Everything posted by Gav240z
72 240z Super Samuri G
Are you able to shed any more light on this car and what it was used for? By the way is that an authentic Gnose?
Factory restored #16 for sale
2 Many Z's you can finance the car it says in the add I'd love to see such a car in good hands. I wish Nissan restored some of them here in AUS. Not that my Z is in bad condiiton but sometimes Nissan can get parts that we can't . It's a shame to see such a car go but I guess he finds the 350z will be a better daily driver car. PS: ANyone have photo's of those 40 cars that were restored???
White-faced guages
Mike I've seen it done on a friends 240z. He had the white guages with blue bulbs looks nice. He printed them on UV resistant paper and glued them over the top of the originals I believe. I myself would like to keep my guages original and classic looking rather than that boy racer style. If I ever did do it I'd buy a set of old guages from a wrecker and use them. Gav,
Kats it's very interesting I love the way it has come up I will call around and ask Sushi bar people for someone to do that to mine. I absolutely love it very clean.
G-nose view from engine bay
How do you like the front of your Z?
Thanks Alan I appreciate the time you take to explain the variations and give me a brief history on the body kit. I also appreciate the offer to get me in touch with someone who can supply me this kit. Unfortunately at the moment i don't have the money to look into this kind of kit. I just bought a 240z have you seen my Gallery? Anyway I just finished getting it roadworthy today and I have to pay stamp duty and I owe some money for it. Once that is out the way I'll look at removing the rust in the doors which is the main spot and then I'd love to take you up on the offer. I think I'd be looking at a bit of money seeing as the AUS$$ trades so poor these days but I'm also going for another job interview tomorrow which will hopefully pay me better than my current one provided I get it. Well I should anyway I've decided to rule out the option of a front spoiler and go full authentic with the Gnose it's the look I really like for the car. So not yet but definately in the future when finances allow. PS: Are you an Oasis Fan? Seeing as you live in England, A friend and I are into their music and saw them when they came to AUS.
How do you like the front of your Z?
At Least EricB does :-). http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=284&papass=&sort=1&thecat=998 check out this photo in his gallery it has both a Gnose and front air spook very nice I've seen a few Japanese Z's with this arrangement. Alan if your reading where would you obtain such an attachment? I love the Mirrors on the Fenders/Wings/guards depending on where your from. C'mon more votes for the GNose.
How do you like the front of your Z?
What's wrong people doesn't anybody appreciate the Ferrari like look the GNose adds to the Z? :classic:
autocross 73 240
Arn't you worried about having a sunroof weakening the roof structure in the event of a roll since you do race it don't you?
is this the wrench i need?
Well guys I had no idea that u needed such a tool I could never get those damn things undone without some form of rounding starting. This is particularly important as my clutch hose has some major cracks that will need attention in the not so distant future. While were on the topic are these hoses hard to get and are they expensive? Also if you can't source one easy can you buy the hose and trim it to a certain length? Thanks again.
Me and ElviZ
Fairlady 240ZG
chrome band headlight covers
Yep I've had Alan's experiences with Headlight covers and personally I hate them. I used to have them on my 260z I've inluded a picture they were tinted and looked great as you can probably see for yourself but the dirt and crap that built up inside them was not worth the hassle besides side on you couldn't see the distinctive sugar scoop headlight buckets. I love that look personally and with the gnose those sugar scoops look even better. The headlight covers take away some of the cars style in my opinion sure it makes it more stream lined but who likes a completely smooth car not me I luv old skool muscle cars. Such as a 72 Vette convertable Anyway I'm getting off track cause I luv Z's more. This post was also about those chrome things but yeah there nothing but a hassle and if Alan is correct about their quality than don't bother wasting your time. Also maybe you can get something like this made up. The Old Ferrari GTO's had the same thing and I think maybe E-Type Jags. Sure their is an alternative to the factory option. GOod Luck
MSA Sill 'dogleg'
fresh, bare interior
Rear lights
Sean are you after the ones I have on my Z? Check my photo gallery I believe there the ones your after and if so we have the same ones as the european ones. In America do you guys have red turn signals aswell as the red brake lights? If so when I said I want a set I was talking about a set of US spec ones just to be different. I'm not willing to swap but if I ever come across a good second hand set here in AUS maybe I'd swap those for your existing tail lights. If there US spec that is.
chrome band headlight covers
240z what I believe he's referring to is instead of having a rubber seal around the headlight cover it's a chrome one I do have a picture somewhere it's the ZG had them I think. I'll include a picture I just found one :classic: Ok and my question is where do you get them for the ZG headlight covers??????
Z car Tuning.
Hey guys I'm looking to adjust the valve clearances in my 240z. I've done this before and it's not hard but this car has had a mild duration cam installed so I am wondering if this will mean a new set of specs for how far it should be adjusted. The lobes of course are gonna be sharper but should this affect how much clearance? I hope this post is making sense. Anyway I would also like to know how you'd know if your car is running too lean and what happens when you burn your valves? Apart from a loss in power would you have to reco the valves to correct this problem? I have a gut feeling the car is running a bit lean any help appreciated guys.
My new 240Z
First off I would like to say that's a very nice and original Z you have purchased. I recently purchased a Z myself and I posted a message like this yesterday but obviously it didn't work. Anyway check out my gallery I uploaded some pictures of my latest girlfriend. And for the record I'd spend 11k for a good Z I love these cars to bits especially the 240z.
Works 240ZR
Running for first time in over a year
Try Vigil insurance, There the ones I have been covered with I've got 3 speeding fines since I've got my license I'm 21 almost. The first one was 30km/h over the limit the other 2 were 15km/h or under. I had to provide them with photo's for an agree'd value. It would be a shame to see anything happen to a Z like that especially considering how much it's really worth. I'm paying $800 + a year and that's only 3rd party fire and theft. No full comp :-(. Insurance are assholes to us young guys especially. I think it's a shame cause if your a young guy who's enthusiastic about a classic car then it would go to show that you wouldn't wanna be a dickhead driver and write off such a machine. Just my 2c Gav,
The heck is this?
Can u stop pressing it now it is turning off the lights here