway let me know how you wanna go with this and if your looking to go on a cruise anytime soon I'd be free during next week my new job means i work weekends. Speak Later :classic:
My First Flash Site.
Thanks for the kind words indeed I'll be making a few changes and probably be changing the whole site that was just a beginning i would have loved to make it look much better before I handed it up to the teacher. I've started my holidays and so far so good I've been working on the car as intended. I bought a new gearbox mount, replaced my steering rach bushes, got another indicator flasher unit as the old one was playing games, I got some lower control arm bushes haven't done that yet, bought a grease gun and greased up the ball joints, still have a few things to do and I've only got 1 week left but hopefully I'll get the rest of the things done. Oh I washed her yesterday came up real good can't wait to polish and wax her soon . hf240z I made it using Macromedia Flash MX you can download it for free off their website but you have a limited trial however if you don't wanna pay for the program I can help you there .
Is the 240k cool or not???
I like em' but I do prefer the KPGC10 GTR
Opinions on those Clear Headlight Covers... for an Z
I like Escanlon's chrome ones gives it a Ferrari look I had tinted ones but I don't like them they are a hassle. Dirty get's in them and there hard to seal if some jackass already drilled holes in not a perfect spot. Good news is you can use a sticky tape to mount them if you don't wanna drill holes. At leas tthe ones I got from sydney had them anyway. Zg ones might be hard to find especially with the chrome on them.:classic:
My First Flash Site.
Not sure why it would do that is your Flash plug in up to date? Could be Geocities being dodgy I would have paid for a site but it's only a sample sorta of what I'd like to do. If time permits I'll try and make a better page these holidays :classic: . Just keep trying at different intervals and hopefully it will work.
My First Flash Site.
It should load but if your using a 56k connection may take a while if your on cable shouldn't be a problem. It's about 1.5mb because I didn't compress it as well as I should have. Also it may be possible the server exceeded it's limit.
I've noticed recently my car has a similar issue. When I reverse out of my driveway and turn the steering wheel all the way to one side when I get onto the street as the car moves I can feel a like skipping as if something was broken or worn out. I've replaced my tie rods, most front end bushes, and ball joints. I have no idea the wheels seem to be of good pressure and I had it balanced recently and there was no problem till about 2 weeks after. Can't work it out and am really unsure car drives fine at higher speeds other than manoeuvering speeds. I do have a rear tyre that get's flat because of a nail stuck in it which i'm gonna be taking care of but I'm pretty sure it still happens after I've just pumped it back up so don't think it's that. Also it's been like that for a while. I haven't been hitting into kerbs or doing anything silly to damage the rims either. Unless someone drove my car when I didn't know which really could not of happened to my knowledge.:sleepy:
My First Flash Site.
Well guys this is my beginners Flash Website. It's not got alot of info on it, it's mainly just a page I constructed for school and didn't get to spend too much time on with all my other subject demanding time but I hope you like it. Any suggestion, comments plz I'd love to hear what you think and how it could be improved. Please be nice :classic: . Also it's a geocities site and I've put it under a free page so it might exceed bandwidth here and there as a flash page is about 1.5mb not exactly small due to the way I incorporated the imaging something to work on. :stupid: Anyway Enjoy! www.geocities.com/gavin_doolan/
See this is what Harry Frigg was talking about when he mentioned Z car value. 4k is extremely low for a car like this in Australia you could pay 12k for a good condition original 240z. I personally think these cars are worth much more. :classic:
Introduce yourself to the class?
Ok well I'm 21 now and I've been into Z cars for about 4 years.. I've owned 3 of them 2 240z's and 1 260z 2+2. Love the 240z's just so much more than the 260's. I'm currently studying at University doing a course in computer science I may or may not finish it this year and I'm not sure where I'll go from there either into a job or continue study. I've recently got myself a new higher paying job at an electronics store called Tandy or DickSmith it's the same company. I am obsessed with Z's I thrive on knowledge regarding them and especially the rare models like the ZG, 432's etc.. I don't know if I'll ever be into another make of car like I am Z's as long as I live. I'm a purist you could say so I don't like wild modified cars I love the feel of the L engine and the way the car drives stock but I do plan on upgrading things like drivetrain , suspension , engine internals etc.. The idea is to not loose what the car was meant to be or meant to look like. I enjoy posting on this site and learning about cars in general as well as helping others when I can. I don't know it all I hopefully don't pretend to. Anyway that's the most interesting part of me :classic: . for now
260Z 2+2 Perth $$$$$$
Alfa I understand the way your thinking now. I sold my 240z and wish I did not my current one is worth more but I paid almost 4k more for this one. I hope for your sake the value stays low for a little while so that you can buy another. For me I hope the price goes up not because I wanna sell it but I feel better about owning a sort after valuble car.:classic: People always look at my car wherever I go some well off other not so well off. So I think it will become a true classic and possibly something on the rich can afford in future years.
Bluebird 5 Speed
No sorry I kept the carbies as spare and they were rebuilt currenly my moronic step father did some sanding and now they have saw dust in them which will need to be cleaned up. There is a guy who has a couple of sets and is willing to ship them. http://www.classicZcars.com/forums/member.php?action=mailform&userid=2772 is his contact. Alfa I have 3 gearbox's one in the car = stuffed or appears that way. Synchro wear I believe. 1 that's the 240k box that i had rebuilt. 1 that's with the old engine out of my 240z which technically does not belong to me and I might try to buy back as it were.:classic:
280Z 6
Looking for this car
Originally posted By MikeW And I do computer Science go figure
Looking for this car
Zkid are you like me and have thousands of images of Z cars saved to your Hard Drive and Burnable CD'S? I have collections of images I've saved from all over the place probably over 600mb worth. I go nuts clickety click click click. By the way Zvoiture is your new Avatar from the Six Mix ALot song "I like bit buts?" you know the 80's one?:classic:
Bluebird 5 Speed
Alfa the gearbox in my 240z is very rough synchro wise and I'm coming up to holidays in the next few days which I plan on doing alot of work on my car and spending the $$$ on it. As you know I have a spare 240k box which I'm glad I didn't sell just yet I really wanna sort out this GBox in my Z in the next 2 weeks and I have a spare 240z box aswell that isn't exactly mine you see I sold my old 240z and the guy a friend of mine who bought it didn't take the engine and gbox yet. His plans were to turbo the car so I'm not sure if he's even interested in those bits and pieces. My point is I'll try fix the problems with my car over the next 2 weeks and I'll let you know then If I can part with it. It was rebuilt but it's the ratio's that arn't the best for Z's. I'll keep ya posted.:classic: PS: If it turns out I can part it out for you I'll take it down to Alan in Dandenong :classic:
Scratch or no scratch that's a nice wheel what's the model called do you know? I think it suits era of the car.