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Everything posted by Gav240z

  1. Gav240z replied to Znut73's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm trying to interpret what your talking about. From the sounds of it or from what I made of it sounds like the clutch cylinder is gone not sure. I just replaced my clutch hose but had no problems. I bled it properly not sure if conneting the bleed nipple and clutch hose to the wrong socket would affect anything??? Sorry can't help much further. But yeah I'm guessing the clunk is from the clutch not engagding properly did you mean that you connected the block and gearbox and clutch etc.. recently???
  2. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  3. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  4. Gav240z commented on Mike's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  5. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  6. Gav240z commented on Mike's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  7. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  8. Gav240z commented on Bill.Oakes's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  9. Gav240z commented on dero's comment on a gallery image in Unique Zcars
  10. Gav240z commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  11. Gav240z replied to LaMe_'s post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Well Z's are brilliant cars but finding a good one is very difficult. Took me 4 years to come across one as good as mine which you can see in my gallery it's the red one. I've had a 2+2 there not bad but it depends on what you wanna do I guess. You say you'd like a SR20 in a Z but you could probably get a 180sx here in Aus cheaper than it would be to put one in a Z. You'd be better off with an RB engine in my opinion. A stock Z is good on fuel considering no injection and a 6 cylinder engine. If you really wanna build a serious project I'd suggest getting a run about car for a couple of hundred dollars Roadworthy and registered. It all depends on what you want from the car and how much you love them??? Good Luck!
  12. Gav240z replied to Alfadog's post in a topic in Carburetor Central
    Well I always take my car to reliable places for fuel , BP , Shell, Mobil. I hate taking it to little shops that have an unknown company name. After reading on this topic I have realised a couple of things. 1.) It's better to fuel up at a good more reliable place than save 2c a litre and go to the shoddy place a couple of k's away. 2.) What about that Ethanol they put in fuel? It's ridiculous you hear people say petrol ain't what it used to be now I believe them. 3.) I should have saved the fuel tank from my old Z stupid me . 4.) How about a drop tank like those aluminium ones for race cars? They look pretty sexy and I think it would look good on a Z. Sorry to hear about your car Lachlan I hope you get her running nicely. Gav,
  13. Gav240z commented on 240 in OZ's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  14. Gav240z commented on Cuong Nguyen's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  15. Gav240z commented on Cuong Nguyen's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  16. Gav240z commented on W.A.ZED's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  17. Gav240z commented on W.A.ZED's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  18. For a while I've noticed a sound comming from the rear left hand side of my Z. It's started out small and it's very hard to hear due to the loud exhaust on my car. The first noise I noticed was a scraping rubbing sound like a worn out bearing. I thought Wheel bearings but have not been driving the car last 2 weeks. Now when I get to about 50miles + and I let go of the accelerator I notice alot of vibration. I thought driveshaft with the speed and all but it seems to have become worse and if a driveshaft was unbalanced I think it would only stay the same. It seems to be constant anywhere over 50miles roughly 90km/h for the Aussies ;-). Anyway here's my thoughts on what it could possibly be. 1.)Uni Joints either in driveshaft or halfshafts - This is an absolute pain of a job to replace unless you do the whole shaft but am not sure if these would cause excessive vibration. I noticed when I replaced my CV joints in my FWD Corolla a while back it eliminated some vibration. 2.) Wheel bearings - Not sure if these would cause vibrations but definately would cause that grinding bearing noise. 3.) The Diff - I have not checked the oil in it in a while and am uncertain as to if this would cause vibration. I will check it's level within the next day.. 4.) Diff mount - Have to check it's condition but seemed fine when I checked it 2 or so months ago. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Gav,
  19. Gav240z replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    You've got it all wrong I meant not disrespect. I thank Alfa for pointing out and interpreting what I was trying to say as his mostly correct. Maybe it seemed a little harsh and I apologise for that it comes with inexperience and rushing to write a response while I should be doing work not typing on a forum. I realise I had never asked the question about the Gnose variances. So I apologise I just felt that you had written two things that conflicted with each other. You said that so much history of these cars is misunderstood and misinterpreted etc.. Then you said you thought you were the only person outside japan who knew about the 2 different Gnose's. To me it was saying that you'd never shared this with anyone else and I couldn't see why you wouldn't if you are like me and believe these cars were underated underestimated and definately of a historic importance which I'm sure you agree with on all 3. I do realise now that yes I never did ask the question and sometimes over the internet text that can be written in a sarcastic manner may not be interpreted that way later. I tried to emphasise that with the use of the smilies. I'm glad you respect me Alan because i have alot of respect for someone like you. Who has obviously taken it upon themselves to understand and know everything possible about these cars and put in the hard effort and deal with the f&^% heads out there who will do anything to belittle you. I too have had my Z vandalised many of times. I've had a stone thrown at it when I took it to high school by a jealous sod. I've had my Mirror bent door keyed. Windows smashed from road rage which i suspect was a result of jealousy. I've had my 240z my new one reveresed into while I was at work had to replace entire bonnet. Then within a month the bumper is damaged. So yes I understand what it would be like to have others do that to your baby especially from other Z owners who should know better. I couldn't imagine contemplating doing that to a car like yours. I hope we can try put this behind us as I value your contributions as well as friendship and lengthy well informed responses. Sorry you took it this way. Gav,
  20. Gav240z commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  21. Gav240z commented on Gav240z's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  22. Gav240z replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    First off Alan I found out about 2 different styles of Gnose through Kats. :classic: I'm puzzled though u say that so much of these cars history is misunderstood and ill informed yet you hold back information on the 2 variations??? Not having a go just find it a bit strange. (Yes it cool to know something others don't). But I don't see a need to keep it stiched up from other Z enthusiasts :classic: . As I understand the differences between the two are that one has air ducts to improve air flow. If you look in Kats gallery the red Zg has these. You may also wanna check my gallery as I have a picture of a gold Zg that has been fitted with the gnose and I have noticed that the intake area is larger in area. Is this something that's been changed as an after market or custom proceedure or is it the other difference between the gnose's? Yeah Alfa those Nakee people are funny but I have a few old car magazines and it seems that they were half porno. Well it's the 70's I guess (Sex , Drugs , Rockn'Roll). Oh and Zed's of course. Zedrally - I think the Gnose will aid the look of the 2+2 it will even out the length of the car as the rear gained a bit of length it will look good if the front does aswell and yes it will be long but it would fit in my garage. I often wonder how my 240z will be parking with a gnose between two cars. I would hate to damage one. That's it I guess once again not having a poke Alan just a bit confused. :ermm: :classic:
  23. Ok I went over the rest of the forum and realised your Z was the white 240z. Sorry my mistake, but at least I didn't call Alfadog Alpha . hahaahahaha .
  24. Um Hawkwind did u say that it's a 71mdl???? I'm almost convinced it's a 260z not a 240z. This is why unless I've read wrong. 2.6ltr engine L26 came in 260z. The Dash is the 260z style dash. The bonnet is a 260z fluted bonnet. Your proxy setting for MSN and ICQ should be the same as it is for Internet Explorer/Netscape. Copy and paste it from there. At my Uni they tried to stop us using it by installing a program called PROGKILL. It's easy enough to remove from the system tray using cntrl alt delete to select and end task. I suspect if my Uni has used it maybe yours will do the same. I'll go over all the posts to see if I'm wrong.
  25. Gav240z replied to beandip's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I suspect my gearbox is leaking from some form of seal and maybe the differential aswell. I recently topped up the gearbox and plan on checking the diff aswell when I get the change to work on her next. I would like to use good oil in engine, diff, and gearbox. But am not sure if we even get Redline here in AUS. Something I will try in future, but for the moment I don't see any point in buying good oils if it's gonna leak out or burn up in my engine. By the way 2manyZ's is it most likely that the rear seal on my gearbox is what's causing the gearbox to leak? If so do I just remove the drive shaft and replace the seal that way???? Thanks,

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